With Him In Her Dreams

Isla lay on the bed after taking a shower and received a message from Ash,

[Good night, go to bed early. ]

Isla's phone fell to the quilt with a "pop" sound. She picked it up randomly and stared at the words. In the end, she pretended not to see it and did not reply.

After waiting for a few minutes and seeing no movement from his phone, Ash put it down as if nothing happened. Wish her good dreams, with him in her dreams.


Isla didn't come back for more than an hour. Kevin went crazy trying to find her. He made more than a dozen calls before she got through. He almost wanted to curse, but couldn't bear to curse, so he could only hold his breath and said, "Miss, where you have been? Do you know why we almost called the police if you didn't answer your phone call?"

"It's not that exaggerated." Isla said calmly, "I'm at home, don't worry."