Chapter 44: The Inauguration Ceremony

Wu Zhiming returned home to find the house empty. His wife, Yao Jing, had gone to spend the night at her parents' place. Instead of heading to his bedroom, he stretched out on the living room sofa, his mind racing with thoughts. 

The night passed uneventfully, and early the next morning, the doorbell rang loudly, rousing Wu Zhiming from his thoughts. He got up and opened the door to find Wu Yuwei standing outside.

"What do you want?" Wu Zhiming asked, frowning at the sight of his cousin.

"Patriarch, my second granduncle asked me to remind you that the succession ceremony begins at ten. You need to be at the venue by eight to greet the guests," Wu Yuwei said, smiling obsequiously.

"Oh, alright. Let me freshen up," Wu Zhiming replied, closing the door in Wu Yuwei's face.

Wu Yuwei stood at the doorstep, his smile fading into a grimace of frustration. He sighed deeply, grappling with the hard-to-swallow reality that the cousin he had bullied for over twenty years was now the head of the family. It was a bitter pill to swallow, but he had no choice but to accept it. Wu Zhiming had transformed into someone far beyond his reach. Wu Yuwei could only hope that Wu Zhiming wouldn't hold a grudge for the past.

Just as he was lost in his thoughts, the door opened again. Wu Yuwei quickly put on his ingratiating smile.

"Patriarch!" he bowed, trying to hide his unease.

"There's one more thing. Calculate how much money you and your siblings have taken from me over the years. Find a way to return it all," Wu Zhiming said coldly.

Wu Yuwei's face fell. "Patriarch, I was young and foolish then. I sincerely apologize for my mistakes, but I really don't have the money to pay you back."

"No money?" Wu Zhiming's expression was icy. "Then find a way. Not a single penny less. I'll spare you the interest, but I want every cent back."

With that, Wu Zhiming shut the door once more.

Wu Yuwei stood there, a mix of dread and regret washing over him. Over the years, he and his siblings had siphoned tens of thousands from Wu Zhiming. Even though Wu Yuwei had made some small investments, they were nowhere near enough to repay the debt he owed. If only he had known Wu Zhiming would rise to power one day, he would never have dared to take a single yuan.

Half an hour later, Wu Zhiming emerged from his apartment. As Wu Yuwei caught sight of him, he couldn't help but be struck by his cousin's transformation. Wu Zhiming looked exceptionally dashing. 

He had shaved off his stubble, styled his hair neatly with some gel, giving him a mature and composed appearance. His suit fit perfectly, accentuating his muscular frame, exuding a sense of reliability and strength. Wu Zhiming's striking good looks had always been a source of envy and resentment, especially among men who felt threatened by his appearance. It was one of the reasons he had been a target of bullying in the past.

Without a word, Wu Zhiming tossed the car keys to Wu Yuwei and walked towards the elevator. Wu Yuwei hurried ahead, pressing the button for the elevator to come down.

When the elevator doors opened with a ding, several people were already inside, dragging suitcases. They were neighbors from the building, specifically from apartment 1001. Wu Zhiming recognized them immediately. They had been away on a trip for the past ten days.

Wu Zhiming stepped aside to let them out. The neighbors glanced at him but said nothing, busying themselves with their luggage as they exited the elevator. Once they were out, Wu Zhiming and Wu Yuwei stepped inside.

As the elevator doors closed, the muffled voices of the departing neighbors could be heard.

"That softie sure is dressed up today," one of them muttered, unaware that Wu Zhiming could still hear them.

Inside the elevator, Wu Zhiming's expression remained unchanged, but his resolve hardened. Today was his day, and he was going to show everyone that he was no longer the person they thought they knew.

Wu Zhiming stood silently in the elevator, the echoes of his neighbors' dismissive comments fading into the background. Over the years, his relationship with the people in apartment 1001 had been strained at best. They were a domineering lot, often cluttering the hallway with their belongings and even encroaching on the space in front of Wu Zhiming's door. Whenever issues arose, it was always his wife, Yao Jing, who stepped up to negotiate, while Wu Zhiming kept his silence, reinforcing the neighbors' perception of him as a complete pushover.

As they reached the ground floor, Wu Zhiming's phone rang. It was Yao Jing.

"Are you on your way yet? Can you pick me up?" Yao Jing asked.

"You're coming too?" Wu Zhiming was surprised.

"Of course, I am. What did you expect?" Yao Jing retorted.

"I thought after what happened last night, you might need a few days to rest at home," Wu Zhiming said with concern.

"Today is an important day for you. I have to be there," Yao Jing insisted.

"Alright, wait for me downstairs," Wu Zhiming replied.

After hanging up, Wu Zhiming turned to Wu Yuwei. "We need to pick up my wife on the way."

"Understood!" Wu Yuwei nodded.

A few minutes later, Wu Zhiming's Bentley, still without license plates, pulled up outside Yao Jing's parents' apartment building. The luxurious car drew considerable attention from passersby.

"Isn't that Yao Jing's husband? How come he's driving such a fancy car?" one neighbor remarked.

"This car must be worth millions, right?" another speculated.

"Not just millions, probably four or five million!" someone exclaimed.

