The distant sounds of a crowd cheering on was what brought Winter into consciousness. He opened his eyes and found himself in a wrestling ring. Confused, he looked around him trying to see a familiar face who would probably explain to him what was going on. 

 " I've never seen you this flustered Winter," a familiar voice said to him from the other side of the ring. He looked up and saw Lucas standing there, imposing. He snickered, 'Just what was this rich kid doing' he thought sarcastically. Loudly he replied," Not being flustered, I was wondering if I should keep you alive long enough for your mother to say her last goodbye." He waited to see an expression on his face. Lucas seemed calm and collected, perhaps too collected. He grit his teeth and loosened his tie and that's when he finally noticed he had no shoes on. 'Good thing I wore my favorite pair of socks' he thought, amusedly taking a fighting stance. 

 Lucas loosened up his own tie, removed his coat and cufflinks and rolled up his shirt sleeves. He was in a bad mood. 'He must have enjoyed beating her' he thought as he moved closer to him. Winter felt a chill down his body. It was overridden by excitement. 'Finally I get a piece of old money' he thought excitedly as he went in for a punch.

Lucas dodged it, went low and gave him a triple gut punch. This sent him reeling backwards. Lucas didn't wait for him to recover. He kicked him on his left jawline sending him falling to his right. He punched him again then kicked him sending him flying across the ring and into the caged wall.

 Winter stood and spat blood onto the ring's floor. He smiled maniacally. This was good. He ran up to him ready to punch him but that punch never connected. Lucas caught it and kneed him right on the chest. Winter countered with his free hand, punching Lucas on the neck, disorienting him. Both pull back. Lucas stretched his neck sideways while Winter breathed in heavily.

'I've had enough' Lucas thought. The air around him changed. He let rage take over. What followed was a beat down so horrific, the crowd went silent with some even puking and hiding their eyes. This was no longer a fight, this was destruction.

Lucas looked at his bloodied fists as he stood over Winter and said," You can't pass out and neither can you die yet," he went to the entrance of the ring. " Bring him along", he said to Riley, grabbing a towel to wipe the blood. Two men ran inside and carried the unconscious man out. The crowd was still silent as he left with some choosing to leave as well. This had been the first time inside that underground fighting ring that someone had been brutally beaten and no one had helped or interrupted the match.

* * *

Winter woke up in his car. His hands were tied up to the wheels and his feet were duck taped to the pedals. His face was swollen and still had bruises all over his body. "It must be pretty comfortable in there considering you're on the edge of a cliff," a voice said right in his ear. He turned. It was Lucas. Scenes of what he had done to him during the fight flashed in his mind. Fear enveloped him like a blanket. "Well," Lucas continued," Is it comfortable,"? Winter nodded in agreement. 

 " Good," said Lucas looking inside the car. He stepped back and stood up. He looked at someone ahead and nodded once. The car moved back as if falling down the cliff. Winter screamed. This was scary no, terrifying. He was afraid of heights. Leaning forward, Lucas looked in the car at the tied man. "Is it comfortable now"? To which Winter replied shouting," Let me out please! LET ME OUT"! 

 Lucas straightened up and again nodded once. This time it went lower and lower. Winter kept screaming as he yanked at the wheel trying to free himself. A punch on his face silenced him. "You didn't stop or care when she begged you to so why should I"? Lucas said coldly as he put his hand back into his pocket. Winter looked at him confused, 'who is he talking about' he thought as he still tried to break free from the wheel. " Answer this;" Lucas continued, his voice leaving no room for refusal. "Who ordered you to kidnap and beat up Lisa"? 

 For a moment, Winter froze. To Lucas, that meant refusal to answer. He stepped back and lifted his hand. The car went halfway down the cliff. Sounds of Winter screaming frantically and trying to free himself filled the cold night air. Lucas stood there unfazed. "I'LL TELL YOU NOW", Winter shouted hoarsely. The car continued to fall. Winter screamed even louder than ever," PLEASE STOP! PLEASE"! The car continued to fall, his cries were ignored.

"YOUR PARENTS!IT WAS YOUR PARENTS"! he shouted. This stunned Lucas and he stood there shocked. He had expected his mother to be involved after all she was one heck of a scheming witch, but his father as well? He didn't expect that. He turned and said," Drop it." He walked away as the sound of Winter's screams and crushing metal filled the air. Then all was silent.

He entered his car and drove off. He vowed once again, he would make them all pay... even if all also meant his family. They were fair game in the path of vengeance.