Chapter 826. Where are the others now? (1)

The white carriage and the following Myriad Man Manor drifted away.

Tang Gun-ak, who arrived with the Tang Family, sighed softly at the sight.

"…It seems I came too late."


Chung Myung shook his head.

"You came on time."

"Your body is...."

"Well, it's just this much."

The word 'ragtag' couldn't have been more appropriate, but Chung Myung smiled nonchalantly.

In reality, these injuries were not a big deal to him in the past. It wasn't as if he had lost a limb.

"...I brought several people who are excellent at medicine, so you should get treatment first."

"No, it's fine. More importantly…"

As Chung Myung tried to turn around, Tang Gun-ak firmly grasped his shoulder.


Chung Myung looked back at him puzzled and Tang Gun-ak reiterated firmly.

"Get treated first."


"What are you doing?"

"Yes, Gaju-nim!"

An elder of the Tang Family with a white cloth draped over his shoulder rushed over. Chung Myung smacked his lips with a slightly embarrassed expression.

"I'll get treatment. I really will. But not now. Let's finish sorting things out first."

"Is it urgent?"

"Rather than urgent… It is something I have to do."

Tang Gun-ak, who looked into Chung Myung's eyes, hesitated as if he was displeased, but eventually gave a reluctant nod.

"Understood. Just remember one thing. Your body isn't just yours. That's what it means to lead people."


"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"No, it's just…"

Chung Myung scratched the back of his head.


It's a word he used to hear quite often.

- You punk! Do you think your body is only yours!


He didn't expect to hear that obvious nagging here again. The tip of his nose felt tingly for some reason, perhaps because he just had a close call.

"Right. How was it, Jang Ilso?"

"…He's a snake."

"A really big snake. The world calls such a giant snake a dragon."

"Dragon, my ass. At best, they're still snakes."

Chung Myung glared at Jang Ilso's carriage, now a mere speck in the distance.

'For now, revel in your joy.'

But the next time they meet, that smile will be entirely wiped away.


Chung Myung clicked his tongue in annoyance and turned around.

"Let's go up. Sect Leader is up there."

"I see, but what the hell happened? Your condition tells me there was a big fight, but why does Jang Ilso retreat so easily? He didn't even seem to have suffered much damage."


Chung Myung, trying to find the right words, scratched the back of his head and sighed.

"It's a little complicated to explain."

Tang Gun-ak's eyes filled with curiosity.

* * *

"Chung Myung-ah!"

Five Swords, who had been anxiously waiting, was startled to see Chung Myung climb the cliff and hurried over.

They wanted to go with him, but they had no choice but to wait here when Chung Myung said that if several people went, there would be a fight again. It's not like he won't go even if they tried to stop him.

"Are you alright? Did that bastard Jang Ilso try pulling his tricks again?

"Would he dare to? He should shut his mouth if he doesn't want to die!"

"…I really don't get you."

After examining Chung Myung's physical condition, they only breathed a sigh of deep relief when they confirmed that he had no new wounds.

"What the hell did you do?"

"Nothing big. It would twist my stomach to just let him go like that, so I went to upset his stomach."

"…You nutcase. Please…"

Baek Cheon held his throbbing head. At that time, Hyun Jong trudges between the Five Swords.

Chung Myung said awkwardly as he saw Hyun Jong approaching right in front of him.

"Sect Leader...."

Hyun Jong bit his lips tightly.

Looking at Chung Myung's state, he felt as if his insides are burning and raw flesh was being cut.

He touched Chung Myung's shoulders with trembling hands.

"…You've worked hard."

Still, he lowered his head slightly. As if he found it hard to face Chung Myung directly.

"Truly... You've truly worked hard… I'm ashamed of myself...."

He couldn't do anything because he was blocked by Myriad Man Manor. He believed that it was the best choice to reduce the damage to their disciples, but when he saw Chung Myung in front of him now, even those words felt fleeting.

Was it right to force the sacrifice only onto this child to protect the others?


At that moment, Chung Myung gently grasped Hyun Jong's hand on his shoulder.

"Sect Leader did well."


"If Sect Leader had acted impulsively, not everyone would have been safe. Thanks to Sect Leader's presence, I was able to fight with peace of mind."

Hyun Jong couldn't bring himself to say anything else and tightly shut his eyes.

'This damned child.'

Why does he think of others even in such a situation? The one who suffered the most here is none other than Chung Myung himself.

'This child has crossed such hell every time.'

This thought suddenly dawned upon him.

The fact that Mount Hua now may have been made out of the blood that Chung Myung shed. Hyun Jong's insides burned to the ground as he faced the reality that he could not turn away from.


"Sect Leader, Gaju-nim of the Tang Family here."

A deep sigh came out of Hyun Jong's mouth, who was about to say something.

He looked up and saw Tang Gun-ak standing a little distance away. When Chung Myung stepped aside and opened the way, Hyun Jong gave a quiet bow to Tang Gaju.

"Long time no see, Tang Gaju-nim."

"It is great to see you, Maengju-nim."

Tang Gun-ak bowed politely in response.

"I apologize for arriving so late..."

"No, just the fact that you came is enough. But how did you know..."

"I received a message from Mount Hua Divine Dragon."

Upon hearing this, Hyun Jong turned to look, and Chung Myung scratched the back of his head with an awkward expression.

