Chapter 177: How To Be Comfortable Pregnant

Lilia POV

Lilia could feel her mother's relief a mile away, and seeing Ravyn appear in astral projection made the sensation stronger.

"Jude AND Hades listened to you and Bram? That's incredible. Two of the most strong-willed men I've ever met who don't happen to have the last name of Cresta."

"I resemble that remark," Dane called out from the bed where he'd coaxed Lilia to lie down with him. Her pregnancy had advanced, her belly swelling, and even though she was only halfway through, she definitely felt it. The stress and strain of their ordeal on Abandonnado Island and everything else since then hadn't exactly been easy on her body.

This last week, Dane had put his foot down. Lilia needed to start resting and thinking about her health, and the health of their pup or pups. She needed to limit her travel and activity to the non-strenuous variety, the way she had in her pregnancy three years ago. Life, he maintained, was more complicated and busier now, and Lilia needed to take care of herself. No ifs, ands, or buts.

Ravyn's eyes flicked to her. "And you, oh strong-willed daughter of mine? Are you taking care of yourself?"

"Yes, because I'm stubborn." Dane wrapped his arms around Lilia, and she melted into his embrace. "I insisted on lots of rest."

"He did," Lilia grumbled, but with affection. "That's why Kodi, Bentley, and Tau are with Uncle Dirge and Aunt Thessi for the day. Maybe even overnight."

Ravyn clasped her hands. "Thank the goddess. You two need a break."

Lilia sighed fondly. "Oh, but I miss them when they're not here."

"Quiet, you," Dane rumbled, sounding stern. "The pups will be in our arms again before we know it, but for tonight we can enjoy a little couple time." 

His hand splayed over her stomach, and he rubbed her belly in slow circles. 

She became aware of a flutter above her head. Pregnancy, especially being pregnant with wolf pups, had a way of heightening your senses. 

Ravyn gasped delightedly. "Lilia ... you have a little visitor."

Looking up, Lilia saw a tiny Moondrop Fairy, her wings the color of moonbeams, her hair a deep black like the night, and her white dress fluttering.

Lilia gasped. "That's a rare thing, to see a fairy in the house."

"And a Moondrop Fairy at that," Dane said in a voice full of reverence. "Hello, little friend."

Her wings sagged. "Shhh. I'm hiding."

Lilia frowned, perceiving something dark and melancholy in the fairy's delicate features. "Well, you're safe here. You're in a house of shifters."

"Noooo," the fairy wailed, and circled in erratic loops, becoming agitated.

Ravyn and lilia both concentrated their magic and flooded the space with calming energy. The fairy was so small that the concentrated waves worked wonders. She immediately ceased her wild roaming and fluttered down to perch on Lilia's tummy. 

"Oooh, you're budding," she said in a dreamy voice. "You're going to burst into flower before too long. That means you're pregnant."

"I know," Lilia said in a gentle voice. "I'm due in four months."

"You know that a Moondrop Fairy landing on a pregnant woman's belly, especially a shifter's mate, means good luck with the birth," the fairy said, her wings aflutter. 

Dane grinned. "I've heard that old tale since I was a pup. Good to know it's true. I'm Alpha Dane Cresta of this Evenhide Pack, by the way. This is my mate, Luna Lilia Rolfe Cresta, and the shifter witch appearing via astral projection is my mother-in-law, Ravyn Rolfe Faolan, Luna of the Silverpaw Pack."

"Hello," the fairy said, bowing with another flutter and flap of her wings. "I am Mahina of the Moondrop Fairies."

In a gentle, deep voice, Dane asked, "Mahina, you said you're hiding. From whom?"

Mahina gazed at him through deep black eyes, assessing his trustworthiness. Finally, she said, "Shifters. Nasty ones. Snappy and snarly."

Dane's eyes burned wolf gold. "Where did you encounter these rude shifters? Do you know their names? I can assure you, this matter will be dealt with swiftly."

"I don't know their names, and it was dark, so I couldn't get a good look at them," Mahina admitted. "Moondrop Fairies normally have good eyesight in the dark, but I'm not one of them. Strangely, I see better in the daytime."

"Everyone has different abilities," Ravyn said smoothly. "Mahina, what were these wolves doing when they attacked you?"

"They were roaming around and seemed angry," Mahina said, thinking out loud, resting her chin on her knees. "You could hear their growls."

"Were they patrolling?" Dane asked.

"No. Moondrop Fairies know wolf patrols, and they usually are very disciplined," Mahina explained logically. "These were more feral."

Dane, Lilia, and Ravyn looked at each other and said in unison, "Rogues."

After a moment, Lilia asked, "When did this happen, Mahina?"

"Ah ..." Mahina scrunched up her delicate face in thought. "Not long ago. Night had just laid her black velvet cloak upon the land."

Dane nodded. "Not long ago, indeed." He swung his legs over the side of the bed and leapt up with a great bound. "I'll let Dirge and Patch know. They'll scout and find these rogues. Mahina, were you alone or were other fairies with you?"

She shook her head. "I'm a bit of an oddball and loner. They must have seen me as easy prey, I'm afraid."

"Not anymore. You are now officially under our protection. Tend to Luna Lilia. She needs rest, so make sure she gets it." He darted out of the room.

* * * * *

Ravyn POV

It warmed her heart to see her daughter relax, especially while pregnant. The presence of the little fairy helped. 

"What are the Moondrop Fairies?" she asked, inquisitive. "I don't think I know them. I should, especially if they appear in Silverpaw lands."

"Oh, we are nomadic fairies that spread out all over the Shifter Federation," Mahina replied, massaging Lilia's belly. "It's a good thing you're staying here and resting. You should not be running around at this stage in your pregnancy."

"Ha, I was adventuring at four and a half months," Lilia revealed.

Ravyn narrowed her eyes. "Yes, and Dane was howling at the moon and shedding fur. You have to be more careful now that you're pregnant, Lilia."

A knock on the door, and then Azandra and Anneliese slipped in. "We heard there was trouble," Anneliese began.

Awed, Azandra pointed at the little fairy. "But you found a healer! She's massaging you, which I prescribed. At least once a day, preferably more often."

Mahina parked up. "I am a healer. How did you know that?"

Azandra winked, approaching the bed. "Takes one to know one. Azandra Hemming Cresta, Pack Healer and future Wise Woman. And I could use an assistant, honestly."

"And who has been saying that for months now?" Anneliese gloated.

Ravyn smiled at the force of nature that was Azandra Hemming Cresta. Mahina's entire body vibrated, and she launched herself into the air and did a somersault. "Oh yes! I want to heal shifters, which is definitely a no-no among my kind. We live alongside you, but we are not supposed to mix with you."

Azandra chuckled. "We understand this better than anyone. I'm sure the uncouth behavior of rogues in the territory doesn't enhance our image."

"Honestly, we prefer to keep to ourselves anyway," Mahina confided, drifting down to land on Lilia's rounded belly again, in a different spot than before. "But I agree that skirmishes with rogues just makes us more paranoid."

"Well, you're safe now," Anneliese soothed. "And you have an important job. Making sure Lilia rests. Can you do that?"

"She won't move from this bed all night," Mahina promised.

Ravyn heard Hades in her mind. "Rogues in the Silverpaw territory!"

"I have to go," she said. "Our pack has rogue problems too. Lilia, I'll check in on you tomorrow morning."