Chapter 32: Wu Zhiming’s Sister

After leaving the Hilton Hotel, Wu Zhiming received a phone call. The call was from the provincial capital.

"I heard you're going to take over as the head of the Wu family in three days?" came a gentle male voice on the other end.

"You're well-informed," Wu Zhiming chuckled.

"Word gets around. Everyone's talking about coming to congratulate you and maybe have a drink or two at your celebration," the voice said.

"You guys better not come. You all have intimidating reputations, frightening statuses, and staggering wealth. A small place like Haixia City can't handle such big names," Wu Zhiming joked.

"Are you teasing us? Compared to you, what reputations, statuses, or wealth do we have? Don't worry, we're just messing with you. We won't come, but you can expect some significant gifts from us," the voice replied.

"Alright, then. I'll visit you in the provincial capital for a drink later," Wu Zhiming said, hanging up the phone and scratching his head in resignation.

The gifts from his close brothers would undoubtedly be extravagant. There was no avoiding it; he would have to put on a show again. What a headache!

By the time Wu Zhiming got home, it was already evening. He had a bit of alcohol and carried its scent on him. Yao Jing was, as usual, sitting on the sofa, but this time she wasn't working on her laptop. Instead, she was watching TV.

"I had a couple of drinks while discussing some matters with Wang Hai and the others," Wu Zhiming explained.

"Mm," Yao Jing responded simply, not saying much more.

Wu Zhiming walked into the bathroom, washed his face, and then returned to the living room. He sat on the single-seater sofa to Yao Jing's left, crossed his legs, and leaned sideways to watch TV.

"Why do you want to be the head of the Wu family?" Yao Jing suddenly asked.

"Maybe it's to fulfill some kind of obsession. I've been bullied by the Wu family for over twenty years. Now that I have the ability, I want to become the head and finally stand tall," Wu Zhiming replied with a smile.

"You're being too ostentatious now," Yao Jing said, looking at Wu Zhiming. "The tall tree catches the wind. You've taken over Wu Corporation and now the Wu family. Countless people will be envious."

"When you're running the company, do you care about what the lower-level employees think?" Wu Zhiming asked.

"No," Yao Jing shook her head. In the company, she was the quintessential domineering CEO.

"Exactly. I don't care about other people's opinions either," Wu Zhiming shrugged.

"I arranged for a private security company to send some people to the office tomorrow. You can take a look and keep anyone you like as a personal bodyguard," Yao Jing suggested.

"Bodyguards for me?!" Wu Zhiming looked at Yao Jing in surprise. In novels, it's always about a domineering female CEO hiring some super-soldier as a bodyguard. This was the first time he'd seen a domineering female CEO arrange bodyguards for someone else.

"Yeah… Last night's incident made me realize you might be in danger as your name becomes more prominent. So, you need bodyguards," Yao Jing said.

"Alright, I'll go along with it!" Wu Zhiming smiled and nodded. He wouldn't refuse his wife's good intentions. He wasn't worried about the bodyguard causing any inconvenience. If he could build everything he had today while being scrutinized as a nobody, he certainly wouldn't be concerned about a bodyguard discovering anything unusual.

"I'm going to bed," Yao Jing said, getting up and walking back to her room.

Wu Zhiming picked up the remote, turned off the TV, and went back to his room too.

Not long after, there was a knock on Wu Zhiming's door. He opened it to find Yao Jing standing there with a glass of water.

"This is Vitamin B. Take these to protect your liver," Yao Jing said, handing two pills to Wu Zhiming.

### Chapter 32: Wu Zhiming's Sister

Wu Zhiming quickly swallowed the vitamin B pills that Yao Jing handed him, washing them down with a few sips of water.

"Drink more water," Yao Jing reminded him before turning and heading back to her room.

"Such a good wife!" Wu Zhiming chuckled softly as he watched her leave, then he returned to his own room.

The night deepened, and Wu Zhiming soon fell asleep. 

In the middle of the night, his phone started vibrating.

Wu Zhiming glanced at the screen, then answered the call.

"Brother, brother, brother! I'm about to board my flight. I'll arrive at the Haixia Airport early tomorrow morning at 7:30. You better come pick me up, okay?" A lively female voice came through the phone.

Hearing this voice, a genuine smile spread across Wu Zhiming's face.

"Mengjie, aren't you supposed to be in class?" Wu Zhiming asked.

"I heard you're becoming the head of the Wu family in three days! I got so excited that I bought a ticket to fly back home. Brother, I always knew you were special, even though you never admitted it! Hmph, now you've been exposed! I was the only one who saw through your true nature. I'm amazing, aren't I?" The voice on the other end was full of pride.

"You're the best. Alright, I'll come pick you up tomorrow morning, okay?" Wu Zhiming laughed.

"What do you mean, 'okay'? This is a mission, and you have to come get me! Alright, the plane is about to take off. See you tomorrow, mwah!" A kissing sound came from the phone, and Wu Zhiming quickly ended the call with a wry smile.

