Chapter 48: The Attack of the Assassins

A few years ago, if someone had asked Wu Yuwei, "Do you believe in gods?", he would have scoffed and called them crazy. Gods? They don't exist in this world.

But today, Wu Yuwei felt like he had seen a god. 

A being who had lain dormant for over twenty years and now rose in a single day, making countless mortals bow before him—a god.

In Wu Yuwei's eyes, Wu Zhiming radiated a brilliance he had never seen before. This light was so intense that Wu Yuwei found it almost blinding. 

He was confused, unsure if it was the sunlight or if Wu Zhiming himself was truly glowing.

Wu Mengjie didn't see a god. Instead, she saw the true version of her brother. She had always believed that her brother was not the person he seemed to be for all those years. This belief had sustained her for many years, and now, everything before her eyes confirmed her faith!

Moved to tears, Wu Mengjie's eyes were filled with emotion.

Shen Hongyue's face was dark and twisted with displeasure.

Wu Zhixing's expression was equally grim.

Wu Maohua looked pale, his insides feeling as though they were being shattered by Wu Zhiming's words.

"Wu Zhiming, descendant of the Wu family, bow to our ancestors and assume the position of the head of the family!!" Wu Maocai called out in a trembling voice.

Without sparing another glance at Shen Hongyue and the others, Wu Zhiming turned towards the portrait of the Wu family's ancestors and bowed deeply, performing three prostrations.

"The inauguration ceremony is complete. From today onwards, Wu Zhiming is the head of the Wu family!" Wu Maocai declared loudly.

The scene fell silent. Everyone was still reeling from the shock of the moment.

"Hail to the family head!" Wu Maocai bowed as he shouted.

This shout snapped everyone back to reality.

"Hail to the family head!" the crowd echoed, bowing in unison.

Even those who had initially sided with Shen Hongyue and her allies now bent their backs.

Only Shen Hongyue, Wu Zhixing, and Wu Maohua remained standing, their bodies stiff and their faces defiant.

Shen Hongyue's face twisted into a vicious snarl. She subtly raised her hand and placed it on the back of her neck, mimicking an itch. In reality, it was a throat-slitting gesture.

No one noticed this move.

Except for Wu Zhiming and a few hidden observers.

As Shen Hongyue completed her gesture, several inconspicuous individuals within the crowd suddenly sprang into action!

Three men, to be exact—two charged forward while one followed slightly behind, all targeting Wu Zhiming.

The sudden attack caught almost everyone off guard.

The three moved with such speed that in the blink of an eye, they were within two meters of Wu Zhiming.

The two leading attackers simultaneously drew knives, their blades gleaming with a cold light as they aimed at Wu Zhiming.

"Watch out!" Yao Jing screamed in terror.

"Boss, look out!!" Wang Hai shouted as he rushed towards Wu Zhiming.

Dong Jian remained still, a cold glint in his eyes.

"So, they finally couldn't hold back, huh?" Wu Zhiming murmured, the corner of his mouth curling slightly.

At that moment, a figure suddenly descended from above.

This figure came from the seventh floor!

Even before the attackers had made their move, this person had already sensed the impending danger and leapt from the seventh floor. By the time the three assailants were closing in on Wu Zhiming, this person was already mid-air, falling rapidly.

With the force of gravity accelerating his descent, this person's speed far exceeded that of the charging attackers.


A tremendous impact followed.

The ground seemed to tremble slightly as the figure landed steadily. In one swift motion, this person grabbed the wrists of the two attackers, both holding knives. The force of their descent, amplified by gravity, drove into the attackers' hands with such impact that it dislodged the knives, sending them clattering to the ground.

Without hesitation, the figure bent their knees and then sprang upwards, legs spread wide, targeting the attackers. 

**Bang! Bang!**

Two crisp sounds echoed as the assailants, caught off guard, had no time to react. Both were struck in the chin by the descending figure's legs, sending them flying backward.

It was only then that everyone clearly saw the face of the person who had descended from above.

It was a woman. Her expression was calm, but her eyes blazed with a deadly intensity.

Yao Jing's face lit up with joy at the sight of this person. It was none other than Wu Zhiming's personal bodyguard, Li Si Na!

Previously, Li Si Na had taken three days off without notice, which had left Yao Jing slightly disgruntled. Little did she know that Li Si Na would appear at this crucial moment!

Just as the two assailants were sent sprawling, the third attacker, lagging slightly behind, reached Li Si Na. He lunged forward with his arm, brandishing a fearsome spike!

The spike glinted menacingly as it thrust forward with lethal precision. Li Si Na, having just dispatched the first two attackers, was caught in the transition between actions, making it impossible to evade the attack.

However, being unable to dodge didn't mean she was defenseless.

With incredible resolve, Li Si Na reached out and grabbed the spike. Sharp blades lined the edges, threatening to tear into her flesh.

Unfazed, Li Si Na grasped the spike firmly. The spike advanced about five centimeters into her grip before halting abruptly.

With a swift flick of her wrist, she twisted the attacker's arm aside with such force that it sent him stumbling. Seizing the opportunity, Li Si Na clenched her other hand into a fist and launched it toward the assailant's face.

