Completely merged with the gloomy skies, amidst the heavy rain.
As if they had never appeared at all!
Yuhai City, lying a mere hundred li from the sea, was distant enough for a mortal to take a whole day and night to traverse.
However, at this moment, that stretch of land was overwhelmed by surging waves, covering more than half of it.
Most cultivators stood atop the city walls, where they could faintly see countless Demonic Beasts, surfacing and roaring in the water, ferociously waving their claws.
The cultivators on the city walls readied themselves even more for the impending crisis, their hands filled with Spirit Talismans and Magic Artifacts, while at their side thousands of differing sized banners of the Heavenly Demon fluttered in the gloomy weather.
Atop the banners, demonic heads, hidden within demonic mists, twisted their bodies as if they were impatient to burst forth from the banners and slaughter to their hearts' content.