Chapter 5

As the X-Jet landed smoothly at Xavier's Mansion, Harry felt a mix of excitement and jitters. This was a whole new chapter, and he was ready for whatever came next. The sleek aircraft came to a stop, and Harry stepped out, feeling like he'd just walked into a superhero movie.

Professor Xavier was waiting for them, flanked by two other figures: a guy with red-tinted sunglasses and a girl with hair that looked like it had been set on fire. Well, if fire was made of pure awesomeness.

"Welcome to Xavier's Institute, Harry," Xavier said with a smile that could probably calm a herd of rampaging unicorns. "Let me introduce you to Scott Summers and Jean Grey, two of our brightest students."

Harry's smile was more like a goofy grin as he took in the scene. Jean's red hair seemed to glow like a beacon, and there was something about her that felt almost... familiar. Not "I've met you before" familiar, but like he'd been waiting to meet her his entire life.

Jean's eyes locked onto Harry's, and it was like the universe hit the "slow-mo" button. Inside her, something ancient and cosmic stirred, as if the Phoenix Force had decided to hit the snooze button on a really old alarm clock. Harry didn't know it, but this meeting was stirring up cosmic forces that had been asleep for eons.

"Is everything alright, Harry?" Jean asked, her voice smooth and warm, like a hot chocolate on a cold day.

Harry's heart did a little dance in his chest. "Your features... they remind me of someone very dear to me," he said, his voice catching slightly. "My mother, Lily. People have described her to me, and... there's a resemblance."

Jean's expression softened like butter on a warm pancake. She touched his arm gently, and Harry felt a weird but nice jolt. "I'm honored to remind you of your mother, Harry," she said, her voice like a soothing lullaby. "If you ever want to talk about her or anything else, I'm here for you."

Harry felt a wave of relief. It was like finding a friendly face in a crowd of strangers. Just as he was about to fully enjoy the moment, Scott's impatience barged in like an uninvited guest.

"Can we go inside already?" Scott said, his tone more "I'm the center of the universe" than "welcoming host."

Jean shot him a look that could freeze lava. "Scott, that wasn't appropriate," she said, her voice firm. "Harry is our guest. We should be treating him with respect."

Scott shrugged, clearly more interested in his own drama. "Yeah, whatever. Let's move on."

The air grew awkward as Scott's insensitivity left a dent in the welcome committee. Jean gave Harry an apologetic look, her eyes promising that Scott's manners would be addressed—later. Despite the awkwardness, Harry decided to give Scott a chance. Maybe he was just having a rough day—or a lifetime of them.

As they walked inside the mansion, Harry and Jean exchanged glances that felt like they belonged in a movie montage. There was a connection, something deeper and more cosmic than either of them realized. And as they moved toward the mansion, the Phoenix Force in Jean was just starting to wake up from its nap, hinting that this was only the beginning of something truly extraordinary.

As the group entered the Xavier Mansion, Harry felt like he'd stumbled into the mutant version of a Hogwarts house party. The place was buzzing with students practicing their powers in the halls, chatting excitedly, and just generally living their best mutant lives. It was Hogwarts, minus the robes, plus a whole lot of chaos and cool abilities.

"Welcome to the madhouse, or as we like to call it, home sweet home," Jean said, grinning as she led Harry and Scott through the corridors. Harry couldn't help but notice how her smile seemed to light up the room. Not that he was looking for that, of course. He was just being observant.

Scott, on the other hand, looked like he'd rather be anywhere else. He walked ahead, shoulders stiff, as if he was on some kind of forced tour. Harry had to admit, the guy had a knack for looking like someone had just hexed his breakfast.

They passed students who were doing everything from levitating books in the library to racing each other by phasing through walls. Harry wondered if this was what it felt like for Muggles when they stumbled upon the magical world. Overwhelming but also kind of awesome.

As they turned a corner, they nearly collided with a trio of students in the hallway. Rogue, with her trademark white streak, was chatting animatedly with Kitty, who was bouncing on her toes like she'd had way too much sugar. Kurt stood nearby, his blue skin and tail making him look like he'd just stepped out of a sci-fi movie.

"Hey, Rogue, Kitty, Kurt," Jean said, waving them over. "Meet Harry and Scott, our newest students."

Rogue eyed Harry with a mischievous grin. "So, you're the new kid everyone's talkin' about. Heard you've got some cool powers like mine. True or just a rumor?"

Harry scratched the back of his neck, feeling a bit like he was on the spot. "Well, I guess you could say that. I've got some tricks up my sleeve."

Rogue laughed, her green eyes sparkling. "That's the spirit, sugar. We'll have to see what you're made of."

Kitty's eyes lit up as she looked at Harry. "Oh my gosh, you're from England, right? That's so cool! I've always wanted to go there. What's it like?"

Harry couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm. "It's pretty great, though a bit different from here. Lots of rain, less mutant action."

Kurt stepped forward, offering Harry a friendly nod. "Welcome, Harry. It must be exciting to discover your powers and be part of a new adventure."

"Yeah, it's been a wild ride," Harry admitted, feeling a kinship with the blue mutant. Kurt's earnestness was a nice change from all the chaotic energy around them.

Kitty's excitement was contagious. "Hey, Harry, any chance you could show us some magic? I've always wanted to see real magic up close!"

