Chapter 15: Setting up Magic Medicine Tun

On either side of the charcoal cinder path, serfs voluntarily knelt down to greet their lord, causing a certain shock to Russell's heart.

"This world, this era… Noble authority is too intense."

He dared not imagine if he were to become a serf himself, how he might break the bonds of class and enjoy a life of freedom.


He lifted his head, his gaze passing over the kneeling serfs, looking toward the more southern direction, where, unlike the Glowing Valley, it was still covered with ice and snow.

Under the ice and snow, where the Glowing River converges, there lies a dark cavern called the Echo Water River Cavern.

Inside the cavern lived a group of freemen who didn't belong to any lord.

Indeed, they had obtained freedom, but their lives were precarious, constantly on the verge of death.

As the lord of Wuyao Snake Manor, one of Russell's major responsibilities as a vassal was to guard the borders of his territory rigorously, preventing freemen from crossing the border to plunder—freemen who did not submit to a noble lord would receive no protection from the lord.

Turning his gaze back, Russell looked at the serfs still kneeling on the ground and said loudly, "Everyone, please rise. From now on, when I, Russell Fluorescent Fungus, your lord, pass by, it is sufficient to give me a nod of recognition; there is no need to kneel and kowtow."

"Ah, praise the master!"

"Master, you are kind and generous!"

"Good-hearted master!"

"Master, you are a true noble!"

"Wuwuwu, such bliss!"

"Praise the master, your glory is immense, master!"

The serfs expressed their gratitude in a babble of voices, with just the act of no longer having to kneel making them think their new lord must be a very good person.

After giving the small market a cursory glance, Russell found that there were only two establishments that could be called shops.

One was a bakery, responsible for making bread for the serfs and helping them purchase some urgently needed supplies from the town.

The other was a blacksmith's workshop, which could also be called a stonemason's or a carpenter's shop, dealing in all kinds of ironware, stoneware, and wooden furniture. Russell even saw some leather goods hanging at the storefront, showing how varied the owner's skills were.

Besides, there was another spot that could hardly be called a shop, with a row of sheds barely constituting a farmers' market.

Some serfs set up stalls here, selling farm goods like chicken eggs, rice wine, and cured meats from their homes.

"Really simple…" Russell lamented again.

Wuyao Snake Manor encompassed nearly 20,000 hectares, which was even larger than some townships back on Earth, and yet it was far less prosperous.

The crux of the issue was the population: with only 3,500 people, it was the size of a somewhat larger village.

That number simply could not sustain the commercial system of a small town.

"There are too few serfs; the manor's farm output in the past could not support many people, but now that I have brought the spirit insects, we should be able to cultivate magic medicine and feed quite a few more people… From where do we get more people?" He could not help but once again turn his gaze towards the Echo Water River Cavern.

This matter required long-term consideration.

Leaving the small market, he continued along the terrain that rose and fell along the charcoal cinder path, forming a not-so-typical valley with the Glowing River at its center.

In Russell's view, the entire Glowing Valley was like a basin.

And Wuyao Snake Manor was situated at the mouth on the southernmost end of this basin, on land that was undulating like hills.

In the distance, there were the low mountains on the east and west sides covered with ice and snow.

After crossing a mound of earth, two mounted figures could be seen galloping in the distance—the newcomers were none other than Charles and Eric, his two teachers.

"Lord Russell, welcome to inspect the estate, haha, as soon as I saw the knights in the distance, I guessed it was you returning," Charles said from atop his horse, doffing his cap in greeting while still holding a heather root pipe between his fingers.

Eric then pounded his chest with his right hand, "Sir."

"Good to see you, both of my teachers. How goes the inspection of the manor? Have you found any suitable places for cultivating magic medicine?"

"The most suitable place is still the banks of Glowing River," Charles said. Although he had fallen on hard times, he still had some learning, "Lord Baron's Magical Medicine Field is located on both banks of Glowing River, and so should ours be."

Russell was non-committal, "Is that so."

"I've made a rough plan. West of Glowing River are Lentil Hamlet and Alfalfa Hamlet, and east are Pea and Wheat Hamlet, Barley Hamlet, and Wheat Hamlet. We can cut out the farmland near the banks of these five hamlets to form a new Magic Medicine Tun."

Standing on a hill on horseback allowed a distant view of the entire Glowing River.

With a casual gesture, Charles explained, "This way, Magic Medicine Tun can benefit from the full irrigation of Glowing River and also be easily patrolled. In case of danger, we can promptly gather the Cordyceps back into the bodies of the Spirit Insects, avoiding major losses."

Cultivating in this world is not quite the same as on Earth.

There might not be a big difference in planting ordinary crops; serfs can manage that well.

But the cultivation of Magic Medicine needs Spirit Insects to sustain it, using the influence of Cordyceps to provide the special environment for the growth of Magic Medicine.

Cordyceps is the plant or mushroom body that nurtures Spirit Insects.

Simply put, it is an enchanted item.

Spirit Insects can retract Cordyceps at any time or plant them and adjust their range of influence over the Magic Medicine through the Cordyceps.

Russell was a man of action, "Let's go take a look together and determine the boundaries of Magic Medicine Tun while we're at it."

Charles shrugged his shoulders, "You're the lord, as you wish."

They galloped on their horses and came to the banks of Glowing River.

"Look, Russell, this area also has a large Birch Forest, all old trees with many years on them, perfectly suitable for the growth of Glowing Mushrooms," Charles said, pointing to a stand of trees just sprouting new buds, the forest spreading along the river, sparse but extensive.

Glowing Mushrooms prefer to grow on tree trunks and are somewhat like parasitic mushrooms.

"Good, but this forest alone isn't enough to cultivate a hundred and fifty acres of Glowing Mushrooms. We need to continue tree planting to expand the Birch Forest," Russell said with satisfaction. "John, go and find Hans, tell him to bring people to measure the land."

"Yes, Sir!" the Armed Knight John complied and left.

Seeing this, Charles hesitated, "Russell, are you beginning the land measurement today? The sun is nearly set. Wouldn't it be better to start tomorrow?"

"Today's work must be done today. Magic Medicine Tun must be planned as soon as possible," Russell said, not taking no for an answer.

His own estate, his own farmland, planting his own crops... everything inspired an endless creativity within him.

Anything that could be done quickly, simply couldn't wait overnight.

Russell's will was well reflected in his followers and freemen. Hans arrived quickly, with a group of hamlet heads and serf supervisors following him.

"Rain Flowers, Glowing Mushrooms, Dill—the Magic Medicine Tun will be divided into three sections. The Birch Forest on both banks will serve as the cultivation area for Glowing Mushrooms, making sure to keep a hundred and fifty acres," Charles, initially wanting to slack off, had no choice but to perk up and take charge of the work.

He could not leave everything to Russell, otherwise, he would lose his own value.

"Yes, Lord Charles, we'll start from the Birch Forest right away; I have brought the measuring tape and stakes," Hans said, bowing.

The hamlet heads and serf supervisors, under the direction of Charles and Eric, began to measure the land, section by section.

The sunlight showered through the Birch Forest, coating the straight branches with a light layer of golden hue. Tree connected to tree, the bright green buds and golden branches presented nature's beauty in full splendor.

Russell gracefully rode his horse to the river's edge, stepping on the riverside stones, and mused to himself, "This place is as beautiful as a scenic spot... too bad, I'm the only visitor."