Chapter 27 Mother-in-Law Visits

Another sunny day.

Early in the morning, Zhou Yanqiu put on an expensive emerald-green cheongsam, adorned herself with jewelry, grabbed her bag, and arrived at the entrance of the Wu Group.

"Who are you looking for?" Li Tiegen stopped Zhou Yanqiu, who didn't have an identity card.

"Let Wu Zhiming come out to meet me," Zhou Yanqiu said faintly, exuding a strong and imposing aura.

"Oh? Who do you think you are, asking our boss to come out to meet you?" Li Tiegen asked disdainfully. In Li Tiegen's eyes, Wu Zhiming was like a deity, and Zhou Yanqiu's words seemed to dismiss his reverence for Wu Zhiming.

"Who am I? I'm Wu Zhiming's mother!" Zhou Yanqiu said proudly.

"What? You're a ghost?!" Li Tiegen looked at Zhou Yanqiu in horror.

"You're the one who's a damn ghost! Your whole family are ghosts! Let me tell you, my daughter is Yao Jing, and my son-in-law is Wu Zhiming. If you don't step aside, I'll have them fire you!" Zhou Yanqiu shouted angrily, attracting the attention of many people who had just arrived for work. Everyone looked at Zhou Yanqiu.

"Oh, so you mean you're Wu's boss's mother-in-law! Wait a moment, I'll inform him!" Li Tiegen said.

"Get out of the way, you good-for-nothing! If you don't let me in, I'll make my daughter fire you!" Zhou Yanqiu yelled.

"I'm a security guard, not a dog. I follow the rules. Even if you want to fire me, I'll still follow the rules! Stop right there. If you take another step, I'll beat you!" Li Tiegen stared fiercely at Zhou Yanqiu, holding a baton.

Zhou Yanqiu originally intended to charge in, but seeing Li Tiegen's demeanor, she was afraid that this seemingly foolish giant would hit her with the baton.

Helplessly, Zhou Yanqiu stopped in her tracks.

"Fine, great. I'll have Wu Zhiming come down to meet me!" Zhou Yanqiu decided to teach Li Tiegen a lesson, so she picked up her phone and called Wu Zhiming.

"You come down right away. I'm being blocked by a dog at the entrance of your company!" Zhou Yanqiu hung up after saying that, then looked coldly at Li Tiegen and said, "You're done for. My son-in-law is coming down right away!"

Li Tiegen frowned. Judging from Zhou Yanqiu's appearance, she seemed to be Wu Zhiming's mother-in-law. If that was true, then his job might be in jeopardy.

The onlookers around them looked at this scene with strange expressions. If the security guard offended the boss's mother-in-law, the outcome would definitely be miserable.

After one or two minutes, Wu Zhiming walked out of the building.

"Mr. Wu!"

"Boss!" People around them greeted him.

Wu Zhiming nodded and greeted everyone before walking straight to where Li Tiegen and Zhou Yanqiu were standing.

"See? My son-in-law is here!" Zhou Yanqiu looked at Li Tiegen proudly and said.

"What's going on?" Wu Zhiming asked.

"I want to enter your company, but this watchdog insists on stopping me. I've told him I'm your mother, but he still won't let me in. He even mocked me. Is he deliberately picking a fight with me? Zhiming, immediately fire him. I don't want to see this person again," Zhou Yanqiu commanded arrogantly.

"Mr. Wu, this person tried to enter as soon as she arrived, so I stopped her. She claimed to be your mother, but I thought both your parents had passed away, so I thought she was lying and didn't let her in. I didn't expect her to be your mother-in-law... Mr. Wu, I made a mistake. You can fire me," Li Tiegen apologized. In his view, offending the boss's mother-in-law meant he would be fired, and he didn't want to put Wu Zhiming in a difficult position, so he offered to resign.

"Where did you go wrong for me to fire you?" Wu Zhiming asked with a frown.

"I didn't let your mother-in-law in..." Li Tiegen said.

"Should I let anyone who claims to be my mother-in-law enter? As a security guard, you are responsible for verifying the identity of everyone entering the company. No matter who it is, if they can't prove their identity, they can't enter the company. You not only did nothing wrong, but you also did right. Starting this month, I'll increase your salary by a thousand every month," Wu Zhiming patted Li Tiegen on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Wu Zhiming's words stunned Li Tiegen and Zhou Yanqiu.

"Wu Zhiming, what are you doing? You're not firing him but giving him a raise?! What do you mean?" Zhou Yanqiu stared wide-eyed at Li Tiegen, asking angrily.

