Price of having a baby

Tortured by Adam all night. She eventually couldn't fight the pain and exhaustion in her body and drifted off to sleep.

Selina awoke early the next morning to the sunlight filtering in through the window. She felt her back aching and every joint in her body protesting against last night's humiliating treatment.

Selina struggled to sit up from the bed, she stretched her stiff body to try and ease the pain.

The nanny made her a cup of tea. She sipped it slowly, letting the warm liquid soothe her pain. She decided to go to the hospital today to check if she could get any relief.

Selina sat alone on her bed in her bedroom as Adam's rudeness echoed in her mind. Her heart ached as if it had been cut by a sharp blade. Tears involuntarily slid down her cheeks, each drop carrying her grievances and pain.

Selina felt that Adam's love had faded and she no longer held any place in his heart. She seemed to exist only to fulfil a task - to bear him a child. This knowledge overwhelms her with despair.

She knew that she was now only a nominal wife to Adam. She gets no respect from him, feels no care from him. This marriage, has lost its proper meaning.

Selina even thought pessimistically that if it wasn't for the child, Adam might have kicked her out of the house long ago. This assumption sent a chill down her spine, and her marriage, it seemed, had already existed in name only.

In tears, Selina began to reflect on her life. She asks herself, is this life really what she wants?

Selina sits in the empty room, her mind filled with anxiety. She felt a deep fear at the thought of possibly being kicked out of her home by Adam. With no job and no financial resources, she wondered how she would survive if that day did come.

She was fully committed to the marriage. Now, faced with the possibility of loss, she felt she had nothing.

Selina felt financial pressure like never before. She had no money to pay for her mother's treatment. Her own savings were nowhere near enough to cover the cost, and if she asked Adam for money, it would make him despise her even more.

Late at night, Selina wandered alone in her bedroom, her heart filled with struggles. The choice between her mother's health and her own dignity is a painful one.

Selina knows that as a daughter, it is her responsibility to ensure that her mother receives the best treatment possible. However, asking Adam for help meant that she had to put aside her pride, which was difficult for her to accept.

As night falls, Adam returns home with the fatigue of the day. His face looks cold, as if he has an unknown weight on his mind.

Selina stood outside the study door, took a deep breath, gathered all her courage and knocked on the door. Her heart was racing and her palms were slightly sweaty, this was the first time she had faced Adam so directly.

Adam opened the door, his eyes didn't linger on Selina's face, as if her presence no longer mattered to him.

Selina's voice carried a hint of trembling as she asked the question that worried her most in her mind, "When I give birth. If we get divorced, how much money will you give me?"

A trace of contempt flashed in Adam's eyes as he looked at Selina coldly, as if all the respect he had for her had disappeared at this moment.

"You really are a vain woman." Adam's words were filled with sarcasm and disdain.

Selina felt a stab of pain as Adam's words cut into her heart like a knife. She wanted to defend herself, to tell him what she really thought, but the words stuck in her throat and she couldn't get them out.

Despite the pain in her heart, Selina tried to maintain her self-respect. She knew that she needed to fight for what was rightfully hers, even if it meant facing Adam's misunderstanding and contempt.

The two men faced each other in silence in the study, tension and indifference in the air; Selina said nothing more but stood there quietly, waiting for Adam's answer.

Adam sat on the chair in the study and looked at Selina with a cold gaze.His voice was calm but with a hint of imperceptible sarcasm: "How much do you want?"

Selina took a deep breath and tried to sound firm, "I need ten million dollars. Isn't that a drop in the bucket for you?" She needed that money for her mother's treatment and for her future stability.

A sneer curled the corners of Adam's mouth as he replied with obvious contempt, "That's the price you pay for having a baby?"

Selina felt the insult in Adam's words, but she didn't flinch. She looked him straight in the eye and replied, "Yes. It would have seemed to you that I married you for the money too, wouldn't it?"

Adam sat in the shadows of his study, Selina's words like a thorn in his heart. He had taken a chance, hoping that Selina's feelings for him were real, but now, he felt utterly disappointed.

He thought that Selina asking him for money was a denial of his love and the destruction of all his hopes.Adam's heart was filled with pain and anger, he felt that he had been cheated.

Selina stands outside the door, Adam's silence makes her feel uneasy. She knew that Adam had misunderstood her, but she needed the money to save her mother's life, and this urgent need prevented her from caring too much.

Selina said silently to Adam in her mind, "I love you, but I love my mother too. I need this money, not out of greed, but for life."

Adam's voice echoed in the study, he didn't look at Selina again, as if he was protecting his broken heart with indifference." No problem, it's only ten million dollars." His words revealed a sense of contempt, and again, he seemed to be drawing a line in the sand with the money.

"I'll put that money in your card when you have the baby." Adam made the offer, and his words made Selina feel an unspeakable sense of humiliation and powerlessness.

Selina stood there in silence for a long time. Her heart was struggling, but her mother's condition and urgent need left her with no choice. In the end, she could only accept the offer, even if it meant sacrificing her dignity.

As Adam's words fall, the emotional rift between the two men becomes even more pronounced, and Selina feels that the love between them is no longer there, replaced by a cold transaction.

Selina returns to her room, her heart full of resistance. She doesn't want Adam to think less of her, and she doesn't want the marriage to turn into a transaction, but she can't find a better solution.