Chapter 859. Mount Hua will become stronger (4)

"Did you say you were standing in line for a reservation?"

"Yes. Th- They told me to stand here. But that person over there..."

"Hold on."

The man calmed down Ma Cheol with a loud voice and looked around as if he was looking for something. Then, out of the blue, he roared like a tiger.

"Mok O (목오(木五))! Where's this bastard Mok Oh!"

"A- Aigoo, Daehyung! I'm coming!"

As soon as those words ended, a man rushed over from one side.

'What's this now?'

A man with a large scar on his face, who looked terrifying enough to appear in one's nightmares, hastily approached and stood before the towering man.

"No- Now, let me explain for a moment..."


Before he could even finish his sentence, the towering man's fist came crashing down on Mok Oh's head. In an instant, Mok Oh fell to the ground and rolled around, clutching his head.



Did the ground just shake for a moment when he was hit?

"Get up, you worthless bastard!"

"Yes! Yes, boss!"

The scarred man sprung to his feet.

His face, which originally seemed a bit long, now seemed a bit shorter, but that wasn't the important point...

"I told you to guide the way, but then you left the place?"

"I just stepped away for a moment! I swear, Daehyung!"

"If there is one more commotion, I will rip off your skin today and use it as a side dish for drinks! Did you understand?"

"Yes! Yes! This will never happen again!"

"These utterly useless people!"

The towering man squinted his eyes threateningly and then turned his gaze toward Ma Cheol.


The moment he met those piercing eyes, his mouth went dry and sweat broke out all over his body. Anyway, it was true that he had made a fuss, so it seemed like something big would definitely happen.

However, the towering man's actions once again defied his expectations.

"Aigoo, I apologize."


"We should have informed you in advance, but since that useless bastard was away…. We will solve it right away."

The towering man started to bow, his massive frame crumpled in deference. Ma Cheol nodded dazedly.

"Th- Thank you."



At that time, the man straightened his back.

"For whatever reason, fighting and causing disturbances are not allowed in Plum Blossom Island. I'm giving you a heads-up because you seem like a first-timer, but please be careful in the future."

"Huh? Ah.... Yes! Yes! Of course! Yes!"

He can't make a fuss.

How could one even think of causing a disturbance after seeing those muscles? He just saw a man being hammered into the ground with a single punch.

"This is where merchants line up to board the ship. We accept reservations for merchant ships at the pavilion behind us, so you can go there."

"Huh? It's, it's not here?"

No, that's not the point, is it?

"Then, everyone here is loading up today…"

Ma Cheol's eyes widened.

The merchants here alone are enough to make your eyes wander. But this isn't even all of them!

'Right, come to think of it, it's only natural.'

That's why there are inns and warehouses in the back, isn't it?

"Yes, you can go over there to make a reservation. Then we'll set a date for you to ship."

"Thank, thank you."

Contrary to his hellish appearance and size, his voice was incredibly soft.

That's what made it even scarier.

"Yes, then."

The man turned around and shouted.

"Stop gawking and load the cargo, you freeloaders! If the shipment is delayed today, don't even think about eating dinner tonight! Got it?"


"If you know, then get moving!"

As Ma Cheol stood there bewildered, he heard people conversing nearby.

"Looks like the harbor master is in a good mood today. Can't believe he's being so lenient."

"Right? Doesn't he look very happy today?"

"Haha, I thought I was seeing the Buddha. He must be in a good mood."

That? A good expression?

Are their eyes for show?

"Is, is he always like this?"

He asked with his eyes wide open whether it was the same for a merchant who was fighting with Ma Cheol.

"What do you mean?"

"N- No, that person...."

"Ah, the harbor master? He's always like that."


"He may look fierce, but he's extremely kind to merchants. Actually, most people here in Plum Blossom Island are like that."

"…They said you shouldn't judge people from the outside."

"That's not it."


Merchants held his word.

"It's because in the early days of Plum Blossom Island, those who treated merchants rudely were beaten to dust by Doju." (Doju (도주/島主) = Island Owner/Leader)

"Oh. I still remember that. I was there watching, and I couldn't believe a person could get beaten that badly. What did he say? 'This is how you beat people, as taught by Dojang-nim!' was it?"

"Hahaha. Doju sure has a sense of humor. Learning how to beat people from a Taoist. Hahahah."

No, you guys. Is this something to laugh about?

"Is, is it okay to beat people like that?"

"Why not? The people who got hit are still the lucky ones."


The merchant chuckled and gestured toward a mountain in the distance.

"See that mountain over there?"

"...Yes, I have eyes."

"Some of them were buried in the mountains, touching their merchants' belongings."

Ma Cheol's eyes nearly popped out of his head.

"Bu- Buried?"

"I told you. I heard it clearly. Doju smiled brightly and said, 'Beat them until they're barely alive, then bury them alive in the mountain.'"


"And then he apologized a hundredfold to the merchants and compensated them ten times the value of their goods."

"They could've just returned the goods, but what a generous person indeed."

"Aah, Doju is a true gentleman. A gentleman through and through!"

Have these people completely lost their minds?

Do they even realize what they're saying? Calling him a gentleman when he's burying people alive? Gentlemaaaaan?

"That... this Doju seems to be quite a terrifying person, isn't he?"

"Have this guy been listening? He's a gentleman, you hear me? A born and bred gentleman!"

Ma Cheol gave up trying to understand their words any further.

And honestly, whether that guy is a gentleman or thug, it doesn't concern him.

However, the following conversation shattered his thoughts cleanly.

"If you're curious, why not see him with your own eyes?"

"Excuse me?"

"You said you're going to make a reservation, didn't you?"

"Tha- That's right."

"Doju himself is taking the reservations, so you can just go and see."