"He stopped you, which is his responsibility. I can't fire anyone who faithfully fulfills their duty!" Wu Zhiming said, then looked at the onlookers and said, "Let me tell you all here, as long as you are doing what the company asks you to do, no matter who you offend, the company will have your back! Our company needs people like Li Tiegen, and I hope you can all be the next Li Tiegen!"

After Wu Zhiming finished speaking, the surrounding people were stunned for a moment.

A few seconds later, loud cheers erupted.

"Mr. Wu is amazing!"

"Mr. Wu, I'm with you!"

Everyone cheered because they saw that their boss was not someone who would disregard family ties. With such a boss, they could work wholeheartedly in the company because no matter what happened, they had a strong backing.

"Alright, let's get back to work," Wu Zhiming waved his hand.

The crowd dispersed.

Wu Zhiming looked at Zhou Yanqiu and said, "This is the company, not your home. At home, you can act however you want, and no one will stop you. But... in the company, you are just an outsider. You have no special privileges, and you can't control anyone."

"You!! Wu Zhiming, you're quite something. After having a backer, you become so arrogant!! Let me in, I want to see my daughter!" Zhou Yanqiu shouted and tried to walk into the group.

"If you want to see our CEO, make an appointment. Tiegen, remember, no matter who it is, just fulfill your duty! If someone dares to insult you as a dog next time, just hit them. I'll take responsibility for the consequences," Wu Zhiming said, then turned and walked into the group.

Li Tiegen was trembling with excitement. He didn't expect that not only was he not fired, but he also got a raise. In this day and age, which security guard receives such treatment after offending the boss's mother-in-law?

He had indeed chosen the right person to follow! Only such a boss was worth being loyal to!

Li Tiegen picked up his baton and blocked Zhou Yanqiu, who was rushing in, and said coldly, "If you're blind, didn't you see that I'm Wu Zhiming's mother-in-law?"

"Mr. Wu didn't say that his mother-in-law can enter the company," Li Tiegen said.

"Good, very good! You all bully me. Fine, I'm going to call my daughter!" Zhou Yanqiu said and picked up her phone again.

At this moment, Zhou Yanqiu deeply regretted it. Just now, in order to show off, she called Wu Zhiming. She thought that although Wu Zhiming had been a little rebellious lately, he wouldn't confront her publicly over a security guard. She didn't expect Wu Zhiming to embarrass her publicly. Now she could only call her daughter and ask her to come pick her up. Her daughter wouldn't ignore her, would she.

Luckily, when Yao Jing learned that Zhou Yanqiu was downstairs, she immediately went down and brought Zhou Yanqiu into the company.

"I'm so angry, Jingjing. You have no idea how I was humiliated at the entrance just now. Dozens of people were watching, and Wu Zhiming completely embarrassed me. Jingjing, please, consider divorcing Wu Zhiming, so I can still have some dignity!" Zhou Yanqiu said excitedly as they walked.

"Mom, I've heard about it. Security guards are just doing their duty. If Zhiming wants to gain people's trust, he wouldn't punish a security guard," Yao Jing said.

"As long as he's willing to pay, who wouldn't support him? Oh! I get it now. He's just a puppet, that's why he wants to win people's hearts. Even if the people behind him abandon him, he can still be the boss. Do you think I'm right?" Zhou Yanqiu said.

"The most important thing for a company is cohesion, and cohesion doesn't have much to do with who pays the salaries. Through what happened just now, Zhiming has gained the support of countless people. This kind of support will significantly increase the combat effectiveness of the entire Wu Group. Compared to that, look at Tianjiao Company. The internal management is chaotic, with several family members forming factions and fighting each other, causing friction. Everyone is trying to gain more benefits for themselves, which leads to higher operating costs and lower efficiency. In the long run, the fate of Tianjiao Company will not be good," Yao Jing said.

"The company is under the control of your grandfather, so what trouble can there be? Besides, as long as you can be with Li Shao, the company will receive great support from the Li family! The future development can only get better!" Zhou Yanqiu said.

"You always want to rely on external forces to grow the company, but you don't pay attention to the company's own improvement. It's pathetic," Yao Jing sighed and shook her head.

"My dear daughter, Mom also knows that Tianjiao Company has many problems. That's why I hope you can be with Li Shao. With increased influence, you can truly intervene in the company's management. But now, since you don't even want to divorce Wu Zhiming, then Mom can only settle for second best and ask you to hand over the building materials supply of the Wu Group to Tianjiao Company. This way, you can also increase your influence. Then, when you give some advice, won't everyone listen to you? If neither of these happens, Tianjiao Company will collapse. Can you bear to see it fall?"