Chapter 57 Discussion of Feces Policy

The planning for Lone Wolf Lisbon required a gradual approach.

The agricultural production of the manor didn't really need him, an outsider, to offer guidance, but that didn't stop Russell from exercising his initiative.

"After collection, manure can be used to fertilize fields," he stood by the window on the second floor of the stone house, looking out at the small marketplace separated by a wall, "Mr. Charles, please urge Hans to build a latrine in the marketplace as soon as possible."

The environment of the small marketplace was poor, primarily due to the serfs relieving themselves wherever they pleased.

Russell had long wanted to address this issue.

"Manure can fertilize? Sir, you must be mistaken," Charles raised an objection, "Manure will burn the crops."

Charles had personal experience with this.

He had a rundown courtyard in town with a sour jujube tree, and every time he got drunk, he liked to urinate on the tree.

Over time, the sour jujube tree was burned to death.