As Eba arrived in the bustling city, she was immediately enveloped by the vibrant energy of the upcoming festival. The streets were abuzz with the lively sounds of entertainment spilling out from every shop and stall.
Eba took in the dazzling array of sights and sounds, her eyes wide with wonder as she explored this new world she had found herself in. Though she lacked any form of currency, Eba was content to simply observe the festivities unfolding around her.
She may not be able to partake directly, but Eba found joy in simply being a spectator to the delights of this strange, captivating city. For now, her investigation of this unfamiliar place took precedence over any material wants or needs. The sheer excitement of discovery was more than enough to fill her heart.
Eba couldn't help but feel as if she were trapped in a waking dream, desperate to break free yet utterly unable to do so. "This can't be real," she murmured, her brow furrowed in bewilderment.
Unlike the hazy, unstable nature of dreams, the faces of the people around her remained constant and steadfast. And her own movements, too, possessed a solidity that defied the usual sluggishness of slumber.
Eba's mind raced, flashing back to the events that had led her to this strange new world. The ominous words of the black serpent echoed in her memory, yet the specifics remained frustratingly elusive. She strained to grasp hold of those recollections, but they slipped through her fingers like wisps of smoke.
Tears began to well in Eba's eyes, a physical manifestation of the turmoil swirling within her.
"Eh? What is this?" Eba murmured, blinking back the tears that had suddenly welled up in her eyes. "Why am I crying?"
A realization slowly dawned on her. "Ah, I see..." she breathed, a pained expression crossing her features. "Perhaps my mind has forgotten, but my heart has not..."
The name tumbled from her lips, carrying a weight of sorrow and longing. "Nana..."
Eba came to an abrupt halt, her gaze unfocused as she stared off into the distance. The people around her grew confused, some offering concerned glances and inquiries, wondering if she needed assistance.
For a full ten minutes, Eba remained rooted to the spot, seemingly lost in her own thoughts. The tears had not stopped flowing, a testament to the depth of emotion coursing through her.
"Nana," she finally spoke, her voice steady and resolute. "Wait for me. I promise I will come back and help you. Be brave until I return." Eba's eyes narrowed with determination. "I swear to God that I will save you."
With a deep, steadying breath, Eba began to carefully analyze the situation, her mind whirring like a well-oiled machine. It was a habit honed through countless hours of video game strategizing - a skill that might just prove invaluable in the trials that lay ahead.
Eba's eyes gleamed with a newfound understanding. "This parallel world - it's uncharted territory, a complete unknown!" she realized, the pieces of the puzzle swiftly falling into place.
"The black snake must have placed me here for a reason," she murmured, her brow furrowed in contemplation. "And if that's the case, then the key to getting out of this realm and returning home..." Eba paused, a flicker of insight igniting within her. "The answer must lie in the unknown!"
She couldn't help but marvel at the seeming coincidence. "Is this a pun or just pure chance?" Eba mused aloud. "Regardless, every problem has its solution, hidden away until one dares to venture forth and uncover it."
Resolve hardening in her features, Eba declared with conviction, "Nana, wait for me! I'm going to delve into the unknown, and I'll find the answers we need to set things right."
Turning her gaze towards the towering spires of the local church, Eba nodded to herself. "The old man said this place is the center of everything. If I want information, that's where I'll start." Her lips curved into a determined smile. "Just like in a game, I'll talk to the NPCs and see what they can tell me."
With that, Eba set out, her steps filled with a newfound sense of purpose. "Alright then, let the game begin."
Before, Eba had been lost in a state of confusion and disorientation, simply absorbing every word without truly processing it. But now, after those contemplative ten minutes, her mind had regained its keen edge.
The fog had lifted, and Eba felt a newfound clarity coursing through her. She had found her footing, her thoughts organized and her resolve steeled. Eba felt as if she had buckled up, ready to take the wheel and navigate this unfamiliar realm.
However, just as she was about to set off towards the church, a figure came rushing in her direction. Eba's eyes widened as she beheld the approaching girl - a vision of pure, unearthly beauty.
No more than three years younger than Eba, the girl's raven locks cascaded down her back, framing a complexion so fair it seemed to glow. Clad in a flowing white dress that barely grazed the ground, she moved with a graceful, almost ethereal, elegance.
Even Eba, transfixed by the sight, couldn't help but compare the girl's radiance to that of the goddess Aphrodite herself. It was as if the divine had taken human form, gracing the mortal realm with its presence.
The girl's striking crimson eyes seemed to captivate every onlooker, drawing their undivided attention. Eba found herself enraptured, her previous thoughts momentarily forgotten as she became swept up in the breathtaking spectacle before her.
The enchanting girl swiftly closed the distance between them, her crimson eyes alight with joy. In a sudden, graceful motion, she launched herself into the air, her arms outstretched in a warm, welcoming embrace.
"Big Sis! Big Sis!" she exclaimed, her voice ringing with unbridled excitement.
"Woah, wait, wait!" Eba cried out, her reflexes kicking in as she attempted to brace herself for the impending collision.
