Silvia's Admirer

After Selina hung up the phone, her heart was unusually excited like a lit flame. She sat in front of her desk, her eyes fixed on a thick notebook left behind by her sister Silvia, her fingers gently sliding on the pages, finally stopping on a paper about the exploration of the mining areas in Southern Cloud State and Sacred China State.

She had robbed her sister Silvia of her identity, and she could only get a glimpse of Silvia's former life and career through this notebook. The words in the notes seemed to carry Silvia's scent, causing her to fall into deep thought at times and smile knowingly at others.

"Mines ... scientific research materials ..." Selina murmured, her eyes glittering with anticipation and curiosity.The few special materials Silvia had marked out were, in her opinion were not just simple minerals, but also treasures that contained endless scientific research value. If these materials could be grasped in her hands, they would definitely bring about a revolution in the field of scientific research.

Just as Selina was immersed in the sea of notes, pondering over the importance of these scientific research materials, a number suddenly called, displaying the name of William.Selina frowned slightly, she was no stranger to this name. Before posing as her sister Silvia, she had already double-checked all of her address books.William, a suitor of Silvia's during her university days, had taken care of Silvia almost to the last detail. But Silvia always maintained a cold attitude towards this man, she never really accepted William's feelings.

Selina took a deep breath and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" Her voice was cold and brief.

On the other end of the phone, William's voice immediately became excited, "Silvia, you ... you finally said more than one word to me, my efforts, you ... you finally saw it! " His voice was filled with joy and anticipation.

Selina couldn't help but feel some discomfort in her heart as she listened to William's words.

She didn't like this feeling of being overly noticed, and even more so, she didn't like this feeling of being made a target.

But she also knew that now was not the time to tear her face off.

She had to stay calm and continue to play Silvia's role.

"Say, what is it?" She tried her best to sound impatient.

William coughed slightly awkwardly, then said, "Actually ... it's not a big deal, it's just ... just wondering how you've been doing lately." There was a hint of caution in his voice, afraid of offending Selina.

Selina sighed softly and said, "I'm fine, hang up if you're fine."

She didn't want to dwell too much with William and just wanted to end this call as soon as possible.

However, William didn't give up, he hurriedly said, "Don't don't don't, Silvia, there's something I want to ask you.

"Are you ... you free these days? I'm in San Joaquin, can we meet up?" There was a hint of pleading in his voice.

Selina's heart fluttered, she felt that there must be something fishy about this William's sudden offer to meet. She decided to troll him for a while longer to see what he was trying to say.

"Meet up? I ... am busy with a very important project, I don't have time." She deliberately put it off.

William didn't seem to be dead set on it, he took a deep breath and said, "I know you're busy, and I used to listen to you, but this time it's really important. I have some news to share with you about research materials. I think you might be interested because the mine you're buying now might contain this metal as well."

Selina's eyes instantly lit up as she realised that the scientific research material William was talking about might have something to do with the notes she was holding. She decided to take the opportunity to find out what was going on and see just how much William knew.

"Okay, just set a time and place." She said lightly.

After hanging up, Selina was deep in thought.

This time, one had to be careful, although this licking dog had certain ideas about Lin Shanshan.

But it didn't mean that people were stupid.

His own every move might be carefully observed by him.

As Silvia's loyal licking dog, he reckoned that he knew his sister Silvia's every move better than himself.

Inside a small rundown house in San Joaquin, William hung up the phone and jumped up and down with excitement.

He cried out with his hands in the air, "Silvia is finally willing to see me! My efforts have not been in vain!"

He excitedly grabbed a pen and a piece of draft paper and began to write a piece of code that belonged to Silvia.

He wanted to express his love and determination in this way.

There were no computers or modern office equipment in this shabby hut, just some of William's crappy pens and sketch pads. But he doesn't care about these, he believes that as long as he has the heart, he can create his own miracle.

Meanwhile, inside Selina's study, Adam walked in.

He saw Selina pacing alone for a long time, seemingly thinking about something important. He gently walks up behind her and hugs her from behind.

"Silvia, what's bothering you?" Adam's voice was gentle and concerned.

Selina was taken aback by Adam's sudden move, but soon felt his warmth and care. She gently leaned into his arms and threw all her worries to the wind.

"Nothing major, just some work stuff I need to take care of." She said softly, trying to sound as calm as possible.

Adam gently stroked her hair and said gently, "No matter what difficulties you encounter, I will be by your side to support you. We'll face it together and overcome it together."

Selina felt Adam's firmness and deep love, and a warm current surged in her heart.

She knew that in this world, there were not many people who could truly understand and support her, and Adam was one of them.

She turned to face Adam with gratitude and happiness shining in her eyes, "Thank you, Adam. with you by my side, I feel that no matter what difficulties I encounter, I have the courage to face them."

Adam smiled and held her hand, looking at her fondly.

The two of them smiled at each other, each other's eyes full of love and trust.

However, Selina's heart was still a little apprehensive.

She took a deep breath and said to Adam, "Adam, I need to make a trip to San Joaquin to meet a very important person. This person may bring me some important information about scientific research materials."

Adam frowned slightly when he heard this, but he quickly regained his composure, "Silvia, I trust your decision. Go ahead and I'll be here when you return."

Selina nodded gratefully as she gave Adam a gentle hug before turning and walking out of the study.

On the way to San Joaquin, Selina was filled with mixed emotions.

She was both looking forward to this meeting that would give her some valuable information, and worried that she would expose her identity and be in danger as a result.