Devour or be Devoured

The brunette didn't know how long, he had spent driving on the empty roads, he passed, not like it mattered when the corpses on them, didn't make him feel comfortable either. Matthew was starting to feel like he was in an apocalyptic scenario, but with less action, he was only seeing the end results.

Not a pretty sight either, if he was being honest.

Despite how much he had seen and tried to convince himself, he was desensitized to it. He stopped the motorcycle and threw up in the nearest bush around him, before the motorcycle started to go slower, meaning the tank was almost empty and he didn't know the closest filling station would be. He silently groaned to himself, when he realised his only option was to walk and he did walk.

Well, walked enough before his body collapsed to the ground out of thirst and severe hunger. Maybe his stomach would eat him first before the monsters, he chuckled in a dry tone. As his hand went back to the bag on his shoulder, he silently cursed himself for forgetting, he actually had food on him. The stress was definitely getting to him, as he dragged his dehydrated body to the nearest group of trees, which was easy as he lived at the country side rather than the city. Matthew found the perfect spot, stumbling upon a huge rock as he sat down, zipping the bag as he brought out a bag of chips and opened it, yet his hands were shaking violently like the rest of his body.

The fear was catching up to him, he was no longer running on adrenaline, as he started to feel the fear slowly consume his mind. He snapped out of it, after hearing the growling sound made by his stomach. "No need to be thinking about that. I survived and I should stick to surviving too." He tried to encourage himself yet failed miserably at it. He looked up at the sky, noticing it get dark and suddenly, he no longer felt hungry or thirsty as his body felt nothing but dread in that moment. He didn't know why he stood up and started running before the sun disappeared and was replaced by the moon, he was acting barely on pure instinct, leaving the snacks on the ground, as he heard the sound of them being crushed by a heavy object.


The howling sounds filled the air, as the sound of branches snapping and falling to the ground, as he heard heavy footsteps from behind him. Matthew didn't even have enough energy in his tank, as he tripped to leap off the nearest rock, but ended up tripping, stumbling into the nearest tree.


He screamed, as the impact crushed his knee completely, which alerted the creature to his location. The brunette moved as fast as he could, as the wolf circled him with saliva dripping out from its mouth, focusing its attention on him. The wolf had light blue fur and black cold eyes, which made him shiver without question. He moved his hand around, feeling a broken branch next to him, as he placed it up, unaware that the wolf had leaped on top of him. Matthew raised the branch up, using it to prevent the wolf from taking a bite out of him.


The branch was broken by the mighty jaw of the wolf, as the wood scattered around him. The wolf didn't waste time, piercing its fangs harshly into his skin. He couldn't react, it scared him, he was fading out quickly, as the wolf raised its claw and scratched his skin, blood dripping from his neck and the scratch mark from his chest. He was losing blood quickly, the wolf spared no mercy as he continued to devour him, before he lost himself, he picked up the broken pieces of the branch and focused his remaining strength into the throat of the wolf, as the creature stumbled back. It growled in pain, but that didn't stop Matthew, as he removed the stick from its throat and thrusted it back in. The wolf whimpered for a while, moving around on the ground before its eyes went dull and it stayed still.

"Ugh." He groaned in pain, as he was feeling the effects. He didn't know whether he should focus on the pain or the hunger. He glanced at the fresh corpse, picking up a stone, as he looked at his body and then the wolf's body, sighing softly as he picked his decision. He crawled up to the corpse and used the stone to cut the body up. It didn't matter if it wasn't cooked, or the taste was salty and absolutely disgusting. This was the survival of the fittest and he refused to die out of hunger.

A few minutes passed, as Matthew sat beside a tree, his mouth stained with blood. As all that remained of the wolf, was its skeleton. He ate it all, not even caring in the slightest. He closed his eyes for a brief moment, as he didn't think about anything else but the intense stench of blood in the air and the foul taste on his tongue. "Devour or devoured, they say. Try being in both situations." He sighed, wiping the blood of his mouth with his school shirt, which he quickly discarded to the side, ripping it apart as he tied it over his broken knee with a stick to help him with his movement, as he picked up the fur of the wolf, as he made sure to tear it off before he actually ate the wolf. He wrapped it around his bleeding shoulder and chest, but not too hard, as he needed them to soak up the blood and prevent him from getting an infection. Matthew closed his eyes, letting his guard down. Unaware of the next group of monsters that were heading his way, due to his shouts and the scent of the blood in the air, that was very fresh.