Lucas sat there in a dark room re-watching the video he had been given by Drake over a week ago. The video had triggered past memories that had remained hidden and suppressed in his mind. Re-watching it brought everything back and he realized one thing, he had been happy, extremely happy and free back then. A slight knock on the door made him pause the video and wait. Riley opened the door and walked in. He switched on the light. Lucas flinched and shut his eyes quickly trying to adjust to the light after it blinded him.

Riley saw the image on the screen and smiled inwardly. That was the Lucas he knew, warm, kind and full of life to this current one. This one was cold, cruel and borderline psychotic. They were hardly the same person. Loudly he said," Kata Industries doesn't exist." Lucas looked up to him surprised, Riley continued, " I mean officially, it doesn't exist however it is listed in the stock exchange and even has assets amounting to one hundred million dollars spread out globally." Lucas looked puzzled," What does that mean? Is it a money laundering company or not"? He asked as he looked at the papers that Riley gave him.

" It's a bit more complicated than that, after all you're the one who created it." Lucas was shocked. He looked up in askance. Riley took the papers and searched through them. Finding what he was looking for, gave it to Lucas pointing at his signature. " Its right here. You created it for something and had Dan take the papers to register it to the government. He never did. Instead, he lied to you. He brought his friend, Winter Dells, who acted as the CEO and a bunch of other guys and have been stealing confidential info about the Decker Group and selling it to rivals". He paused as he watched Lucas' expressions. At first, it was a mixture of shock and anger but that paved way to a face pained by a friend's betrayal. Now it had a calm cold expression. It was a face full of rage.

 "They've been lying and using me," Lucas said coldly but his voice carried pain and sadness. ' To think I called them friends and family' he thought angrily. Riley continued, " Yeah but they're in a panic." "Why"? Lucas asked. " Winter hasn't been seen or heard from in days and also their CFO. There's the upcoming business expo and Winter had been scheduled to be the host after they had pulled enough strings in the ministry of finance and the State Treasury. His disappearance is making everyone involved nervous," said Riley. For a moment no one spoke again while Lucas looked at the papers.

Lucas stood up, still smiling, unaware that his smile oozed dangerous rage and insatiable bloodlust. Suddenly his phone rang. He looked at it and then answered," You were right. It went exactly as you had predicted. I was in hell and I don't want to go back there. I can see why Lisa tried so hard to free you only to end up dead," the voice paused then continued," I didn't agree to this in order to be broken and humiliated…I'll call you later," the caller hung up. It had been Drake. Before his eyes, Riley witnessed the death and rebirth of Lucas. It was a horrifying sight. Lucas stood still, as if time had stopped for him. He put his head down and looked at the floor.

Then he looked up and smiled. It was a smile that sent chills and fear down Riley's back. For the first time in his life, Riley prayed, not for himself, but for all those poor souls who had crossed Lucas. This Lucas was no longer human and that smile proved it. If vengeance had a physical appearance, this man before him was it. The amount of bloodlust released in that instant made his skin crawl as goosebumps covered his entire body.

" Did Dylan die"? Lucas asked. His voice had changed as well. It was cold, commanding and emotionless. "No sir," Riley replied. He didn't know why he added sir at the end. It just felt like the right word if he wanted to keep his head." Alright let's go. There are things I need to ask him," Lucas replied and headed for the door.