The attacker's mask-like expression, pale and rigid, suggested he wore a human-skin mask. As her fist was about to connect, he jerked back with an eerie quickness, instantly widening the gap between them.

Li Si Na did not pursue, for the first two attackers were already charging at her again.

Although they had been knocked down, the injuries they sustained were not severe. Their resilience was far beyond that of ordinary people, allowing them to recover and continue their assault.

Li Si Na raised her hands, adopting a combat stance.

The two attackers lunged at her simultaneously, attacking from both sides. Meanwhile, the third attacker, wielding the spike, sidestepped and made a beeline for Wu Zhiming.

Their intent was unmistakable—they wouldn't stop until Wu Zhiming was dead!

At this moment, screams and shouts erupted from all around.

Some members of the Wu family screamed in terror and fled, while others watched in anticipation, seemingly eager to see Wu Zhiming overpowered.

Wang Hai, being a businessman, was not particularly fast. However, Li Si Na had bought just enough time. As the third attacker closed in on Wu Zhiming, Wang Hai managed to position himself in front of his boss.

"Here's my chance for a big achievement!" Wang Hai thought to himself, hurling himself towards the attacker without a hint of fear for his own safety.

Wu Zhiming smiled wryly at Wang Hai's antics. This subordinate of his was truly one of a kind.

The attacker, indifferent to Wang Hai's boldness, thrust his spike forward without hesitation.

Just as the spike was about to pierce Wang Hai, a claw-like hand suddenly reached out from the side and seized the attacker's arm.


The sound of tearing flesh filled the air as the grip tightened.

The claws were incredibly sharp, instantly piercing into the arm of the attacker.

The attacker's face changed dramatically as he quickly withdrew his hand and then kicked towards the side.


The owner of the claws raised his hand to block, but was heavily kicked, causing him to step back two paces. However, the owner of the claws swiftly accelerated forward again, blocking this attacker once more.

In total, three attackers were completely blocked.

Wu Zhiming remained expressionless, turning to walk to the doorway of the first-floor hall and pulling out a chair to sit down.

"Leave one alive," Wu Zhiming said.

Seeing this scene, the panicked Wu family members suddenly felt their nervousness dissipate. They gathered around Wu Zhiming, seeming to find genuine safety only in his presence.

Yao Jing put down the chair she had been holding.

She had intended to use the chair to help Wu Zhiming, but seeing a skilled fighter block the attackers, she abandoned her plan to step forward.

In the courtyard, the fighting was intense.

On Wu Zhiming's side were two individuals: Li Sina and another, naturally the owner of the claws.

On the other side were a total of three individuals, all strong in ability, especially the one with the spike. Even with Li Sina and the owner of the claws together, they barely managed to suppress their opponent.

However, Li Sina's strength was formidable.

Known as the Blood Moon Rose, she had no concerns about getting injured. She engaged in a two-on-one battle, completely abandoning defense and launching a frenzied attack.

Under her assault, the two attackers began to retreat, showing signs of defeat.

Seeing this, the attacker with the spike knew their mission had failed. Angrily, he used the spike to drive off Li Sina, then shouted loudly, "Retreat!"

After shouting, he turned and ran.

The other two attackers, seeing him flee, also turned and left.

Li Sina did not pursue them further. Her duty as a bodyguard was to protect Wu Zhiming, not to apprehend attackers.

The owner of the claws chased after them, but Wu Zhiming called him back.

"Let them go," Wu Zhiming said.

The owner of the claws halted in his tracks.

Wu Zhiming smiled and turned to Shen Hongyue, saying, "Who would have thought that on the day I assume the position of family head, so many interesting things would happen?"

"You're really lucky. None of these events have affected you," Shen Hongyue said with a slight smirk.

"What about staying for the celebratory banquet? Will you join us for dinner?" Wu Zhiming asked.

"No need. We're not accustomed to the food of your Wu family! Son, let's go!" Shen Hongyue said coldly.

"Alright, Mom," Wu Zhixing said.

"Shen Hongyue, someday I will uncover the true cause of my father's death. I hope you live to see that day," Wu Zhiming said.

"Threatening me?" Shen Hongyue stared at Wu Zhiming. "Don't think you're so impressive with a few connections and a little money. Our Shen family is one of the top families in the provincial capital, far beyond your small Wu family!"

Wu Zhiming chuckled. "Who can say for certain? Maybe the small Wu family will become a big one before long."

Shen Hongyue's face changed color, then she said, "I knew it. Your ambitions extend beyond just the Wu family."

"The rivers and mountains of the martial world are vast, and your Shen family, I'll come to visit you in the provincial capital," Wu Zhiming said.

"If you have the courage, come. I'll be waiting for you in the provincial capital!" Shen Hongyue said, turning and leaving.

"Wu Zhiming, the provincial capital is the real battlefield. I'll be sure to greet you properly when you come!" Wu Zhixing left behind a sentence and then left with Shen Hongyue.

Wu Maohua stood in place, whether or not she was in the middle.