Chapter 23: Mother-in-Law Visits

"Jingjing, get me a cup of coffee," Wu Zhiming suddenly ordered.

Yao Jing frowned, glanced at Dong Jian, then turned and left the office.

"Young Madam sees me as an enemy," Dong Jian said with a wry smile.

"Can't blame her. You do look cunning," Wu Zhiming replied.

Wang Hai, standing nearby, couldn't help but laugh. He and Dong Jian were both close aides to Wu Zhiming, but Wang Hai operated openly while Dong Jian worked in the shadows. Their methods matched their roles; Dong Jian was adept at scheming and concealment, to the point where even Wang Hai found him unnerving at times.

"But it's clear that Young Madam genuinely cares for you. If it weren't for your ambition to be the family head, Shen Hongyue wouldn't be pressuring you so much right now," Dong Jian said.

"To be honest, the position of the Wu family head isn't as prestigious as any of the key positions held by your subordinates. Your top generals control hundreds of billions in assets, govern vast territories, or are unparalleled experts. Becoming the family head is truly beneath you," Wang Hai said earnestly.

"If I don't become the family head, I'll always be an illegitimate son who can't hold his head high. Even if I am a billionaire, it means nothing. I must take the position, not just for myself, but for my mother, Yao Jing, and even my future children," Wu Zhiming said firmly.

"Young Madam will understand you one day," Dong Jian said.

Wu Zhiming smiled and waved his hand dismissively.

Yao Jing never brought the coffee to the meeting room because she knew Wu Zhiming didn't actually want it. It was just an excuse to send her away. Proud as she was, she certainly wouldn't fetch coffee for him.

That afternoon, Wu Zhiming and Yao Jing stayed at the company for lunch and remained there until evening.

At 6 PM, they left work together. Wu Zhiming specifically went to pick up Yao Jing, but she ignored him. They rode the elevator in silence and then Wu Zhiming followed Yao Jing into the car.

"Do you want to bring something for your mother?" Wu Zhiming asked.

Yao Jing didn't respond and started the car, driving away.

In a private room at the Langting Hotel in Haixia City, Shen Hongyue sat at the head of the table. Across from her was a middle-aged man with a gentle smile. He wore gold-rimmed glasses, his hair was meticulously combed, and he had the demeanor of a high school teacher.

"It's a rare honor for someone like me to be invited to dinner by Ms. Shen," the man said with a smile.

"I've always heard about you, Mr. Yang, and have long wanted to meet you. Today, I appreciate you accepting my invitation," Shen Hongyue replied.

"Call me Three Knives, no need to be formal," the middle-aged man said. This man was none other than the infamous Laughing Tiger of Haixia City: Yang Sandao.

"Then you shouldn't call me Ms. Shen either. Just call me Hongyue. I'm a bit older than you, so you can even call me Sister," Shen Hongyue said.

"Sister Hongyue?" Yang Sandao replied with a smile.

"Alright, it's getting late. Let's start the meal," Shen Hongyue said.

Her subordinate bowed and left. Shortly after, he returned with a tray covered by a lid and placed it on the dining table.

"I must say, I'm getting quite hungry," Yang Sandao remarked.

Shen Hongyue smiled and snapped her fingers. Her subordinate lifted the lid, revealing stacks of red banknotes.

"My favorite dish," Yang Sandao said, squinting his eyes.

"Three Knives, I've been having some troubles lately," Shen Hongyue sighed.

"Sister, your troubles are my troubles. Just tell me what's bothering you, and I'll take care of it," Yang Sandao said, pulling the tray with one million in cash closer to himself.

"There's this Wu Zhiming from our Wu family. Do you know him?" Shen Hongyue asked.

"Wu Zhiming? I know of him, the one who was considered a disgrace to your family. But I've heard he's been quite high-profile recently, playing a game of sudden emergence," Yang Sandao said with a laugh.

"It's this Wu Zhiming who has been troubling me," Shen Hongyue said, looking at Yang Sandao. "I want you to teach him a lesson."

"That's easy," Yang Sandao laughed. "I thought it was something big. Just a Wu Zhiming—his games have nothing to do with me. If I want to deal with him, I will. But, one million is only enough to take off one of his legs."

"That will do," Shen Hongyue nodded. "I'm a law-abiding person. I don't want to take anyone's life."

"Alright!" Yang Sandao smiled. "This dinner was enjoyable, Sister. Just wait for the good news!"


In Haixia City, at Riverside Community, next to Jingyuan Community, lived Yao Jing's parents. Unlike Jingyuan, this was an older neighborhood without an underground parking garage, making parking spaces quite tight.

It was dinner time, and nearly all the parking spots were taken. Yao Jing finally found a spot, but it had a parking lock on it.

"I'll park outside. You go up first," Yao Jing said as she stopped the car.

"Aren't these public parking spaces? Why are they locked?" Wu Zhiming pointed to a nearby spot with a parking lock.

"Many people treat public property as their own," Yao Jing said.

"Since it's public, it's easy to handle," Wu Zhiming said, pushing open the door and getting out. He picked up a stone from a nearby flowerbed and walked to the parking lock.

With a loud bang, Wu Zhiming smashed the lock open with one strike and then tossed the stone aside. "Alright, park here," he said.