With a resounding impact, the girl's delicate form collided with Eba's, their bodies entangling as they tumbled to the ground. Eba felt a jolt of pain as her back hit the hard surface, but the girl seemed utterly undeterred, hugging her with the enthusiastic fervor of a loyal dog reuniting with its beloved owner.
The two of them lay there, their bodies intertwined, as onlookers from the surrounding area gathered to witness the beautiful, albeit unexpected, tableau. The girl's flowing white dress and Eba's clothes seemed to meld together, creating a captivating visual of two souls joined as one.
"Ah... what are you doing?" Eba exclaimed, wincing slightly from the impact as she disentangled herself and stood up. "Who even are you? Why did you jump on me?" she demanded, her brow furrowed in a mix of bewilderment and mild discomfort.
The girl, undeterred, looked at Eba with a puzzled expression. "Eh? Big Sis, it's me, Diana, your younger sister. Jeez, how could you forget? We got here in the middle land together, remember?" she said, a hint of revelation in her voice.
Eba's confusion only deepened. "Ha? What do you mean we got here together?" she asked, her tone laced with uncertainty.
"I've been searching for you all day, ever since you vanished in the grassland about 8 hours ago," Diana said, her voice tinged with a mixture of worry and determination.
"We travel here, you and I, going on adventures and all that. But I just happened to fall asleep in the process, hehe," she explained with a playful wink.
Eba's mind raced, struggling to make sense of the girl's claims. "Um, Diana was it... I'm afraid but I'm not your sister. You've mistaken me," she said, her voice tinged with reluctance.
Diana's eyes widened, a flicker of realization dawning on her features. "Eh? But I can feel your presence," she murmured, a pensive look crossing her face. "They call it a 'Saint's Blessing,' I think. And I'm certain you're the only one who has it. You have to be my sister!"
Eba could see the conflict etched on Diana's face as the girl grappled with the realization that Eba was not, in fact, her lost sister. Eba herself was equally perplexed, having no knowledge of this "Saint's Blessing" or any connection to Diana.
"Diana, where did you get separated from your sister?" Eba asked, her tone gentle yet probing. "Because I can say with certainty that I just got here, and I don't have any siblings."
Diana's brow furrowed, her lips parting in a frustrated pout. "Eh? But you have to be my sister!" she insisted, her voice tinged with a hint of a tantrum.
"Maybe we can piece this together. You said you got separated from your sister about 8 hours ago, in a grassland, correct?" Eba said, her expression earnest.
Diana nodded hesitantly, her crimson eyes glistening with a mixture of confusion and hope.
Eba nodded, her expression thoughtful. "I see. So you and your sister were together in that grassland, and then she disappeared,
"Well, that just happens to be the same time I arrived in this parallel world," Eba mused, her mind quickly working to connect the dots. "So, it seems there may be a connection between us, but not in the way you're thinking."
Eba paused, taking a moment to collect her thoughts, as she had done earlier. Bringing her fingers to her temples, she rubbed gently, determined to unravel the mystery before them.
Eba's mind raced as she pieced together the details Diana had provided. It seemed they were somehow connected, like is she also from my world, though the nature of that connection remained unclear.
"Diana, you say you recognize your sister through this 'saint's blessing,' but you didn't know what she looked like?" Eba asked, her brow furrowing in thought.
Diana shook her head solemnly. "No, I know what she looked like...before," she added, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Before?" Eba pressed, her curiosity piqued. "What do you mean before?"
"We were traveling, and...I can't remember much. But a creature, ate my memory," she explained, a hint of sadness creeping into her expression.
"Ate your memory?!" she exclaimed, Eba's eyes widened in shock.
Diana nodded, then added with a hint of pride, "But even with my memory eaten, I still know my big sis is beautiful, like a god."
Eba mulled over this new information, her fingers once again rubbing at her temples. "I see," she murmured, more to herself than to Diana. "So it wasn't someone who altered her memory, but rather it was eate.....erased."
As Eba pieced together the fragments of information, a sense of clarity began to emerge. She could feel the pieces of the puzzle falling into place, like the tumblers of a lock clicking into alignment.
Eba took a deep, steadying breath, her eyes drifting shut as she focused inward. Suddenly, she remembered the silence of that night. Within the void surrounding her, silence fell, save for the gentle rhythm of her own breathing.
But then, Eba's brow furrowed, her eyes snapping open as she realized something was amiss. The sound of her breathing was not alone - there was another presence in that blackness, someone else exhaling in time with her.
Eba's heart hammered in her chest, a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins. "I need more information," she whispered, her gaze darting about the void, seeking the source of the mysterious breathing. "Something is not connecting. Diana...she is an important piece of this puzzle. I need her."
"Diana, as I've told you before, I'm not certain if I am truly your sister. The only way to know for sure is to recover your lost memories." Eba gazed at Diana with a somber expression.
"But how can regain my memories?" she asked, a tinge of sadness crossed Diana's features.
"I know! Let us go to the church - that is where we had been seeking aid." Eba's eyes shone with determination.