"Ah, just a word of caution. It might be wise to watch your tongue. While Doju is a gentleman, the people who serve him are not."

"Kikik, make a mistake and you'll be swiftly decapitated!"

"It would be refreshing, wouldn't it? Hahahahat."

Ma Cheol clenched his eyes shut.

It seemed like nobody in this place, whether it be the inn, laborers, or merchants, was in their right mind.

* * *


"It's really big…."

"They say all the money in the Yangtze goes to Plum Blossom Island."

Everyone's mouth naturally gaped open at the majesty of the pavilion in front of them.

You can't even see where the building ends.

They've traveled to various regions in Jungwon, but they could hardly remember seeing a pavilion this big.

"I think even our headquarters in Jungwon were smaller than this."

"R- Right?"

"...This place is also crowded."

People bustled about as they entered through the main gate. One difference is that, unlike the dock earlier, no one brought luggage here.

"It was right to secure lodging first and leave the cart behind."

"Should've just done as told."

The members of the merchant group, who had made their efforts in vain, looked at him with resentment. Ma Cheol distorted his face.

'Those who didn't even speak before.….'

Always blame him when something goes wrong. These merchants, I swear!

"Let's go in for now."


As they walked through the main gate, a large hall came in view. Guided by someone at the front, they entered into a rather unfamiliar scene.

The vast interior, which looked ten times more extravagant than any wealthy household, was filled with desks, and those sat in front of these desks continuously writing and recording something.

"Where's the slip that was here?"

"The ledger! The unloading ledger from yesterday! Who took it!"

"I told you today's the day to collect payment!"

"Argh, I'm going crazy! The numbers don't match! Who messed up?"

There was a battlefield.

'All those are ledgers?'

He couldn't fathom the sheer amount of goods that would necessitate so many people working on ledgers. Even the largest merchant groups in Jungwon wouldn't employ this many people for ledger work.

And they certainly wouldn't be working this tirelessly either.

"This way. Please line up here."

As they walked further in, they saw people lined up waiting. At the end was a large desk.


Behind the desk was a large scroll depicting the Ten Longevity Symbols (십장생 (十長生)), and sitting between the desk and the scroll was a man greeting the guests with a gentle smile.

"…It feels quite grand, doesn't it?"


Wearing a white scholar's robe and a large official's hat. Despite his slightly narrow eyes, the gentle smile gave him a gentle feeling.

And a feather fan in his hand...….

"...He seems the incarnation of Jaegal Ryang."

"R- Right. That's exactly how he seems."

Adding those who were working in the front, it really felt that way. This must have been exactly how the Han Dynasty's rich family seemed like in the past....

"But wasn't it said that Doju of Plum Blossom Island is of bandit origin?"


"Then, all these people are bandits too?"


Ma Cheol blinked his eyes and looked around again.

'On second thought...'

Something did feel off.

Although everyone is diligently filling out ledgers in clean scholar's robes, upon closer inspection of their faces, they seemed more like thugs one would encounter in some back alley rather than scholars.

'No.... Did they all roll around in a field of knives or something?'

The wrist showing through the large sleeves, the neck seen through the collar, and even the blatant scars from a knife on the face made those who saw them uneasy.

'What the hell is this place?'

Why are these kinds of people keeping ledgers? Why? Are they conducting business(?) in the back alleys?

"This way."

Confused, they looked around repeatedly, and soon it was their turn.


As guided, they moved forward where a Doju with a complexion similar to Jaegal Ryang greeted them with a bright smile.

"Welcome. I heard you're from Daebok Merchant Guild."

"Yes, yes. That's right. It's our first time here, so we're looking to make a reservation for a merchant ship..."

"You've come to the right place. I'm Im Sobyong, Doju of Plum Blossom Island."

"Ah…. Yes! I'm Ma Cheol, who is in charge of Daebok Merchant Guild."

"Since you're new here, I've personally arranged for your visit. We very much welcome you to Plum Blossom Island. Wouldn't it be great if we could have a good relationship? I look forward to your kind cooperation in the future."

"Ah, yes! We should be the ones saying that! I look forward to your kind cooperation."

"Haha. Don't mention it."

Im Sobyong grinned even more broadly.

There was no sign of any murkiness or danger in that spotless smile.

'Could it be a misunderstanding?'

Could this man have buried people?

How could a scholar who seemed incapable of catching even a rabbit commit such a heinous act?

'Clearly, there was some misunderstanding….'

It was then.

A man rushed into the hall and whispered something into Im Sobyong's ear. Im Sobyong, who was listening with a smile on his face, lifting the corners of his mouth even more.


"Yes, Doju-nim."

"If he's sinned, he should pay the price. Torture him moderately until dusk, and then throw him into the river to serve as fish food."

"Won't he be able to escape since he's an adept swimmer?"

"Tsk, tsk. Do I have to tell you everything?"

For a moment, Im Sobyong's face turned cold.

"Sever the tendons in his arms and legs and bind his hands and feet with iron cords. Broke his Dantian just in case. And put weights on his feet so he could not float. Ah, and sprinkle some salt on the cut tendons. His sins are too great for him to simply wait for his end."


"Do it cleanly, very cleanly."

"Yes, Doju-nim."

"Anyway, they were born as bandits, so if you don't pay attention even a little, things will happen. Make sure they clearly understand the consequences of touching anything. Tell everyone to watch closely." (Pirate = water bandits)

"I will do so."

Im Sobyong, who waved his hands to send out the man, clicked his tongue and smiled brightly again at Ma Cheol.

"Oh, I apologize for the inconvenience. Where were we in our conversation?"


"Merchant Leader-nim?"

"…Please spare me."


It seemed like they had stepped into a place where they shouldn't have.