Chapter 13 Lady Ingrid


For one hour, Russell practiced a single move from "Radiant Swordsmanship Technique" over and over again.

By the end, his arms were numb from the practice.

"Eric, have you noticed? Russell is much more diligent than before," Charles whispered to Eric, "He used to take two or three breaks during morning practice, but now he doesn't rest at all, and his movements are consistently deliberate."

"The Lord has matured," Eric responded succinctly.

As the Qi Seed blossomed, the rite of passage into adulthood, the responsibilities as a lord and a knight, a boy grows into a man, not merely through the transition from a woman's belly.

At least in Eric's view, Russell's maturity stemmed from taking on the burdens of lordship.

A lord is not merely a ruler or an exploiter but also the protector of his subjects, battling against invading Snow Demons, guarding everything in his realm with sweat and blood.


He set down the fine steel longsword and took the towel handed to him by the servant Ram, quickly wiping off his sweat.

Russell approached: "Gentlemen, it's getting late. I need to take a bath before heading to Fluorescent Castle. I leave the task of inspecting the land in your hands, hoping when I return, you will have come to a decision on where to cultivate the magic potion."

"Yes!" answered Eric.

Charles added, "Don't worry, Russell. I discussed this with Hans yesterday, and we've got a good grasp of the situation with the manor's fields. We'll soon determine the best plot for cultivating the magic potion."

"Good," said Russell as he returned to the manor's guesthouse.

The maids had prepared hot water for him. After the bath, the servant Ram helped him into a riding suit suitable for traveling.

Without a hairdryer, he could only wipe his hair with the towel a few additional times, rapidly absorbing the moisture.

As he descended the stairs, he regained his appearance of a young and handsome noble elite, exuding an air of elegance and wealth with every gesture.

"You are a born nobleman, sir," Morris exclaimed in admiration.

"Thank you," Russell smiled.

He then strode out of the manor's guesthouse, followed by Ram, who was a bit nervous and glanced at Morris.

Quickly, Morris whispered, "Hurry and catch up with the lord. Once you arrive at Fluorescent Castle, focus fully on serving him; don't bring shame upon his status!"

"I'll try my best, no, I guarantee it," replied Ram.

Outside the main gate, Russell had already mounted his black steed, and the four armed knights were ready to depart.

Seeing the servant Ram, the armed knight Tom asked with a taunting smile, "Young lad, can you ride a horse?"

"I—I can," he responded.

"Boring." Not getting the reaction he wanted, Tom lost interest in further chatter, "Keep up, and don't fall behind!"


Russell's black steed let out a long neigh and bolted out like an arrow, followed in a straight line by the four armed knights, and at the very end was the servant Ram, crouching low on the horse, nervously holding the reins, careful not to relax.

Being considerate of the servant Ram's inexperienced horsemanship, Russell did not push his horse too fast and began cultivating his battle qi on the way.

The morning practice was for breaking through the battle qi levels, opening new meridians.

And now, it was about continuously guiding the battle qi through the Minor Circulation to refine new battle qi and steadily strengthening it.

Two hours later, Fluorescent Castle was in sight.

After passing through the stone archway and reaching the castle's main gate, Russell dismounted and saw the old butler, Carter, already waiting for him.

"Mr. Russell, welcome home. Did you have a good night's sleep?"


"Sturdy, but I do miss the castle's rooms," said Mr. Russel, though he actually didn't miss them at all; he found the manor annex much more comfortable to live in.

"Your room is always ready for you," Butler Carter said.

"Of course, I wouldn't think otherwise."

Behind him, four armed knights dismounted, and servant Ram followed suit, his legs shaking a bit as he landed.

Although horseback riding was an essential part of a servant's training, he hadn't ridden for a long time and had only hastily practiced the night before.

Seeing Knight Tom about to leave, Ram voiced the question that had been bothering him, "Sir Tom, if I can't ride a horse, does that mean I can't serve the master?"

"Heh heh," Knight Tom laughed, showing his teeth, "If you can't ride, I'd carry you... but you'd have to endure Tom's rough treatment all the way."

Ram shuddered and rushed into the castle as if fleeing.

Tom let out a scornful laugh, "Lord Tom doesn't fence, besides, you have the face of a monkey..."

"Don't cause trouble, Tom," Armed Knight James said.

"Just teasing a servant."

"Watch your attitude, Tom, and don't provoke the master's servant; if the master investigates, we won't vouch for you."

Tom grinned sheepishly, "Why would the master care about a servant?"

Another armed knight, John, interjected, "Whether the master cares or not is no excuse to torment a servant. The master is a natural noble; if you want to advance, then be loyal to the master and be a qualified retainer."

Tom surrendered with raised hands, "Don't worry, guys, I get the message!"


"Father, Mother, Lola, oh, Grandmother, when did you arrive?" Mr. Russel quickly reunited with his family.

Not only were his parents and sister Lola there, but also his grandmother, Lady Ingrid.

Counting the days, I knew you rash kid would be visiting your fief, could your grandmother not come to see you? I didn't expect you wouldn't stay even a day longer," Lady Ingrid greeted her eldest grandson with a full embrace as soon as she arrived.

"I was actually planning to visit Uncle's manor to see you," Mr. Russel said with a smile.

He had an uncle, Rosen Fluorescent Spore, whose situation was similar to his; as a second son in the family, he was knighted by their grandfather and was given the Great Wind Manor on the upper Glowing River as his fief. Now both of them were vassals to Mr. Roman.

"Your uncle wanted to come as well, but the situation in the North is unstable, those damned Snow Ghosts keep showing up, and he can't leave," said Lady Ingrid.

Lady Ingrid didn't live with her eldest son at Fluorescent Castle; instead, she stayed with her second son at a hot spring annex of the Great Wind Manor.

There was a hot spring that was warm all year round, and bathing in it regularly promoted longevity.

Mr. Russel sat with Lady Ingrid and asked casually, "Didn't Aunt come with you?"

"If she came, the two kids would want to come along, and then your father would get peeved by the noise," she replied.

"Father wouldn't be annoyed by my cousins' noise," Mr. Russel defended.

"Yes, your father wouldn't, but others might not feel the same," Lady Ingrid said, glancing seemingly unintentionally at the Baroness, who was instructing the servants to serve the dishes. "After all, it's the Baron's castle with strict rules."

Baroness Melly turned her head with an unchanged smile as if she hadn't caught the insinuation in Lady Ingrid's words.

Baron Roman then spoke, "They didn't come, they didn't come. Next time, let Russell visit Rosen's family."

"It's the thought that counts," Lady Ingrid said, patting Russell's hand. "Now that you're managing your own fief, you must pay close attention, and don't be fooled by the serfs. When it's time for punishment or execution, you must have your own judgment."

"Understood," Mr. Russel replied casually.