Filming home alone part 1

Before their journey to Chicago, Justin and Pattie said their goodbyes to friends and family at the local airport. Justin's grandma, who had always been a significant part of his life, gave him a warm hug, her eyes moist with emotion.

"Promise me to take care of yourself," she said, her voice trembling slightly.

"I will, Grandma," Justin replied, hugging her tightly. "I'll miss you."

Justin's friends, Jaden and Mark, were also there to see him off. Jaden's father and Scooter had driven them to the airport. Jaden hugged Justin and said, "We'll miss you, buddy. Stay in touch, okay?"

"Definitely," Justin replied, trying to hold back tears. "I'll be back before you know it."

Mark gave Justin a high-five and added, "Don't forget us when you're a big star!"

"I won't," Justin said with a smile. "You guys better keep practicing for game."

As they walked towards the gate, Justin reached into his pocket and felt the lucky coin he had found on the road. He always kept it in a secret place, believing it brought him good luck.

With a final wave, Justin and Pattie boarded the plane, ready to embark on their new adventure.

Upon arriving in Chicago, Justin and Pattie rented a small apartment close to the movie set. The city was a stark contrast to their hometown, bustling with activity and energy. Despite the challenges, they embraced the change with excitement and determination.

Their apartment, though modest, became a cozy retreat after long days on set. Pattie ensured that Justin maintained a semblance of normalcy, attending a local school temporarily set up for young actors like him. The school provided a flexible schedule, allowing Justin to juggle his studies and his budding acting career.

The production team chose a picturesque neighborhood in Chicago, finding a house that closely resembled the iconic McCallister home. The house was transformed into a Christmas wonderland, with lights, decorations, and a massive Christmas tree in the living room.

On the first day of filming, Justin arrived on set early, buzzing with excitement. The set was a hive of activity, with crew members setting up cameras, adjusting lights, and arranging props. Justin marveled at the sight of it all.

"Ready for your big debut?" Chris Columbus asked, clapping Justin on the shoulder.

"I think so," Justin replied, grinning from ear to ear.

One of the first scenes they filmed was of Justin's character buying supplies at a local Walmart, a crucial moment showcasing his resourcefulness. The production team had transformed an actual Walmart in the neighborhood to give it a festive holiday feel. The aisles were stocked with Christmas-themed products, and holiday music played over the store's speakers.

Before filming began, the crew had to go through extensive preparations. They scouted locations, negotiated permits, and coordinated with local authorities to ensure a smooth production process. Props were meticulously selected, and set designers worked tirelessly to create the perfect holiday atmosphere. The casting process involved numerous auditions, and the crew had to manage contracts, schedules, and logistics to keep the production on track. They also ensured all safety protocols were in place, especially considering the presence of child actors.

"Alright, Justin, remember to check off each item on your list as you go," Chris Columbus instructed, showing Justin a clipboard with a list of items his character needed.

Justin nodded, taking the clipboard. "Got it!"

As the cameras rolled, Justin pushed a shopping cart down the aisles, picking up items like bread, milk, and decorations. He had a small budget to stick to, and the scene required him to do mental math and make decisions on what to buy.

"Justin, when you lift the box of laundry detergent, try to show a bit of struggle. It will add a touch of realism," Chris suggested.

Justin nodded, "Got it, Chris. I'll make it look heavy."

During the take, Justin grabbed a large box of laundry detergent, struggling to lift it into the cart. "Why do they make these things so heavy?" he muttered, drawing chuckles from the crew.

In another take, Justin had to interact with a curious store clerk, played by his real-life mom, Pattie.

"Hey there, young man," Pattie said, leaning over the counter. "Doing some early Christmas shopping?"

Justin looked up, holding a pack of batteries. "Yeah, gotta make sure we're prepared. You never know what could happen."

"Well, you seem pretty prepared to me," Pattie replied with a smile.

"Cut! That was perfect, Justin!" Chris called out. "You nailed it!"

Justin turned to Pattie, who was beaming with pride. "Mom, you did great!" he said, giving her a high-five.

"You too, Justin. This is so much fun," Pattie replied, her eyes sparkling with joy.

As they wrapped up the scene, parents from the community arrived on set to watch the movie being made. They were amazed at how Justin was natural and confident he was in front of the camera, and having Pattie involved made the experience even more special.

"You were incredible, Justin," Pattie said, giving him a hug after changing out of her shopkeeper costume.

"Thanks, Mom! It was so much fun," Justin replied, beaming.

This grocery store scene set the tone for the rest of the movie, showcasing Justin's character's independence and quick thinking. The crew was impressed with his ability to handle the various tasks and interactions with ease, and it became clear that they had found the perfect young actor to lead the film.

Throughout the shoot, Justin maintained his enthusiasm and energy, impressing everyone with his professionalism and natural talent. His ability to stay focused and deliver lines flawlessly made each scene a delight to film. The camaraderie on set grew, with the cast and crew forming a tight-knit family, all dedicated to bringing the magical story to life.

Author note

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