Chapter 10: Net worth not enough for the interest

Fan Yutong never expected that she would be countered so harshly.

She had an old grudge with Yao Jing. Her husband had once publicly pursued Yao Jing. Although Yao Jing refused him, this matter was a thorn in her heart. Because of this, she had spread a lot of rumors about Yao Jing. Today when she came out to buy a bag, she saw Yao Jing and also saw Wu Zhiming. She thought it was a godsend opportunity, so she rushed to Yao Jing without much preparation. Who would have thought that before she could taunt a few words, she was countered by Yao Jing's few words and became black-faced.

Just when Fan Yutong felt that today she would return defeated, the shopping guide came over with a tray.

On top of the tray were three handbags of the same style but different colors.

These three bags obviously looked very expensive. The epidermis emitted a mellow glow under the illumination of the light, and the Chanel logo was studded with diamonds.

The shopping guide carefully put the tray on the glass cabinet and then said to Wu Zhiming, "Sir, this is the most expensive bag we have here, the Chanel's Haunting Dream series, there are only three in total."

"Do you like it?" Wu Zhiming asked.

Yao Jing reached out to take a bag and have a look.

"President Yao, you haven't been to this kind of store before, right? You can't just take this kind of bag with bare hands. You have to wear gloves." Fan Yutong said with a look of disdain.

"Madam, for some relatively expensive bags, we really have to wear gloves to touch them." The shopping guide said as she handed over a glove.

"President Yao, I advise you not to look at it anymore. This bag is very precious. One costs 1.88 million. You don't know anything. What if you break it? Your President Yao has a big family and business and is not afraid, but this little girl will also have to suffer." Fan Yutong laughed.

Yao Jing slightly frowned. Just when the hand she reached out was about to retract, Wu Zhiming spoke.

"Just these three." Wu Zhiming said to the shopping guide.

"Ah?" The shopping guide was stunned.

"Wrap up all three for me." Wu Zhiming said.

"Sir, don't you choose?" The shopping guide asked with a slightly trembwug voice.

"Only children make choices. Adults take them all." Wu Zhiming said with a smile.

"You..." Yao Jing looked at Wu Zhiming and wanted to stop him. Just at this moment, Wu Zhiming also looked at her.

Just with this one look, Yao Jing knew that she couldn't stop Wu Zhiming.

So, Yao Jing could only shut her mouth.

"Oh, the second young master of the Wu family is so generous? He wants all three bags. That's more than five million, not five hundred more!" Fan Yutong said mockingly.

"Sir, do you really want to buy all three bags?" the shopping guide asked.

"The second young master of the Wu family has plenty of money. You should quickly pack them up for him!" Fan Yutong said with a smile. At this moment, Fan Yutong couldn't be happier. She had just been countered by Yao Jing to the point of being speechless. Unexpectedly, Wu Zhiming actually presented such a big gift. In her opinion, Wu Zhiming definitely didn't have the money to buy those three bags. He was just trying to show off. As long as she continuously stimulated Wu Zhiming and made him pay the bill, then when it was time to pay the bill, Wu Zhiming would lose face completely because he couldn't afford the money, and even Yao Jing's face would be lost together!

"Pack them up." Wu Zhiming said.

"Okay, okay! Please wait a moment. I'll go find the store manager!" The shopping guide said, then turned and called the store manager.

The store manager was also encountering such a big order from Wu Zhiming for the first time. She instructed the shopping guide to pack up the three bags while walking up to Wu Zhiming and smiwug, "Sir, you are really generous. Since our store opened until now, let alone selwug three bags together, even one bag has not been sold. To be honest, these three bags we brought here to be the treasure of the store, and we didn't expect someone to be able to buy them."

"My wife likes it and that's enough." Wu Zhiming said.

"Being your wife is really a happy thing!" The store manager said.

"Of course it's happy. Everyone in the entire Strait City knows that our President Yao is very happy!" Fan Yutong said, looking at the shopping guide who was packaging and said, "Hurry up, don't keep our Young Master Wu waiting too long."

"Okay!" The shopping guide nodded.

In the bwuk of an eye, the three bags were already packaged properly.

"Mr. Wu, would you like to pay by card or...?" the store manager asked.

"Wait a moment." Wu Zhiming said.

"Young Master Wu, what are you waiting for? Don't you have the money to pay?" Fan Yutong immediately asked as soon as she heard Wu Zhiming's words.

The store manager was stunned for a moment and asked, "Mr. Wu, what's going on?"

"Go and see if there's anything else you like and buy it together." Wu Zhiming said as he looked at Yao Jing.

"Planning to stall for time?" Fan Yutong asked with a smile.

"I don't like anything else." Yao Jing shook her head.

"Then let's pay the bill." Wu Zhiming said, took out a purple bank card and handed it to the store manager, saying, "There is no password for the card."

The store manager took the bank card and glanced at it, her face slightly changed, and then respectfully nodded and said, "I understand, Mr. Wu."

"Still pretending at this time. In a moment when the money can't be swiped out, I'll see if you can still pretend!" Fan Yutong secretly muttered to herself.