A small crowd gathered, murmuring in awe as Yao Jing waited outside the building, accompanied by her parents, Zhou Yanqiu and Yao Jianyong. Today, Yao Jing was dressed to impress in a skirt Wu Zhiming had bought for her, adorned with a necklace he had gifted her, and carrying a designer bag from him. 

When the car stopped, Wu Zhiming stepped out, smiling warmly at Yao Jing. "Come on, my lady, let's go," he said, opening the car door for her.

"My parents want to come too," Yao Jing whispered to him.

"They're coming as well?" Wu Zhiming frowned slightly. He wasn't keen on having his in-laws at the Wu family's ceremony.

"I told them not to, but they insisted," Yao Jing said, a hint of resignation in her voice.

"Zhiming, today is a big day for you. As your in-laws, we should be there to witness it. Don't you think?" Zhou Yanqiu said with a wide smile.

"Fine," Wu Zhiming conceded. "You two sit in the back. I'll sit up front."

"Great!" Zhou Yanqiu beamed, quickly ushering Yao Jing into the car and taking a seat beside her.

"Congratulations, Zhiming!" Yao Jianyong said, patting Wu Zhiming on the shoulder as he passed.

"Thanks," Wu Zhiming replied curtly.

After everyone was seated, Wu Zhiming closed the doors and took his place in the front passenger seat. Wu Yuwei started the car and they drove off.

Zhou Yanqiu, sitting in the back, lowered her window and leaned out. "Where are you off to, Yanqiu?" a neighbor called out.

"Our son-in-law is becoming the head of the Wu family today. We're going to witness the ceremony. Come by our place tonight for some celebratory sweets!" Zhou Yanqiu announced proudly.

"Keep it down a bit," Yao Jianyong murmured.

"Why should I? Our son-in-law is finally making something of himself. I want everyone to see that even I, Zhou Yanqiu, have my day in the sun! Think of how they've looked at our family all these years, at Yao Jing! Now, it's time to show them what we're made of!" Zhou Yanqiu declared with a triumphant grin.

Up front, Wu Zhiming smiled wryly. Zhou Yanqiu embodied all the stereotypical traits of a small-minded, boastful commoner. Thankfully, Yao Jing hadn't inherited these traits, or else their marriage would have likely ended in divorce long ago.

The Bentley sped out of the neighborhood, drawing admiring and envious glances as it went. About half an hour later, they arrived at the Wu family's old residence. As soon as Wu Zhiming stepped out of the car, Wu Mengjie came running over and threw herself into his arms, a recurring pattern whenever she saw her brother.

"Alright, today is an important day. Let's not make a scene," Wu Zhiming gently pushed her away.

"No worries, I won't cause any trouble!" Wu Mengjie said cheerfully. "I even put on a formal dress today. You know I never wear these things."

"You look beautiful," Wu Zhiming remarked, giving her a quick once-over.

"So, who's prettier, me or your wife?" Wu Mengjie asked, grinning.

"Why don't you see for yourself?" Wu Zhiming replied.

Wu Mengjie glanced toward the car just as Yao Jing stepped out. For a brief moment, a look of astonishment flashed across her face.

"Now, what do you think? Who's more beautiful?" Wu Zhiming teased.

"Hmph…" Wu Mengjie huffed and walked away.

Zhou Yanqiu, stepping out of the car, looked around at the old Wu family residence. "This place is really showing its age," she commented.

"Jingjing, take your parents inside. I have some things to take care of," Wu Zhiming said.

"Alright," Yao Jing nodded, guiding her parents into the house.

Wu Zhiming headed toward the main hall on the first floor. Inside, several people had already gathered. They were mostly those who had been marginalized by the Wu family in the past or distant relatives living in other cities. In total, there were about twenty or thirty people, not a large crowd.

"We've sent invitations to our family's old friends and prominent figures in the city. They should be arriving soon. When they do, you'll need to greet them at the front door," Wu Maocai, standing beside Wu Zhiming, explained.

"Alright," Wu Zhiming nodded. "Is everything ready upstairs?"

"Yes, everything is prepared. We're just waiting for the auspicious hour," Wu Maocai confirmed.

"Good," Wu Zhiming smiled and nodded.

Time passed slowly. Around 8:30, Dong Jian, Wang Hai, and several senior executives from the Wu Group arrived at the old residence.

"Young master, after today, I won't be able to call you 'young master' anymore. I'll have to address you as 'patriarch'," Dong Jian said with a smile, standing before Wu Zhiming.

Wu Zhiming nodded and patted Dong Jian's shoulder. "Thank you for everything over the years."

"No need to thank me, young master. Serving you has always been my duty," Dong Jian replied, shaking his head.

"I won't let you down," Wu Zhiming promised.

Dong Jian smiled warmly, saying nothing more. 

Wang Hai, standing nearby, watched the exchange with curiosity. Unlike Dong Jian, who had always treated Wu Zhiming with the respect due to a family retainer, Wang Hai and the others saw Wu Zhiming as their boss, or "laoda." This difference in perception meant Wang Hai had far less insight into Wu Zhiming's plans than Dong Jian did. He had a vague sense that Wu Zhiming and Dong Jian were working on something significant, but the specifics eluded him.