Patch POV
Battering Ram Bracknell WAS Hades?
No matter how much Patch disliked the woman, the idea turned his stomach, and he felt something strange and unsettling as he gazed down at Melisande's unconscious form.
He felt sorry for Melisande.
Dane sniffed, his nostrils flaring. "Yes. A distinct smell of rottenness I didn't notice before."
"Like rotting fruit that's overly sweet," Patch commented, making a face.
Lilia's eyes were wide with horror. "How did we ever miss this?"
Morgana shook her head. "Hades has had centuries to perfect deceiving people–just when you think you know all of his tricks, he finds one that's even worse."
"But we KNOW this," Lilia snarled. "We were so busy hating her that we were blind to any possible changes in her! It wasn't like Cyran where people loved him."
Morgana sighed. "Love and hatred are two sides of the same coin, aren't they? They twist our perceptions of the beloved and the one we hate."
"Fenrir's guts, Morgana's right," Patch growled. "Melisande's behavior has always put us off–worse than a crop of stinkweed."
His fangs sharpening, Dane's eyes glowed like gold moons. "It's the perfect disguise for Hades and the Dark Goddess, even more than Cyran–because nobody cares about her."
Patch wasn't surprised at Dane's brutal assessment. "How the h*ll has Hades managed to hold this form for so long? And he hates women! He must have been desperate."
"She's his blood," Morgana muttered.
"So is Garnet," Anneliese commented wryly.
Morgana was thoughtful. "But he's desperate, because of the Dark Goddess."
Patch understood. They'd always worried that Hades could come back, and the Dark Goddess would use him again.
Daxius' voice intruded. "We know how he's been able to possess Melisande so completely. Duffy, can you keep a lookout for rogues? We don't want them bothering us."
The gnome grunted from the hallway. "And just what have I been doing for hours but running those mangy wolves ragged?"
Patch snorted with laughter. "Oh, Duffy Kruspodin, when this is over, you're coming to Evenhide for a nice long visit."
Duffy laughed in agreement.
Daxius and Marieke burst in, holding a ring of obsidian set with a ruby stone.
Lilia felt a chill. "That's a powerful talisman. A Ring of Control. THAT'S how Hades has been able to remain in Melisande's body! Lucky that you found it."
Anneliese snorted. "Hades has gotten arrogant and careless. He should never have taken that off."
"He won't be getting it back," Patch added. "Daxius, you've started to grow on me. Either you, Lilia, or Anneliese keep this thing on you."
Daxius smiled and raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure you trust me with it?"
"I do," Lilia said. "And I'm sure Mother would, too."
Dane's eyes glinted with approval. "You heard her, Daxius."
Her father slipped the ring into a pouch. "I found this among Melisande's things. It's a Pouch of Protection. No one is getting this."
Lilia put an arm around Daxius. "And no one will get Melisande, either. We'll guard her … Hades … whoever it is."
"She's not Melisande anymore," Dane growled. "Except in appearance. We're dealing with Hades, plain and simple–OUCH."
He doubled over, still hurting from the silver despite the potions. Anneliese hurried to his side and healed whatever pain remained. Daxius wove healing energy around Lilia.
Patch guessed that having Dane feel better would improve Lilia's health.
Anneliese cleared her throat. "I think Mother and Father will want to know everything. Let me pop over to Wildefell through astral travel."
She closed her eyes, and a glow surrounded her. Patch kept a grip on Melisande. So did Bram, but he looked distracted.
"Where's my father?" he demanded. "And Ravyn?"
"Don't you worry," Lilia assured him, and told him everything that Jude had done. The clever ruse he'd used to fool Melisande–and all of them, too, for a time.
Shaking his head, Bram said, "I had no idea my father could act that obedient!"
Lilia smirked. "Oh, he was good. Very good. 'Obedient' is not in an Alpha's vocabulary, and he must have hated every minute."
"I'd rather eat stinkweed," Dane commented.
Lilia swatted him. "You'd do whatever it took to turn the tables on an enemy."
