The two men were tied in a unique way. Their shins were tied to the chairs' legs leaving their feet loose facing different directions. Their upper arms were tied to the backs of the chairs leaving their lower arms and hands free. They were barely two feet from each other. This was the best position to play rock paper scissors.

" Begin the game," Lucas commanded, his voice leaving no room for defiance. Reluctantly, the two men began, " Rock, paper, scissors, " they said in unison. They both drew rock. Lucas swung the sledgehammer and crushed Mark's right foot, swung again and crushed Dan's left foot. They screamed in shock and pain. Lucas stepped back, put down the sledgehammer, then pulled out two guns from his back. He shoved them into their mouths." The only sound I'd like to hear from you is answers to my queries," he said tersely looking at them on anger.