Chapter 22 Ross's Greeting

Russel ultimately didn't let Butler Morris lock up the wine cellar in the manor's annex; a little red wine money was hardly missed.

After all, the house that Charles and Eric had found at the small market was already being renovated and would soon move out of the manor's annex.

After a buoyant midday celebration banquet concluded, Russel immediately used Battle Qi to sober up from the alcohol, and by the afternoon, he was completely clear-headed before setting off.

As a lord and baron, his entourage still consisted of four knight attendants and one servant when traveling.

"Chirp, chirp..."

Before they had even reached the town, they heard chirping from above. It was the dragon song of Mr. Ross, lacking the domineering presence of a dragon; instead, it was somewhat humorous.

Apparently noticing Russel's party, Mr. Ross in the sky suddenly swooped down.

"Sir, it's Mr. Ross!" Tom shouted.

"It's alright, Mr. Ross is just coming to say hello," Russel said, reining in his black horse and looking up at the sky.

Ros the Clay Dragon folded its wings, rushing down like a shooting star, seemingly heading straight for Russel.

But Russel remained unmoved, holding the reins and clenching the horse's flanks to prevent his steed from bolting in fright, all while staring intently at Mr. Ross.

Man and dragon.

It was as if their gazes were clashing in mid-air, sparking electrical fires.

Just as Mr. Ross was about to pounce, he suddenly spread his wings wide, executing a beautiful emergency stop and tail spin to fly back up into the sky.


The strong wind from the flapping wings stirred up dust from the Charcoal Dust Road, creating a miniature dust storm which prevented Russel and his knight attendants from opening their eyes.

Rush's rush, the horse ridden by the servant Ram directly panicked and collapsed onto the ground, throwing Ram to the side, whimpering.

"Huff... Ptooey!"

Russel sighed in relief and hurriedly spat out the charcoal dust that had splashed into his mouth.

His gaze followed the departing Ros the Clay Dragon, a fierce glint flashing briefly in the depths of his eyes, his heart harboring anger.

A mere bipedal flying dragon daring to overstep its bounds, "Despicable dragon! Just you wait. When my Little Dream Dragon returns... I'll ride you to death!"

His good mood thus ruined.

Russel itched to slaughter this clay dragon on the spot and spill its blood over the soil of his manor, creating a large clay mine.

Of course, it was just a thought.

"Sir, Mr. Ross's way of greeting is a bit too enthusiastic," Knight Attendant Tom said with an awkward smile.

"Yes, too enthusiastic," Russel replied, not wanting to say more. He glanced at Ram on the ground and said, "See if Ram is hurt."

"No, no need, master, I'm fine," Ram struggled to stand up, but his legs trembled and couldn't hold him, so he fell back to the ground again.

"He's been scared silly, Sir," Knight Attendant John picked up Ram and placed him on the horse's back, "Thankfully, the horse didn't crush his leg; otherwise, it would have been broken... Alright, go calm your horse."

After catching his breath, Ram said, "Th-thank you, Sir John."

Russel asked, "Ram, check carefully, are you sure you're not hurt?"

"I'm not hurt, truly, master."

"Can you still ride the horse?"

"Certainly, certainly!" Ram grabbed the reins, trying hard to straighten his back, "Sir, you needn't worry about me, I can keep up."

Russell saw that his legs were still trembling and simply said, "Then let's dust ourselves off and rest here for five minutes before we continue on our way."

Mr. Ross's greeting was just an interlude.

As the western clouds had just been illuminated, a party of six riders arrived at Fluorescent Castle, passing through the stone archway and immediately encountering a patrol of knights within the castle.

The knight in silver armor leading them was riding a beast resembling a black horse. The creature was muscular and majestic, its neck, hooves, and tail all ablaze with black flames-like manes, though they weren't actual flames, but a special kind of hair.

Russell immediately recognized it as a Nightmare Specter Horse, a fantasy beast evolved from equine animals, known for its swift speed and leaving no tracks in the snow.


Sitting atop the Nightmare Specter Horse, the silver-armored knight beat his chest with his right hand, performing a knightly courtesy, "Mr. Russell, it's been a long time."

Russell beat his own chest in return, replying with the gesture, "Indeed, it has been a while, Chris, Knight Commander. Are you personally guarding the castle today?"

"Today calls for a display of Lord Baron's authority," Chris the Knight Commander replied. As Baron Roman's personal guard commander, every month he led the Knight Regiment on a patrol around the town twice to ensure the subjects did not forget the rule of their Lord.

"Then proceed as you wish. Some other day, come to Wuyao Snake Manor, and I'll treat you to a drink."

"I would be delighted."

After a brief exchange, the Knight Regiment left the castle to display the Baron's authority in town. Russell did not delay either, and directly entered the castle gate.

"Father, Mother, I am here to tell you some good news," Russell said as he took a delicately crafted jade box from his chest. "While I was settling the Youguangxun Mushroom Bugs, I unexpectedly discovered that a wild Spirit Insect had been nurtured within a birch tree."

When he opened the jade box, the birch bug, white with tiny black patterns, caught the eyes of the Baron and his wife.

"It really is a Spirit Insect, Russell, my handsome and lucky son!" Meryl happily kissed Russell's cheek.

It was a common gesture, but Russell's body stiffened a bit.

Fortunately, the Baron and his wife did not notice this, their attention drawn to the birch bug in the jade box, particularly the Baron, who was quite surprised, "A wild Spirit Insect, hmm, how many years has it been since a wild Spirit Insect was found in the Glowing Valley?"

Meryl laughed, "Dear, we've found one now, haven't we?"

The Baron chuckled, "Indeed."

Then he patted Russell on the shoulder, "Lucky lad, sending you to Wuyao Snake Manor was a wise choice."

"That's thanks to your trust in me, Father."

"If you're going to thank anyone, thank your mother. If it weren't for her constant whispering in my ear, I wouldn't have wanted to grant you a fief so early, especially since you haven't achieved any battle honors or even hunted a Snow Ghost on the snowfields."

Russell was amenable, "Mother, thank you."

Seeing her increasingly sensible and sweet-talking second son, Meryl took Russell's hand, smiling nonstop, "We are family, there's no need for the old noble traditions. What does it matter whether you've killed a Snow Ghost or not? My son is a noble by birth."

The Baron replied, resignedly, "Still, after Russell advances to a Great Knight, he will have to hunt Snow Ghosts. Only those who have fought on the snowfields are qualified as Lords."

"Father, I will," said Russell.

"Very good."

"By the way, Father, I wanted to ask you," Russell brought up the purpose of his visit, "there aren't many trees in my territory, just a birch wood suitable for planting Glowing Mushrooms. But now, the birch wood is nurturing birch bugs, and I'm not sure if it's appropriate to plant them together with the Glowing Mushrooms."

"You don't have to worry about that; in fact, it's not only harmless but beneficial," the Baron replied, experienced in such matters. "Even though Glowing Mushrooms are parasites on tree trunks, they belong to a symbiotic variety of mushrooms. The two can benefit and promote each other's growth."

Russell was heartened, "Is that so? Then that's truly wonderful."