Yao Jing was a bit surprised. Those parking locks weren't easily broken. Did Wu Zhiming have that much strength, or was the lock just faulty?

"What are you thinking?" Wu Zhiming asked.

"Nothing," Yao Jing shook her head and then reversed the car into the spot.

After parking the car, Yao Jing and Wu Zhiming walked towards the staircase. Zhou Yanqiu lived on the eighth floor, and as soon as the elevator doors opened, Wu Zhiming could smell the aroma of food. The door to Zhou Yanqiu's apartment was open.

Yao Jing and Wu Zhiming walked in together. 

"Dad, Mom," Yao Jing called out as she entered.

"Jingjing, you're back!" Zhou Yanqiu, who was watching TV, replied with a smile. "Go wash your hands first."

"Mm!" Yao Jing nodded and walked into the kitchen while Wu Zhiming made himself comfortable in the living room, sitting down on the couch.

"You really don't see yourself as an outsider, do you?" Zhou Yanqiu said, giving Wu Zhiming a sidelong glance, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

Wu Zhiming had long become immune to Zhou Yanqiu's comments. In the four years since marrying Yao Jing, he had often visited her parents' home and endured cold treatment each time.

He picked up a washed apple from the table and began to eat it. In the past, he would always help Yao Jianrong with the cooking in the kitchen, but this time, things were different.

"Do you really think you're all that just because you're some CEO now? Without support, you're nothing," Zhou Yanqiu continued.

"This apple is quite sweet. Save half for Jingjing," Wu Zhiming said, putting down the half-eaten apple.

"But I must say, getting Jingjing the position of assistant to the CEO was a good move," Zhou Yanqiu said, her tone softening a bit, employing a tactic of first criticizing then praising.

"But don't think that I'll forgive you for your previous disrespect!" she added with a frown. "Your words not only showed a lack of respect for me as an elder but also disrespected our entire family. Honestly, if it weren't for you getting Jingjing the assistant position, I wouldn't have wanted you in our home at all."

"Dinner's ready," Yao Jing called from the kitchen.

Wu Zhiming picked up the remaining half of the apple and walked towards the kitchen.

From start to finish, he didn't respond to Zhou Yanqiu, which made her feel as though her punches were landing on soft cotton. Previously, although Wu Zhiming was meek, at least he would listen when spoken to. Now, he neither argued nor acknowledged her, making it impossible for her to even start a fight, which was incredibly frustrating.

Cooking was always Yao Jianrong's task in the Yao family. Having been under his wife's strict control for his entire life, he had developed culinary skills that rivaled those of professional chefs.

The table was filled with a feast.

"Yanqiu, we're in a good mood today. Bring out my bottle of Moutai!" Yao Jianrong said with a smile.

"What's there to be happy about that makes you happy?" Zhou Yanqiu asked coldly.

"Isn't it because Zhiming's company avoided bankruptcy and Jingjing got the assistant position?" Yao Jianrong replied.

"Just drink some Shui Jing Fang then. Moutai is for when we have important guests!" Zhou Yanqiu said, glancing at Wu Zhiming, who was eyeing the food on the table. Feeling annoyed, she turned and took out a bottle of Xiao Hutu Xian instead.

"Wasn't it supposed to be Shui Jing Fang?" Yao Jianrong asked, puzzled.

"Drink it if you want," Zhou Yanqiu rolled her eyes and placed the bottle on the table before sitting down next to Yao Jing.

"Xiao Hutu Xian isn't bad either," Yao Jianrong said, scratching his head.

Yao Jing picked up the bottle and poured a glass for Yao Jianrong, then glanced at Wu Zhiming.

"It's a rare occasion that Dad is happy, so I'll have a drink with him," Wu Zhiming said.

Yao Jing poured a glass for Wu Zhiming as well.

"Come on, Zhiming, let's have a toast," Yao Jianrong said, raising his glass with a smile.

Wu Zhiming smiled back and raised his glass to clink it against Yao Jianrong's.

Compared to Zhou Yanqiu, Wu Zhiming didn't harbor much dislike towards Yao Jianyong. They had been married for four years, and Yao Jianyong had never looked down on him. However, due to Zhou Yanqiu's dominant personality, Yao Jianyong rarely spoke up and was basically ignored by everyone.

The family dinner proceeded in this manner. Wu Zhiming joined Yao Jianyong in drinking, while Zhou Yanqiu subtly prodded about the development of the school district housing project by the Wu family group.

After the meal was nearly finished, Zhou Yanqiu revealed the purpose of the dinner.

"Jingjing, you're now the assistant to the CEO, and Zhiming is the CEO. The supply of building materials for the school district housing project mustn't favor others, right? According to my idea, let's give this task to our Tianjiao Company. What do you think?" Zhou Yanqiu asked.

Yao Jing frowned slightly, glanced at Wu Zhiming, and said, "He has the final say."

"Him? Who doesn't know that he listens to you?" Zhou Yanqiu retorted.

"Yes, Jingjing, you have the final say," Wu Zhiming smiled and nodded.

"Now that I have the final say, this matter cannot be entrusted to Tianjiao Company," Yao Jing said calmly.