Chapter 846. There's a limit to messing with people! (1)





"What is Sect Leader saying?"

Although the reactions were different, the emotion behind them was the same.

Mount Hua's disciples, who gathered around Hyun Jong, blinked their eyes. It's as if they couldn't understand what they had just heard.

Those who were staring at Hyun Jong with blank, dumb faces turned to each other. Judging by everyone's confused expressions, it seemed they hadn't misheard Hyun Jong's words.

"Um… Sect Leader?"

Baek Sang carefully spoke and tilted his head slightly.

"If… I... didn't mishear... um..."

Although he brought it up with difficulty, his eyes kept scanning the surroundings. It was to make sure that he understood the situation properly.

He had hoped he'd heard incorrectly, but all the Sahyung who met in his eyes nodded slightly. That he is right.

"Um… Did Sect Leader just say… That...we are to enter Bongmun...…?"

Baek Sang had to laugh in disbelief at his own words.

Going into Bongmun.

What kind of nonsensical talk is this…

"….That's right."



"What did Sect Leader say?"

"We are?"

As confirmation came, Mount Hua's disciples erupted all at once. Of course, the one who exploded most violently was Jo-Gol.

"No, Sect Leader! What sin do we have committed? Did Sect Leader commit fraud somewhere without our knowledge… Uggyaaak!"

"Watch your snout, you son of a beast! This freaking snout!"

Yoon Jong, who grabbed Jo-Gol by the collar like a bolt of lightning, struck him repeatedly on the chin, knocking him unconscious.


Holding the limp Jo-Gol in one hand, Yoon Jong covered his mouth with the other hand and cleared his throat gently. The left and right were in perfect disharmony, but no one had the presence of mind to pay attention to it.

"...This is quite sudden, Sect Leader. I assume Sect Leader has own reasons, but to announce the Bongmun of the sect out of the blue..."

Everyone nodded vigorously.

As eyes demanding an explanation poured down on him, Hyun Jong slowly turned his head. After a movement without any strength, the place where his gaze was placed was, of course, the place of Chung Myung.

In the midst of all this, Chung Myung is smiling gleefully.

Jo-Gol, who almost half fainted, let out a terrifying scream, shook off Yoon Jong and rushed to Baek Cheon, gripping him by the collar.

"What have Sasuk done? Hey, man! What the hell have Sasuk done!"

Even though the absurd scene of a Sajil grabbing his Sasuk is occurring, Baek Cheon did not get angry. No, it would be correct to say that he couldn't. He just tried to ignore Jo-Gol's fiercely burning gaze with an awkward expression on his face.

"No... Why are you blaming me for what that bastard did?"

"Is it the fire's fault when a fire breaks out? It's the fault of the person who started it, right? What fault did that bastard do! Sasuk is the one at fault for agitating that crazy guy!"

Although it sounded like nonsense, all the disciples of Mount Hua fervently agreed.

Even Baek Cheon secretly acknowledged his own guilt.

"I didn't think it would come to this..."

How can an ordinary person understand the thoughts of a madman?

It's not like Bongmun is just some neighborhood dog's name. Really, the word 'lightning on a blue dry sky' is tailor made for this occasion.

"…Sect Leader. No, what on earth did Sect Leader hear to make such a sudden decision?"

Yoon Jong stared blankly at Chung Myung and Hyun Jong alternately, clearing his throat and opening his mouth.

"Of course... Um... if Sect Leader commands it, as disciples, we must follow. But we'd like to know the reason at least."

"That's what we're saying..."

"Yes, Sect Leader."


Hyun Jong's eyes began to moisten.

Seeing this, Yoon Jong couldn't bring himself to press any further.

Yoon Jong turned his head violently.

"You explain, you goblin bastard! Why on earth would Sect Leader suddenly say we're closing the sect! It's not like we have committed any crime!"

"That sounds strange."

Chung Myung picked his ear with his pinky finger and then blew air on the tip of it.

"Bongmun isn't for me to decide, I'm just a powerless third-class disciple."

"Third-class disciple? Powerless?"

That disgusting bastard.

"And what, does Bongmun really have to do something wrong? Those Ten Great Sects bastards lock their doors and hide when they commit sins to avoid getting cursed at; they do it like eating rice. Originally, Bongmun is something you do whenever you want to."

"So why do it now!"

Baek Sang quickly came forward to support Yoon Jong.

"That's right, you punk! What time is it now! The world is singing praises for Mount Hua! Business is booming! Mount Hua is being talked about more than those Ten Great Sects! When the tide comes in, people row! Yet you're gonna flip the boat because you don't like where the water is going? You... You madman!"

Baek Sang pounded his chest as if he was frustrated.

"Please say something, Finance Hall Elder-nim!"

And he asked Hyun Young for support. Then Hyun Young spoke with an extremely stern expression.

"Chung Myung must have his reasons."


He doesn't care about time or place in supporting him, really!

Then Jo-Gol, who let go of Baek Cheon's collar, turned his eyes and lunged at Chung Myung this time.

"Hey, you crazy son of a...! Ouuch!"

And was sent flying at the same momentum he rushed to, rolling over and over. The sad part was that nobody tried to catch him.


Chung Myung slowly folded his outstretched legs, clicked his tongue, and looked around.

"Everyone seems to have a misunderstanding."


"This is not my opinion."

"What? Then who?"

Chung Myung closed his eyes and nodded solemnly with a stern face.