Harry hesitated. The idea of showing off his magic was a bit nerve-wracking, especially with Scott looking like he was about to burst a blood vessel. But then he thought, why not? Dumbledore had cleared him for magic use, after all. Might as well make the most of it.

With a flick of his wand, Harry conjured a bouquet of flowers that shimmered and danced in the air. Kitty's eyes went wide with wonder.

"That's amazing!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands. "You're like a real-life wizard superhero!"

Scott rolled his eyes. "Great, more magic. Just what we needed."

Jean shot him a look that could have melted steel. "Scott, don't be such a jerk. It's incredible, Harry. Really."

Harry felt his cheeks heat up, though he wasn't sure if it was from the compliment or the way Jean was looking at him. It was probably just the compliment, he decided. No need to complicate things.

As they continued their tour of the mansion, Jean stayed close to Harry, pointing out various rooms and sharing little anecdotes about the students. Scott trudged ahead, looking like he'd rather be anywhere else, but Harry couldn't help but feel like he'd found a place where he could fit in.

And as he glanced at Jean, he wondered if maybe, just maybe, there was something more to this place than just mutant powers and training sessions. Something that made it feel a lot like home.


As the group escorted Harry to his room, he couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and camaraderie that was both new and exhilarating. It was like he'd finally stumbled upon the hidden level in a video game, complete with a bonus treasure chest. These were the kind of friends he'd always hoped for, the ones who didn't have any secret agendas or supervillain-esque plans up their sleeves. Or, if they did, at least they weren't trying to hide it. With cheerful smiles and promises to meet up in the entertainment room later, his new friends left him to settle into his new digs.

Once alone in his room, Harry took a moment to absorb the events of the day. It was a strange mix of excitement and anticipation, like getting an unexpected acceptance letter to a superhero academy. Not that the wizarding world was bad, but the whole "Dumbledore's golden boy" shtick was getting old. He still thought Dumbledore was a good guy, but he wasn't exactly buying into the "all-knowing wizard" fan club. Still, no need to broadcast that little revelation just yet. Best to keep up appearances for now.

With a sense of determination, Harry unpacked his belongings, arranging his books and placing his trusty wand within easy reach. Who knew what kind of magical hijinks awaited him here at the Xavier Mansion? One thing was for sure—he was ready for whatever came his way, and not just because he had finally figured out how to pack a suitcase without everything getting wrinkled.

As the hour approached, Harry made his way to the entertainment room, eager to see what his new friends had in store. The room was buzzing with energy and the occasional sound of Logan grumbling about something or other, probably the quality of the cigars or the latest gadget Hank McCoy had whipped up.

"Hey, Harry!" Jean called out, her smile lighting up the room brighter than any Lumos charm. Harry felt his heart do a weird, flip-floppy thing, like it was trying to decide between salsa dancing and a waltz. It was that awkward stage where they were both dancing around the fact that they were crushing hard on each other, or as close to it as two barely-thirteen-year-olds could be.

Scott, on the other hand, was completely oblivious to the vibe, or maybe he was just pretending not to notice. "Jean, I was thinking we could practice some new tactics tomorrow. Just you and me," he suggested, clearly staking his claim like he was calling dibs on the last slice of pizza.

Jean glanced at Scott, a bit puzzled by his insistence. "Uh, sure, Scott. But maybe we could all train together? It could be fun." She looked back at Harry, and something else stirred within her every time she did. Unknown to everyone, the Phoenix Force was beginning to awaken, like it had hit the snooze button on some cosmic alarm clock.

Rogue leaned against the wall, her green eyes sparkling with mischief. "So, Harry, how ya likin' our little slice of paradise? It's a bit different from your fancy wizard school, huh, sugar?" she drawled in her sassy Southern accent, flashing him a grin.

Harry chuckled. "You could say that. It's nice not having to worry about being chased by giant spiders or having to duel dark wizards before breakfast."

Rogue laughed, her voice rich and full of life. "Well, we've got our fair share of mayhem here, too, hon. Just a different flavor. Ain't that right, Logan?"

Logan, puffing on one of his cheap cigars, grunted in agreement. "Yeah, bub, there's never a dull moment around here. Just keep your wand handy and your head on a swivel."

Kitty, who had been tapping away on her laptop, looked up and grinned at Harry. "Hey, Harry, did you know there's a whole forum dedicated to guessing what your superpower would be if you were a mutant? Some people think you'd have the power of invisibility because you're sneaky and resourceful."

Harry raised an eyebrow, amused. "Really? I always thought I'd be something more dramatic, like being able to shoot fireballs or something. Guess the internet has other ideas."

Kitty shrugged, her eyes twinkling with humor. "You know how it is. The internet loves a good debate. By the way, if you ever want to binge-watch some classic sci-fi or need help hacking into anything, I'm your girl."

"Thanks, Kitty. I'll keep that in mind. Maybe you can teach me a thing or two about computers. I'm kind of a newbie," Harry admitted, feeling a bit sheepish.

"Sure thing!" Kitty beamed, her enthusiasm contagious. "We can start with the basics and work our way up. Maybe even get you into some Dungeons & Dragons. It's like magic, but with more dragons."

As the evening wore on, Harry felt a growing sense of belonging. This place, this group of friends, was exactly what he needed. No titles, no expectations, just Harry. And as he looked around at his new friends, he knew he was in for the adventure of a lifetime.


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