Gunne's Resolve

The large blade raining down on Gunne's presence clawed through all it came into contact with. The walls of Castle Morne were no stranger to this. Effortlessly, the beast cleaved through the defensive walls of the fortress. Gunne continued to avoid and parry each attack that came his way.

Scratches and marks of a blade nicking the skin of the Leoine Misbegotten covered its body from its legs to his torso. But no significant damage was done. The long arm of the misbegotten race against the gale forces. Blade in hand, cutting through the wind. Metal strikes Gunne's sword. Spark fly as the two armaments grind against one another. The misbegotten's might was too much and by proxy; the distance between this beast and the soldier of Tyr grew. His arm slung to the left from the ferociousness of this animal's attacks. "Tsk." The man grounds himself by plastering his feet against the stone canvas. Adding resistance against the floor to slow down his involuntary acceleration backwards.

In a single bound, the grotesque entity travelled across the corridor with the Grafted Greatsword coming down, cleaving through the ceiling to get to its target. His body tipped to the left, avoiding the vertically hack of that horrifically crafted armament.

A large hand reaches over and encompassed Gunne's torso. "Shit!!" The arm jolts upward, slamming the soldier into the ceiling and with a slug of their arm, THOOM!! The surrounding area collapse with Gunne's body hitting the ground with inhuman force.

Gunne is seen burst out of the wall of Castle Mourne, wincing in pain.

From the view of an individual, this wasn't good. "Hm....this isn't good."

Agheel, lowered his head to the man. "It seems like your servant is incapable of completing the task."

"The fight isn't in his favor, thats for sure." The two (Tyr and Agheel) were spectating the fight. From the perspective of the dragon, Gunne was going to lose without dealing any signifnicant damage on his adversary. However, Tyr smirked at this thought. "But that is only because his current display of strength is inadequate."

"Huh? Are you implying this measely soldier will develop in the midst of battle?" Agheel asked.

Tyr stretched his arms by intertwining his fingers and extending his arms upward until their limit. "Mmmh, enlightenment can happen at anytime, Agheel." He then reached forward. "All he needs is a little push."

Gunne drags his sword against the ground while holding his chest. "Damn, what kind of beast is this? Where did they find a being with such monstrous strength?" His arm quaked in pain. (My sword is chipping away, my arms are going numb, and I am not strong enough to hurt it.) He lowered his head a kneeled. "I am sorry, M'lord. My all was not enough."

"Gunne." A familiar voice was registered.

(Thats the voice of M'Lord. Is he here with me? No, he set off on his journey of conquest. Then ho-)

"Are you yielding in the face of true tribulation?" Tyr asked.

"M'lord....I apologize for my inability to perform the task you requested. My opponent.....they are above my current capabilities." Gunne sunk.

"And that warrants you to surrender?" (Tyr) "How can you call yourself a soldier if you yield your life to another so easily? How can you continue life without proceeding until you cannot? WHERE IS YOUR HEART!!"

"M'lord...." a shimmer of light materialized in his eyes. (Rather this is really his majesty or not is hardly of importance.) He stood up. (If my will is not broken, why surrender? If there's still strength in this body, why yield? If there's a heart in my chest, why fall?)

The beast charged at him again, propelling itself at Gunne from a distance 20 meters. In under a second, it reached Gunne's vicinity with a shoulder to hip attack.

(If I can cut their skin....Then I can cut them!!) His sword comes with the flat side, redirecting the greatsword into the ground. (Recall all that I have been taught.) Chakra is imbued into the sword from his finger tips. Increasing the sharpness of the sword and its durability.

The beast attempts to grab Gunne but the man was already in motion.(Focusing my energy into singular points of my body increases the strength of the attacks.) His body bends over while flying in the air, sideflipping over the massive hand. As he twisted his body, Gunne slices at the beast. Its wrist's skin splits open with the surface of their muscle. Blood leaks from the scar and falls onto the sand below. But the beast continues with their onslaught.

An unrelenting barrage of cleaving attacks were dropped onto Gunne's being. Gunne mixed parrying, blocking, and evasion all into his defense to avoid taking unnecessary damage from the misbegotten. The man's mind was clear, focus, yet ferocious.

Chakra is linked to the progenitor. While it is not common, the inheritors can gain trait(s) of their predecessor. Gunne's inheritance of Tyr's chakra unlocked something within him. A talent for martial arts unforeseen. Without noticing.....Gunne unleashed the First Gate; Gate Of Opening. But his performance wasn't reliant on this increase in physicality. His mind knew of the creature's previous habits and patterns. This information was. Collected and grouped togethe, his recognition of those patterns was potent. So much so to the point where he could feel the misbegotten's next move before their muscle's twitch to perform the action. And as a response to this amplification of the neocortex's effecacious results, he could simultaneously understand the flaws within his own combative format compared to Yura and Tyr's.

This evasion wasn't of arrogance or a ddunken state caused by a influx of power. It was a learning experience. The mindless besst kept attacking Vunne but to no avail. A division in skin and muscles formed on the misbegotten's abdomen. While shallow, blood still escapes their body.

"No thats not right." A vertical strike comes down on Gunne. With a 90° twist, his avoiding the lethal blow. His body follows thei sword swing, aligning himself with his sword foe utmost strength and percision. A gash down its arm appeared. Blood sprays, dyibg the environment. But Gunne was behind the monster without a singular blood cell on his body. An arch of persumably white appearance was draw around the body of the animalistic entity as if someone used the air as their canvas.

Gunne stroke the blade against the air, scarring the animal. Another gash appeared. And another. And another. Ever increasing cuts formed across the misbegotten's body entirely. As such, the air was lined up with the array of white curves that follow behind the blade of Gunne. Gunne stepped away from the beast finally. "Fall, for the sake of the Elden Lord." He lunged passed the being and it a severing line starts to form right as Gunne was wiping the blood off of his sword. The head of the beast falls, rolling against the ground as the body falls.

As soon as Gunne sheathed his sword, his muscles start to tear and rip. "Guh...AAAAH!!!" In agony, he lets a terrible, gut wrenching scream escape. He begisn to fall over from overxertion and use of the first gate but was caught by none other than Edgar.