"I'm just doing what Baek Cheon Sasuk told me to do. Wouldn't it be the duty of the Sajil to listen to his Sasuk?"

Everyone's eyes fell on Baek Cheon.

Baek Cheon, who received the gaze, smiled warmly.

"…Just beat me to death. Don't bother me like this, just kill me finely."

"When did I ever torment Sasuk? That's too much."

Baek Cheon wrapped his face with both hands and drooped his shoulders in resignation.

"Sect Leader! Is Sect Leader really going to listen to that nonsense?"

"Even if it's Chung Myung, isn't this a bit too much?"

"I'm not convinced! Why Bongmun? Why are we doing Bongmun? The sin was committed by Shaolin and Wudang. What would the world think of us if we entered Bongmun?"

As the disciples rose one after another in a heated state, Hyun Jong looked at everyone with a heavy gaze.

But then, there was a soft voice that broke the silence.


The disciples' gaze turned in unison to one place. Sitting in the center and receiving the gaze, Yoo Iseol nodded her head calmly.

"Return to Mount Hua and do Bongmun."



The disciples exchanged glances.

'No, why is Samae being like this.'

'Who would know her thoughts? Who would!'

'I'm going crazy, really.'

If Chung Myung is a visible typhoon coming from afar, Yoo Iseol is a sudden earthquake. You can prepare for a typhoon, but an earthquake is unpredictable.

"Anyway, that's settled, so everyone gets ready. We're going to Mount Hua."

"No, this son of a beast!"

"What on earth are you up to!"

That's when Baek Cheon, who had been quiet, spoke.

"Chung Myung-ah."


His face was stern.

"Start by explaining so that we can understand. This isn't something we can just let slide."


Chung Myung nodded as if convinced.

"Start by explaining so that we can understand. This isn't something we can just let slide."

His finger pointed to Yoo Iseol.

Yoo Iseol nodded without saying a word.

Then his finger moved on to point at Baek Cheon, then Jo-Gol, then Yoon Jong, and then it swept over all the gathered Mount Hua disciples one by one.

Chung Myung, who pointed one by one to the last disciple, said calmly.

"Because we're weak."


Silence hung in the air. Everyone's face hardened.

The atmosphere changed in an instant as if someone had touched the reverse scale.

It was Baek Sang who broke the silence.

"…I understand."

Staring intently at Chung Myung, he still seemed unconvinced as he opened his mouth.

"Obviously, we are lacking. We did not perform well in this battle either. All we could do was hold on to everyone's ankles and hang around."


"But Chung Myung. There's a time for everything. Of course, it's natural for a martial artist to focus on training, but isn't this the time to look at something bigger?"

Baek Sang sighed.

"I understand your impatience, but in one year... No, in just half a year, Mount Hua's standing will solidify dramatically. Evil Sect Tyrant has made a three-year non-aggression pact, there's no reason not to wait for another half-year, is there?"

"Half a year?"

"Yes, half a year!"

Baek Sang looked fiercely at Chung Myung.

Being a member of Finance Hall, he studied Mount Hua's finances, learned how the world works, and watched the flow of businesses that Mount Hua holds.

That's why he knows. More clearly than anyone here.

Just how big of an opportunity Mount Hua currently has in its grasp.

If it were any other sect, all disciples would rush in to seize this opportunity with all their might. But aren't they about to kick this opportunity away, even stomping it into the ground?

He couldn't understand the situation at all.

"What's the good of waiting for half a year?"

"Are you asking because you don't know? First, financial power! And reputation! Plus, numerous sects wanted to ally with Mount Hua and the Heavenly Comrade Alliance. There's also honor and standing!"


"In a single stroke, Mount Hua's influence could be doubled! Tripled! Perhaps even quintupled! Isn't this what you've been longing for! And yet you're talking about sealing the gates after finally reaping the rewards of our sacrifices!"

Chung Myung looked at Baek Sang silently. Baek Sang, who was anxious for no reason, suddenly raised his voice.

"And this isn't just about the present! If we wait just a little longer for our reputation to ripen and open our gates to accept third-class disciples, talented children will flood in from all influential families! That will guarantee Mount Hua's future!"


"But why would you kick away all these opportunities? Why, for God's sake?"

Everyone agreed with Baek Sang's words.

Anyone can see that Mount Hua is currently on an unprecedented large wave. If we can ride this wave well, it's not a dream to become on par with the Ten Great Sects.

"Tell me. Surely you're not going to say that a sect needs nothing but martial arts? I don't think that's what you're gonna say."

Everyone looked at Chung Myung's mouth. In each of their eyes was a firm resolution not to back down easily this time.

Chung Myung stared at everyone with slightly dark eyes. Then he slowly opened his mouth.

"Financial resources are great. So are good reputation and great fame. As you all know, I really do like such things, don't I?"

"Then why are you doing this?"

"Why ask when you know the answer? I already told you, didn't I? It's because Sahyungs are weak. Because Sasuks are weak."


At the answer that doesn't answers, Baek Sang gritted his teeth and spoke while holding back his anger.

"Give us a proper answer!"

"This is the answer. Because Sasuk is weak."

"Hey, this punk!"

"Can't you understand?"

At Chung Myung's cold question, Baek Sang momentarily shut up. This is because the weight of his voice was significant.

Chung Myung spoke softly but clearly in the silence.

"This is as far as we can get. Surviving through luck."

His cold gaze swept over everyone.

"Next time…."

Those who met his gaze trembled.

"Someone here will definitely die."

At that moment, everyone's mouth was tightly shut.