A few days later...

 Dylan, head CFO of Kata Industries, almost jumped into his car. He was late for dinner with his wife Alice. "Hurry please get me home before my wife gets too angry to listen", he told his driver as they pulled off fro the car park. He sat back in his chair and stretched himself. It had been a busy day and he was feeling tired. However, no matter how tired he felt, he couldn't miss dinner with his wife. He began to feel drowsy. Maybe some shut eye will help me a bit. " Wake me when we get there", he said nd closed his eyes. The driver smiled.

 From a distance, he heard his wife calling him, "Honey wake up. Wake up please." At first he thought it was a dream but, a gunshot and his wife's scream woke him up properly. His eyes flew wide open. He was in his dining room. The large chandelier hung above the table shining brightly. There was food on the table, his favorite dishes. A pant and sobs made him look across him. There was Alice, his wife. She was tied to the chair and was bleeding from her forehead. He panicked and tried to get up. That's when he realized he couldn't move. He looked down at himself. He was also tied to the chair. Moreover, there was a plate in front of him. It had money in it. 

 " Ah you finally woke up," a deep voice filled with rage spoke. He looked for its owner. Fear gripped him. It was Lucas Decker. " You look scared Dylan", Lucas said," Why"? he asked. Lucas took out his gun and without warning, shot Alice in the leg. She screamed. Dylan was stunned. This wasn't the Lucas he knew. He struggled to get out of the chair to no avail. His wife was bleeding. "Alice look at me ok ," He said softly trying to stay calm." Everything will be okay sweetheart...." He was interrupted by Lucas who said," What makes you think everything will be ok, hm"?

"She's already losing a lot of blood as it is," Lucas continued" At any rate she'll probably dead by the time I'm done with you. So let's make it quick okay"? He asked looking at Alice, "What do you want"? Dylan asked, his eyes looking at Alice. Lucas looked at him angrily.

 Loudly, he said, "Let's play a game. Its called how many ten dollar bills can fit your mouth", he continued, his voice deeper more menacing. Dylan looked at Lucas completely. Just who on earth was he now? Lucas took charge, " You have a plate full of Ten dollar bills, your job is to stuff them into your mouth until there's no space left. Then maybe I'll go lenient on your wife I guess. " he said. He dragged his gun across the table as he walked towards Alice. 

Dylan's hands were tied to the table. He began to put ten dollar bills into his mouth. They tasted horrible but he didn't stop. There was no way he was going to lose to a spoilt kid. " What happened to the shares I never bought from you and your company"? Lucas asked as he stood next to Alice. 

 " Which one Luc,"? he asked, while pretending not to remember. A gunshot had him frozen. Alice screamed. " We're supposed to be playing a game but it seems like you want to have a chat," Lucas said his voice darkening. He reloaded the gun again and shot Alice in the foot. Dylan panicked and screamed, "ALICE"! This was bad. Lucas was not even looking at the person he shot. Instead, he was looking at Dylan.


Lucas looked at him coldly and said," Answer the question I asked you"? Dylan looked at his wife and said," I don't know what happens all I know is that I get a call on insider trading and sell them to you while you buy shares from them. That's all I know please let us go." He was desperate. Nobody had told him that those deals would make his wife suffer so much. All he had seen was money. A little extra money that would allow them to maintain a façade of being super rich. If only he had known that this would happen.

 "Who said I was letting you go"? Lucas said coldly. He shot Alice in the neck and walked slowly over to Dylan. "There's a lot I want to ask you so why don't you say goodbye to your lovely wife."

 The last thing Dylan saw was his wife's body going limp as Lucas knocked him out.

 Revenge had begun.