Tyr's Revelation

"Using it with two hands might increase the power of his swings but his defense.... Maybe he put his shield up for mobility. I mean, he ain't Captain America with that bitch that's for sure." While he had this thought process the enemy stomped the ground, making everything tremble in a 10 feet radius yet Tyr stood firm.

He throws the weapon at the Tree Sentinel. As it soared over the distance between the Tree Sentinel and Tyr, his hands mold together to create the signs needed for the Fireball Jutsu. But instead of the conventional fire breathing method, his lips cup together. Chakra builds up in his mouth and is converted to fire chakra. He retracts the muscles in his cheeks and throat, compressing the fire chakra built up. His mouth only up to a miniscule amount and he creates a tiny hole using his in index finger and thumb as a medium. The fire vibrantly spills out from his mouth as a beam.

The Tree Sentinel uses their weapon to block the Beastman's sword but their torso is hit by the beam of fire. Upon impact, the flames spread, combusting like TNT. Their body is lit aflame, superheating the armor they held. But the adversary was resilient. Their body pushed through the intense heat that scorched and charred the ground.

As he pursued Tyr an image appeared at his left. His arms cross his chest as it lights up his entire body in a pastel yellow hue. He releases the cross and creates a shockwave, extinguishing the flames on him. The smoke arises in the area from the burnt bushes, grass, and dirt.

Tyr's footsteps were audibly available to the Tree Sentinel. Their arm increases in altitude, holding his halberd at a level above his head. They stepped forward and drobbed the head of his halberd down like a sledge hammer. An image of Tyr is split in two but fades away. That's when a spinning man came jolting at the golden knight, elbowing the top of their head. The Tree Sentinel stumbled but Tyr continues to spin. His fist hails down, hitting the top of their head once again. With a final spin, his body tilts over and drops his knee on the same area he hit twice. As he was landing, the Tree Sentinel wobbled back with arm swinging to avoid getting hit by an unsuspecting attack.

"Looks like I rattled his brain with those hits. And with the heat inside that armor, there's no way he wouldn't be rocked." Tyr watched as the being that once one shotted him, fling their weapon around as if to save their own life. Like an animal that was backed into a corner.

"Don't tell me you don't know you're left from your right?" Chakra is kneaded in his feet. He boost himself forward and slides against the ground. As the knight swung at the air, Tyr twisted his body and kicked the back of the Tree Sentinel's knees. This made them fall onto their back.

His left hand took out the katana in his inventory. "It's about time to get rid of this nuisance." The sword orbits his finger by switching its spot between his fingers. Turning the sword again and again like spinning a pencil. He jumped into the air. The knight seeing this, held their Halberd in front of them.

"You think I'ma let that hit me??" The katana is thrown at the Tree Sentinel and the hand signs for the Fireball Jutsu are woven again. This time, he spits out an actual fireball to engulf the sword and the knight in flames. The force propels him up into the air as he breathed down. The sword was heated by the flames and pierced through the knight's armor. The heart of the Tree Sentinel is stabbed through and Tyr comes down with a Stormveil Knight's sword. He spins his body, avoiding the halberd and strokes the sword through the gap in the mob's helmet. Stabbing through the brain and ending it's life. The runes enter his body, signifying its death and Tyr sighs while basking in heat.