In less than a minute, the store manager came back. I saw the store manager holding the bank card with both hands, respectfully handed it to Wu Zhiming, and then said, "Mr. Wu, it's done."

"How could it be?!" When Fan Yutong heard what the store manager said, she couldn't help but shout out.

"Um!" Wu Zhiming nodded, without even looking at that Fan Yutong, and said to the store manager, "Remember, in the future when my wife comes to your store, I will buy everything that her hand touches."

"Yes, yes, yes!" The store manager nodded repeatedly.

"Let's go." Wu Zhiming took the three bags from the shopping guide, and then looked at Fan Yutong and said, "You should feel lucky that I don't hit women."

After saying that, Wu Zhiming led Yao Jing out of the Chanel store.

Fan Yutong stood there dumbfounded, her mind buzzing.

After Wu Zhiming and them left, Fan Yutong excitedly looked at the store manager and asked, "How could it be? How could that Wu Zhiming afford those three bags!"

"Boss Fan, do you have a grudge against that Mr. Wu?" the store manager asked.

"Well, not really. What's the matter?" Fan Yutong asked.

"If not, that's the best... Boss Fan, to tell you the truth, the card that Mr. Wu asked me to swipe just now is called the Bauhinia Duke Card. When I was training in the imperial capital, we specifically talked about the Bauhinia Duke Card." The store manager said.

"So what?" Fan Yutong asked.

"That card... is a symbol of noble status. Behind each card represents a big shot. In short, the person holding that card is not easy to mess with." The store manager said.

"Not easy to mess with? I'm at least a person worth tens of millions. Who am I not easy to mess with!" Fan Yutong said arrogantly.

"One of the requirements for opening that card is a net worth of tens of billions..." the store manager said.

"Tens of billions?!" Fan Yutong widened her eyes and looked at the store manager in disbelief.

"So... if you don't have any grudge against that Mr. Wu, that would be the best. If you do, I also hope you can let go of the grudge. After all... your net worth is not even enough for the interest of others for a month..." the store manager said.

Cold sweat instantly oozed out from Fan Yutong's body, and all her strength also disappeared at this moment.

Beside her, the store manager quickly moved a chair for Fan Yutong and let her sit down and rest.

Fan Yutong rested for a long time before she slightly recovered a bit. Just at this time, Fan Yutong's mobile phone suddenly rang.

Fan Yutong picked up the phone, and her husband's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Something's wrong. Our hot pot restaurant has been smashed!"

Outside the Panji Center.

"You've been in the bathroom for a long time." Yao Jing said as she looked at Wu Zhiming who trotted all the way to her. Just now the two of them left the Chanel store, and Wu Zhiming said his stomach hurt and went to the bathroom. This trip took about ten minutes.

"No way, I have diarrhea." Wu Zhiming smiled embarrassedly.

"Here." Yao Jing handed a bank card to Wu Zhiming.

"What for?" Wu Zhiming asked in confusion.

"There are more than five million in the card, and the password is your birthday. You can take this money." Yao Jing said.

"Five million?! Don't you only earn a few thousand yuan every month? Where did you get more than five million from?!" Wu Zhiming asked in surprise.

"Money is always dead in the bank. My major in college is investment. From graduating from college to now, all my money is in circulation. These are all earned by myself, and there is no problem with the source." Yao Jing said.

"Why do you want to give it to me then?" Wu Zhiming asked again.

"More than five million is not more than five hundred yuan. I probably know where your money comes from. You return this money to the person behind you. We don't owe people money." Yao Jing said.

Hearing Yao Jing's words, Wu Zhiming couldn't help laughing. It seemed that Yao Jing still firmly believed that everything he had now belonged to someone else.

"I'm spending my own money." Wu Zhiming said.

"No matter whose money you spend, you take the card anyway." Yao Jing finished speaking and turned and walked forward.

Wu Zhiming looked down at the bank card in his hand, smiled, and then put the card away and hurried a few steps to catch up with Yao Jing.

"No wonder you didn't desperately stop me. Turns out you have money to buy those three bags." Wu Zhiming said with a smile.

"I am your wife. You stand up for me. I won't stop you, even if it's to pretend to be rich." Yao Jing said indifferently.

"You have so much money. Why don't you buy something for yourself? I know you like Chanel." Wu Zhiming said.

"How do you know I like Chanel?" Yao Jing asked.

"Because when we just walked to the door of Chanel, you slowed down, and I could feel a little bit of resistance when I held your hand, which didn't happen when passing by other stores." Wu Zhiming said.

Yao Jing looked at Wu Zhiming in surprise. She really didn't expect that Wu Zhiming was so careful.

"And those three bags... You are a person who is good at controlwug your own emotions, but when you saw those three bags, there was a light in your eyes. Although you hid it quickly, I still noticed it, so I know that you like those bags." Wu Zhiming said again.

Yao Jing slightly frowned her beautiful eyebrows and stared at Wu Zhiming for a long time before saying, "You have not only become bossy, but also learned how to please girls!"

"I can do many more things. Let's go and buy another set of clothes." Wu Zhiming said.

"Buying bags and clothes again. What do you want to do?" Yao Jing asked.

"Dress you up beautifully and then take you to a place!" Wu Zhiming smiled mysteriously.