"The situation was a bit tricky. I might end up asking them to come for nothing, but it's still better than to risk being in danger. I apologize for not informing you earlier."

"No. No."

Hyun Jong nodded.

It never occurred to Hyun Jong himself that the situation was strange until he came here. So it would have been difficult for him to tell.

'They're holding on to that child's ankles.'

Both they and the current Mount Hua are still inadequate for Chung Myung.

"I've heard the details roughly on my way here, Maengju-nim."

Upon hearing that, Hyun Jong let out a soft sigh. It was because he felt that Tang Gun-ak's voice was colder and stiffer than usual.

"...Where are they?"

With his lips tightly pressed, Tang Gun-ak asked again.

"Where are the others now?"

* * *


"Are you all right, Saje?"

Those who had descended from the cliff were now attending to the injured. Every time they saw the scattered corpses, an indescribable sorrow clouded their faces.

"Sa- Sahyung…."

A Wudangf's disciple, writhing in pain, tightly grasped the arm of someone trying to help him, struggling to get his voice out.

"Evil... Those Evil Faction bastards…."


The person couldn't bring himself to answer. With his eyes closed, he turned his head and answered briefly.

"First, take care of your body first."

"…Sa- Sahyung…."

"Move them to the ship."


Those carrying the injured quickly moved toward the anchored ship.

Jin Hyun, who was watching the scene, inadvertently closed his eyes.

Chivalrousness is based on sacrifice. Those who claim the name of Righteousness (정(正)) must know how to throw away their lives like stubble for the sake of Righteousness. That's what they had believed.

Then..… For what cause did those who died here lose their lives?

They failed to uphold Chivalrousness, and they failed to uphold Righteousness.

Then what did the survivors protect? All they managed to save, pitifully, was their own lives.

"Hurry up!"

Namgung Hwang's icy voice echoed.

"We need to finish this before the sun sets!"


The members of the Namgung Family responded. But unlike when they came here, the voices lacked vigor.

Of course, Namgung Hwang couldn't blame them either.


Tightly clenching his fist, he looked around. Survivors of the Black Dragon Water Fortress were seen staring at this side as if watching.

His teeth gritted.

Those hateful guys might be mocking them, but Namgung Hwang can't get his hands on them. They've already lost enough. Under such circumstances, venting his anger on them would only make them look more pathetic.


There may be no need for a treaty.

Because he will never step on the Yangtze River on his own again. Merely seeing its flow would painfully remind him of today's humiliation.

"Gaju-nim, we've finished taking care of things."

"What about the dead?"


Namgung Hwang nodded slowly.

Upon reflection, the damage wasn't as great as he'd feared. Those who fell down the cliff suffered severe injuries, but the number of people who died was not that high.

Namgung Hwang's gaze was fixed in one place.

A young monk was seen pushing away the fallen rocks and busy recovering the wounded.

It was rare for him to express his gratitude to others, but at this moment, he truly thanked him. If this man hadn't held off Black Dragon Water Fortress down there, those injured in the fall would have lost their lives to Black Dragon Water Fortress.

"...His name was Hye Yeon, right?"

"Yes. The one who used to travel with Mount Hua.…."

"Mount Hua again."

Why did it end up like this?

When they first arrived here, everyone was brimming with confidence. But now, they seemed like defeated dogs, their tails tucked, preparing to retreat back home.

Suddenly, Namgung Hwang glared with venom-filled eyes at the one responsible for all of this.

Heo Dojin.

He clearly saw him, rounding up the disciples of Wudang and making them board the ship.


After grinding his teeth, Namgung Hwang spat out bitterly.

"Now the whole world will point fingers at us."


"How on earth can we bear this humiliation?"

"There will be a time to make up for it. They say a gentleman's revenge is not too late even after a decade. One day, we'll cut down that cunning Evil Tyrant Ryeonju and repay today's debt."

"…Damn it."

It was then.


Namgung Hwang turned his head at the unfamiliar presence he felt for a moment. Several people were descending from the cliff above.

'Mount Hua?'

A subtle distortion formed on Namgung Hwang's face.

Namgung Hwang didn't want to see Mount Hua right now.

Being human, he naturally felt gratitude, but that was separate from this feeling. If anything, out of a sense of shame, he found it difficult to face Mount Hua now.

But... The reality Namgung Hwang confronted was even more brutal.

The first thing he saw was the familiar face of Mount Hua Divine Dragon Chung Myung. And what follows...….

Namgung Hwang's face went pale as he recognized the other.

Perhaps the very last person he wanted to see in the world at this moment was there.


He got down to the bottom of the cliff and slowly walked forward.

A face as cold and impassive as if clad in iron armor.

Deer leather gloves revealed beneath the wide sleeves of green robes.

"Tang… Gun-ak…."

From Namgung Hwang's lips escaped a voice, sounding almost like a groan.

Tang Gun-ak, the Gaju of the Sichuan Tang Family, walked straight toward him.

Step. Step. Step.

Stopping a few steps away, Tang Gun-ak slowly scanned the surroundings before fixing his gaze on Namgung Hwang.

His mouth slowly opened.

"...Is this..."


"The choice of that esteemed Five Great Family?"

Tang Gun-ak's face was distorted like a demon.

"These..... Foolish ignorant devoid of shame!"

Namgung Hwang ended up shutting his eyes tightly due to the unfiltered anger of the Tang Gun-ak.