However, Diana suddenly shouted, "No! We absolutely cannot go there. My dear sister warned me that the Church is evil. We must stay far away!"
"Evil? What do you mean? Why does your sister feel that way about the church?" Eba said and was taken aback by Diana's vehement reaction.
"I'm not sure... All I remember is my sister forbidding me from ever approaching the church." Diana furrowed her brow as she tried to recall.
After a moment's pause, Diana shyly asked, "By the way, I don't believe I ever learned your name..."
"It's Eba," she replied gently.
A soft smile graced Diana's lips. "Eba... such a beautiful name." Her expression grew contemplative. "Earlier, I was so certain you were my sister, even though you deny it. There is just something about you that feels so familiar. So, would you... would you be willing to be my sister? Just until I can regain my memories, that is."
Eba's eyes shone with warmth as she placed a reassuring hand on Diana's shoulder. "Why, I would be honored to be your sister, Diana - not just temporarily, but forever more." She gave Diana's hand a gentle squeeze. "Now, let us focus on recovering your lost memories, shall we?"
Diana's expression fell when Eba had denied being her sister, but everything seemed to light up when Eba agreed to be her sister, even if just for a little while. Eba's heart swelled with joy, akin to a young child meeting their newborn sibling in the hospital ward. Finally, she had the chance to experience what it felt like to have a sister, having been an only child her whole life.
Eba took Diana's concerns about the church seriously. If her sister had warned her to stay away, then that settled it. The church was no longer an option.
With that path closed off, the two young women found themselves aimlessly wandering, taking in the lively sights and sounds of the nearby festival. The colorful stalls, the tantalizing aromas, and the joyful atmosphere lifted their spirits as they walked without a clear destination in mind. For now, they would simply enjoy each other's company and this unexpected chance to be sisters, if only temporarily.
In the excitement of their newfound sisterly bond, both Diana and Eba momentarily forgot about their original purpose. For Diana, she was simply savoring the joy of having a sister by her side, something she had longed for. And for Eba, who had always been an only child, this was a novel and cherished experience.
The lively festival atmosphere surrounded them, and the two young women found themselves immersed in the sights, sounds, and flavors, their troubles momentarily forgotten. But as is the way with all good things, this blissful interlude passed by all too quickly.
As the clock neared the hour, the once-vibrant crowd began to fall silent. One by one, and then in small groups, people of a different caliber started to appear. Groups of three, five, even ten or more, radiated an aura of experience, battle-hardened discipline, and deep sorrow. These were no ordinary festival-goers - they were clearly individuals who had faced great hardships.
The normal citizens in the crowd could feel the weight of their presence, an unmistakable sensation of power and heroism. As these solemn figures strode past, all eyes were drawn to them, the festive mood giving way to a palpable tension in the air.
The intriguing individuals continued to file past, each one uniquely garbed and equipped. Some wore thick metal armor, offering formidable protection. Others were clad in lighter, more agile attire, suggesting a preference for nimble movements and quick responses. And their weaponry was just as diverse – swords, axes, bows, and more, each warrior tailored to their own fighting style and preferences.
Their attire and armaments spoke volumes about their skills, their experiences, and their very identities. These were no mere festival-goers, but seasoned fighters, hardened by battle and prepared for the challenges that lay ahead.
"Navigators and revered as Heroes," Eba thought to herself, watching the procession with a mix of awe and trepidation.
"They look so cool, don't they, sis?" Diana exclaimed, her eyes shone with amazement as she turned to her newfound sister.
Eba nodded thoughtfully. "Even with the danger they face, I can understand why everyone would be drawn to this heroic profession if they witnessed such a display," she mused.
The air was thick with the palpable sense of purpose and determination emanating from these extraordinary individuals. It was clear that whatever battle lay ahead, they were more than ready to face it head-on, their very presence commanding the respect and attention of all who witnessed their march.
The procession of heroes had transformed the entire vicinity into a captivating parade. Everyone in the crowd was utterly transfixed, as if under some kind of spell. Not a single word could be heard, but the expressions on their faces spoke volumes.
Their eyes shone with a brilliant, starlike glimmer, widened in awe and wonder, unwilling to blink and miss a single moment of this extraordinary display. It was as if the sun itself had taken up residence in their widened pupils, captivating all who laid eyes upon these stalwart champions.
Eba and Diana found themselves equally spellbound, carried along by the mesmerizing tide until they suddenly found themselves within the walls of the church. Most of the navigators, along with the normal citizens, had already gathered inside, all awaiting the much-anticipated tally announcement.
The atmosphere within the church was thick with anticipation. Some were nervous, others irritated, and many more were simply bursting with excitement. For some, this was a moment of familial pride, a culmination of years of hard work. But for others, it represented a chance at fame, power, and recognition.
Little did the unsuspecting masses know, however, that this tally was no simple celebration. It was, in fact, a competition – one in which the navigators had often sacrificed greatly to rise through the ranks. The air was heavy with the weight of their sacrifices, a palpable tension that belied the outward appearance of a joyous gathering.