To ease his sense of guilt and probe whether his younger brother had seen him with Melanie, Jake piled 'Lucas' with work. Yes, work. Lucas was a workaholic and thrived well under intense workloads. It was a habit that had been 'in' him for a long time. Even though he enjoyed it, the 'Lucas' in the office didn't. If anything he was dying under the insane workload given to him. Still, he worked. After all if he was getting a front row seat to be best revenge flick for a reward, a few more abnormal hours of work wouldn't hurt. 

He worked hard and prepared everything for the expo with two days to spare. This was quite an achievement. He was sitting in the overly messy office enjoying a celebratory drink when his phone rang. It was Riley.

He answered," Hello." "You work fast", said the person on the other end. It was Lucas. " I have also finished my preparations as well, so I was thinking of giving you a reward while I officially start waging chaos," he said his voice emotionless. "Remember the twins"? He asked. "Yes", 'Lucas' replied as a creeping gut feeling slowly settled in his stomach.

The twins, Ella-Miles and Diane, were a Melanie's friends. Lackeys to be precise. They resembled each other in a lot of ways. Both had dark auburn hair, sharp noses, a mouth that always seemed ready to leer at someone and had petite bodies. The only difference was the color of their eyes. Ella-Miles' eyes were green in color while Diane's were light red. 

These twins were often seen with Melanie acting as her lapdogs doing everything she ordered them to. They were also paid for it. 

" Your silence means you know them", Lucas continued. "I'm sending you a secure link right now click and watch," he concluded and hung up. A second later a link popped up. He clicked it. It was a link to a livestream. He began to watch.

Inside a clear tank were the twins. They were tied to a pole that shot up from the tank. They were surrounded by lights all around them. Both girls looked terrified. " Despite being from a well off family, you still get paid to do undesirable things. That's rather unfortunate", said a cold curt voice.

" Who's there? Who are you? Let us go before my father finds you and-" Diane shouted but stopped when the person came to the light. It was Lucas, they felt relieved. "Oh its you Luc. Hurry up and untie us before whoever kidnapped us comes back", Ella-Miles said. Lucas looked at them. Then he stepped back, removed his coat and rolled up his sleeves. He headed further away then came back carrying a large sack. He put it down, grabbed a ladder and placed it at the tank. Then, with the sack on his shoulder , he climbed up.

 He reached the opening, pulled the sack open and poured. Coins poured in. "What the.. what are you doing Luc,"? Diane asked. Lucas, who had stepped down from the ladder mumbled," I see this won't do," he stepped back into the darkness. The rumble of an engine broke the silence. The low rumble meant something huge was coming toward the twins. They could only wait and watch in fear. It came to view, an excavator! 

The women gasped as the bucket stopped above them, it seemed to be holding something. The machine stopped and Lucas stepped out and came closer to the tank.

" I will ask you two questions only. Please answer accordingly, he said looking at them both. " One, did you ever try being Lisa's friends" he asked looking at them carefully. " No way that bitch wasn't worth our time or worth-" Ella began but Diane kicked her leg stopping her. There was something wrong. This wasn't the Lucas they knew. 

Lucas pursed his lips then nodded," Second question, was it worth it lying to me about her and fronting Melanie to me"? he asked this time coldly. Diane gulped, this was becoming dangerous. 'Why is he asking about a dead bitch' she thought. Again Ella answered without thinking," Heck yeah. I mean like that bitch could never match to Melanie at all and you know that Mel's better than her", she said loudly and obnoxiously. Lucas looked at her then turned and looked at Diane. He didn't say a word, just merely looked at her. "Alright" he said and headed back to the excavator. He released what the bucket was holding. Money. Lots of money in the form of coins. He poured it all on them.

The women screamed but those screams were drowned by the sound of coins falling on each other. Soon the tank was full, the women were buried in them. Lucas drove away. The livestream ended.

'Lucas' sat there, too stunned to move.

Revenge just got an early start.