Chapter 21

"Watch your tongue before you lose it. I am not a slave," Mathias said, frantically looking around to check that none of the soldiers was near.

The brothel guard laughed as he could tell from the reaction that Mathias knew exactly what he was. "So, you haven't told anyone here. A slave that escaped being sold to their new master isn't free. It just means that you are a runaway slave and Master Graham still owns you. Come along."

"I said that I am not a slave. I am part of the king's army. Go and tell your master that," Mathias said, turning around to leave.

"He has your papers from when he bought you. He knows who sold you. It doesn't matter what you are part of now. No one bought your freedom so you are still a slave. Who is in command so I can-"

"I will see him," Mathias decided. "There is something I need to get first."

"Go on. I shall be waiting right here for you to return. Do not try something stupid because he already knows where you are and the brothel spreads gossip fast. Every man here will know you are a slave by nightfall."

Mathias wanted to punch the mouthy bastard but that would just bring attention to his problem.

Mathias returned inside the camp to gather all the money he had saved. It should be enough to buy his freedom as well as Alexander's. Then this would all be behind them. 

Mathias was taken to the brothel where Graham awaited him and Rose.

Memories from his younger days came back as soon as Mathias saw Graham. Graham had a face you could always remember. 

Graham looked to the guard who escorted Mathias here. "Where is Rose? I said to bring both of them."

Graham had already decided that this was the bastard who stole Rose from him. He looked forward to seeing her return but once again, he was left disappointed. 

Mathias could not understand how years later this man was still obsessed with Rose and Alexander was the same way. What was so special about her? There were plenty of slave girls around the town and right here in this brothel, there were plenty of whores.

"I don't have her. I only came to speak about me not being a slave," Mathias said, holding up a sack full of money. 

Graham thought it bold of Mathias to mention freedom. "You've upset me four times. One, by taking Rose with you to run away years ago, managing to escape, kicking her, and now stealing here."

Even if Mathias didn't have Rose, he had to answer why he had kicked her.

"Rose is special to me. She is my property so I can do whatever I want to her, but even then, I never kicked her. She's the one woman here that I treat with respect because I love her. Tell me, why shouldn't I break your feet after what you have done?" Graham questioned, eyeing the very legs he planned to break. 

"I am loved by the commander of the king's men and the king has his eyes set on rewarding me. Should you harm me, you would need to answer the two of them. I am here to get rid of what you think I owe you," Mathias said, throwing the money on the floor.

Graham smiled though he was insulted to have money thrown at him like he was one of the whores he owned. "You should watch what you do, soldier. I control a large part of this town. Pick that up and hand it to me," he ordered Mathias.

Mathias looked at the money which had slipped out of the sack he threw. "I am not going to pick that up. I am not the little boy- Ugh," he groaned as someone forced him to the floor.

Graham took a long drag on the pipe in his hand and then blew the smoke in Mathias's direction. He liked seeing how Mathias was putting up a good fight against his guards. "I don't care what you have become. You are still my slave so when I say you are to pick up my money, you are to do it."

Mathias fought against the men holding him down. He pushed one off of him but there was another to hold him down flat on his stomach. "I am not a slave and I don't have Rose. I was the one who pushed her away when she ran to me."

Graham stood up after hearing this. It was better for Mathias to shut up and just do as he was told. 

Graham pushed Mathias's head down and placed the hot end of the pipe on Mathia's neck. "I do admire how you are trying not to scream. You're a fighter. I could have used you well if you hadn't run away. What you fail to notice is that I am furious with you for kicking her."

Graham was the only one who could have his way with Rose. What gave this army dog the right to kick her and then come here to her master, not apologising for what he had done? "You've been away too long so you have forgotten the power I hold in this town."

Graham stood up and handed his pipe to one of the men in the room. "You," he kicked Mathias in his side, causing the soldier to roll onto his back. He loved the sound of Mathias in pain. "You are not to touch what is mine and you are still a slave. I own you!" He yelled.

Mathias should have known he was in for a good beating for what he had done years ago and recently.

"Let go of him. We need to treat a soldier loved by the king and his commander better," Graham said, his voice suddenly sweet as if he regretted what he had done. "Have our guest sit up so he can start picking up my money. That payment is a start to you paying off what I lost after you ran away."

"That is far more than you paid for me," Mathias replied.

"You kicked Rose and I will never forget it. I am owed for what you did to her and when she returns, you are to get on your knees to apologise to her. Now, where is Rose?" Graham asked. He was not a fool.

Graham asked the men who worked last night to confirm if Mathias had been here and he received confirmation as soon as Mathias entered the room. "She sees her old friend and then she goes missing. I can't help thinking that you know where she is and if you don't return her to me, I will kill you."

"Or," Graham inspected Mathias's face. "Sell you to my customers who want something new. Women and men with particular tastes just might love having a former soldier. From having the king's interest to pleasing my customers. That's quite a grand fall in status."

"I am worth more as your ally than one of your workers. I don't have Rose. I kicked her because I didn't want my past revealed and I am sorry for hurting what belongs to you. Give me the chance to bring her back," Mathias said as he picked up the money he threw at Graham.