"I could never be as convincing as SOME of my family." Dane's eyes flicked to Patch, and he sounded proud.
To h*ll with modesty! Patch wore a satisfied smile. "So, what do we do with old Dark-Face?"
"Guard him," Dane said.
Restless, Bram pulled away and headed for the door. "I don't care about Hades, Melisande, whoever it is. I just care about my father. Where would he be?"
Patch's heart squeezed with pain, a familiar pain. He reached across Melisande and gripped Bram's hand. No words needed. Bram glanced at him in surprise and appreciation.
* * * * *
Lilia POV
Lilia exchanged glances with Dane. She could feel Dane's sympathy through the bond. Bram had, after all, lost his mother to a violent death that they'd all been helpless to prevent, and he feared the same would happen to his father.
"Your father left with my mother," Lilia said gently. "To get her away from Melisande … and to distract her in case she recognized these two." She nodded at Patch and Anneliese, who looked absurdly pleased with themselves.
Until Anneliese's eyes widened. "Jiro and Garnet! We should look for them."
Patch bit back a curse. "Fenrir's guts! Now that Melisande is secure, maybe those rogues will stop killing those humans."
Lilia frowned. "What's this about humans?"
Daxius, Marieke, Bram, Morgana, and Patch filled Lilia and Dane in about the gruesome scene and Jiro's and Garnet's brave defense of the royal soldiers and the mages they encountered previously.
Daxius added grimly, "Jude scouted outside with Melisande, and he hasn't said anything about Jiro and Garnet. He would have, I'm certain, if …"
Dane gnashed his teeth, Lilia felt double fear–hers and his. "D*mn! Why did those two have to risk their necks?"
Patch shut him down. "Because you would have, Dane. You would have protected the humans at all costs. The fact that Old Dark-Face didn't immediately crow about their deaths tells me they're still alive. Probably sneaking into the tower as we speak. Maybe pretending to be some of the rogues, like we did."
Dane shifted, sitting silently for a moment before shifting back, his face still grim. "Nothing from Jiro. Lilia, Bram, we should go find Jude and Ravyn, and look for our wayward pair."
Daxius took Bram's place, and he and Patch gripped Melisande, discussing what to do with her. With knowing looks, they both dragged her over to the wall and the silver chains. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" Lilia asked.
"Don't shed too many tears," Patch growled. "She wasn't pleasant BEFORE Old Dark-Face got her."
"He won't go overboard, though," Dane said warningly.
Lilia grimaced, agreeing. "Keep Hades alive. He needs to answer some questions."
Morgana dabbed at her eyes. "Our union has ruined so many lives. Tainted so much with darkness–including this tower."
"And yet your union also brought joy because of Garnet and Cyran," Dane reassured her.
Morgana's face lit up with gratitude.
"Although I wouldn't mind leaving here as soon as we can," Dane added.
Passionate about finding his father, Bram impatiently rushed out of the room. Lilia, Dane, and Marieke dashed after them. On guard, Duffy stood outside, watching all of them with his battle-hardened stare, and a look of respect and affection.
The tower looked no less dark and creepy now that Melisande was out of action. Marieke and Lilia led the way to the lab, scanning for their loved ones. Dane and Bram watched the shadows, sniffing for hints of any rogues who might pounce on them suddenly.
No Jiro. No Garnet. Maybe they'd gotten distracted by the magical objects in the tower, but Lilia doubted it. Once those two had a mission, they were single-focused.
Where could their missing family be? Lilia nudged Dane. "Do you smell Jiro and Garnet?"
He shook his head. "There's too much rogue smell and too much dark magic to pick out their familiar scents."
"This tower is huge," Lilia said, gazing at the winding hallway as they headed to the lab. "Locating them may not be easy."
Bram was silent, focused only on his father and Ravyn. Marieke smiled comfortingly at Lilia. "We'll find them. I know every corner of this place."
Lilia's mind whirled with questions, but she felt determined to reunite with her brother and her sister-in-law.
"Jiro and Garnet, where are you?" she called out softly.