Chapter 124 Grocery Store

Russell left William to enjoy a lunch in a separate courtyard of the manor and discussed the construction of the brick kiln factory in detail.

"Sir, I suggest building a brick kiln factory right next to the pottery kiln," William evidently did his homework, "Firstly, it's convenient for the transportation of clay waste; secondly, for the supply of coal, and most importantly, we can employ the craftsmen from the pottery kiln."

"Are you thinking of poaching from the pottery kiln?"

"Cough cough, not poaching, Sir, just asking the pottery kiln's workers to help out in the brick kiln after they finish their shifts."

"Hmm, that's a good idea," Russell nodded.

He definitely wouldn't want to undermine the pottery kiln; it would be like undermining his own parents, after all.

But having the pottery kiln workers take on a second job after their shifts presented no problem at all.