The caller was Wu Mengjie, also a member of the Wu family, and she was Wu Zhiming's adopted sister.

Wu Mengjie was adopted by Wu Zhiming's father, Wu Zhennan, eighteen years ago. She was now twenty years old and studying for her master's degree in psychology in the United States.

If there was anyone left in the Wu family who genuinely cared about Wu Zhiming, it was Wu Mengjie.

Ever since they were children, Wu Mengjie had always been close to Wu Zhiming, almost like his shadow. She not only followed him around but often acted as his protector.

Though she was eight years younger than Wu Zhiming, she took on the role of defending him from bullies, often getting into fights because of him. To be precise, she often ended up getting beaten up.

Wu Zhiming's bullies were typically his peers, and the age difference meant Wu Mengjie, being younger and smaller, often faced a physical disadvantage. Despite this, she never hesitated to defend him, earning her the nickname "Little Mad Dog" in the Wu family.

People would say that if Wu Zhiming had her fighting spirit, he wouldn't have been bullied so much.

But Wu Mengjie always insisted that her brother was extraordinary, even if no one else could see it.

Wu Zhiming often heard her praising him and would break out in a cold sweat. He couldn't understand why Wu Mengjie had such unwavering faith in him. He believed he had hidden his true self perfectly, without anyone noticing, and a child like Wu Mengjie shouldn't have been able to see through him.

Fortunately, everyone thought Wu Mengjie was just boasting, and they didn't take her words seriously.

The next morning, after finishing breakfast, Wu Zhiming said to Yao Jing, "I'm heading to the airport to pick someone up. I've arranged for Wang Hai to take you. He's already downstairs."

"I can just take a cab. No need to trouble him," Yao Jing replied.

"Wang Hai is my secretary and part-time driver. Might as well make use of him… But taking his car all the time isn't ideal. We should buy another car. Come with me to the dealership this afternoon," Wu Zhiming suggested.

"My car just needs a bit of fixing. It's still good to go," Yao Jing said.

"I need to replace mine anyway. My Elantra has been running for six years now. Well, I'll be off. See you later!" Wu Zhiming said, quickening his pace as he walked out the door.

Yao Jing was taken aback by Wu Zhiming's eagerness. It was the first time she had seen him so anxious, as if he was going to pick up someone very important.

Could it be the mysterious boss behind the scenes?

Yao Jing's curiosity was piqued. She really wanted to follow Wu Zhiming to the airport, but realizing how much it resembled a wife catching her husband in the act, she suppressed her curiosity and headed to work instead.

At 8:00 AM, Wu Zhiming parked his car and walked to the arrivals area. About twenty minutes later, a lively figure wearing a baseball cap and pulling a Pikachu suitcase appeared in his view.

"Mengjie!" Wu Zhiming raised his hand and waved.

The lively figure, Wu Mengjie, immediately looked towards Wu Zhiming, and with excitement, she pushed aside her suitcase and ran towards him.

"Brother!" Wu Mengjie leaped into Wu Zhiming's arms, clinging onto him like a koala. Her legs wrapped around his waist, resembling lovers reunited after a long time apart.

People around them couldn't help but gaze enviously at Wu Zhiming.

Wu Mengjie, standing almost 1.8 meters tall with a slender, model-like figure, possessed delicate features. Her face was makeup-free, revealing healthy, sun-kissed skin. She wore a white tank top that revealed a flat stomach and two dimples on her lower back, indicating her excellent physique. 

Being embraced by such a girl would make any man jealous.

"You're twenty now, remember? Try to keep a lower profile," Wu Zhiming said, holding her by the waist with a resigned smile.

"No way! I just love hugging my big brother!" Wu Mengjie rubbed her cheek against his, then said, "Brother, I missed you so much. Did you miss me?"

"Why would I miss you for no reason?" Wu Zhiming teased.

"You're so boring! I don't know how my sister-in-law puts up with you!" Wu Mengjie pouted, dissatisfied.

"Alright, come down now. We're becoming a spectacle," Wu Zhiming laughed.

"Okay," Wu Mengjie reluctantly let go, dropping from his arms, and then wrapped her arm around his. "Let's go, brother! Show me your company!"

"Aren't you hungry? How about breakfast first?" Wu Zhiming suggested.

"Oh, right! I am hungry. Let's have breakfast first," Wu Mengjie agreed with a cheerful nod.

With a chuckle, Wu Zhiming led Wu Mengjie to the car. She clung to his arm as they walked, and they soon drove away from the airport.

Meanwhile, not far from the arrivals area, Song Siqing stared in disbelief as she watched Wu Zhiming and Wu Mengjie drive off together.

"Unbelievable! They say men go bad once they get rich, but Wu Zhiming, you turned bad way too fast!" Song Siqing exclaimed in shock.