filming home alone part 3

**The Mysterious Package:**

The arrival of the mysterious package added an unexpected but welcome twist to the production. One morning, as the crew gathered for their daily briefing, a large, unmarked box was delivered to the set. Curious murmurs spread among the team as Chris Columbus approached the package.

"What's this?" Chris asked, inspecting the box.

"No idea, but let's open it," a production assistant suggested.

Inside, they found vintage decorations, including delicate glass ornaments, hand-knitted stockings, and antique tree toppers. Each piece was imbued with history and charm, and a note attached read, "For the McCallister home, from a fan who loves Christmas."

The production designers eagerly integrated these items into the set.

"These are perfect!" one of the designers exclaimed. "They add such an authentic, nostalgic feel to the McCallister home."

"Absolutely," Chris agreed, holding up a particularly intricate ornament. "These are exactly what we needed to enhance the film's holiday atmosphere."

Chris was so moved by the gesture that he wrote a heartfelt thank-you letter to the anonymous donor, expressing his gratitude for the unique contribution.

"We may never know who sent these, but they truly made a difference," he said, sealing the envelope.

**The Photo of Buzz's Girlfriend:**

In "Home Alone," there's a memorable scene where Kevin (played by Justin Bieber) rummages through his older brother Buzz's room and finds a framed photo of Buzz's girlfriend. Kevin's reaction is priceless as he exclaims, "Buzz, your girlfriend, woof!" The photo in question is supposed to depict an unattractive girl, a gag that plays into the comedic tone of the film.

Director Chris Columbus, sensitive to the potential cruelty of using an actual girl's photo for this joke, decided against casting a real girl for the part. He believed it would be inappropriate and mean-spirited to label any young girl as unattractive.

"Hey team, I've got an idea," Chris announced during a meeting. "Instead of using a real girl for the photo, let's dress up one of our own in a wig and girly attire. Any volunteers?"

After a moment of silence, a crew member raised his hand. "My son loves goofing around in costumes. I bet he'd be up for it."

"Perfect!" Chris said, clapping his hands. "Let's make it happen."

The boy arrived on set the next day, excited for his unique role. The costume and makeup departments got to work, outfitting him with a curly wig, a frilly dress, and exaggerated makeup.

"This is hilarious," the boy said, looking at himself in the mirror. "I look like my grandma!"

The makeup artists laughed. "That's the idea! Now, give us your best cheesy smile."

Once in costume, the boy posed for several photos, experimenting with different facial expressions to capture the right level of humor and absurdity.

"That's it! That's the look we need," Chris said, selecting the perfect shot. "Thank you, buddy. You just made movie history."

The decision to use a boy in the photo instead of a real girl was praised for its sensitivity and creativity. It avoided potentially hurting someone's feelings while still delivering the intended comedic punch.

"Good call, Chris," a crew member commented. "This was a much better way to handle it."

The story behind the photo added another layer of charm and behind-the-scenes intrigue to the making of "Home Alone."

**The Airplane Scene:**

In the film "Home Alone," there's a scene where Kevin's family boards a plane to Paris, inadvertently leaving Kevin behind. This scene, set in a bustling airplane cabin, required a large number of extras to create the realistic atmosphere of a full flight.

To fill the plane and save on casting costs, the production team invited their own family members and local townspeople to serve as extras in the scene. This included relatives of the cast and crew, who got the unique opportunity to be part of a major Hollywood production.

"Alright everyone, this is going to be fun," Chris said as he addressed the group of extras. "Just act like you're excited for a trip to Paris. Chat with each other, read magazines, anything you'd do on a real flight."

The airplane scene was shot on a soundstage designed to mimic the interior of a commercial airplane. The set was meticulously constructed to resemble the seating and layout of a real aircraft, complete with overhead bins and rows of seats.

"Wow, this looks so real," one of the extras, a crew member's wife, remarked. "I feel like we're actually about to take off!"

During the shoot, the family members were dressed in appropriate travel attire and given specific instructions to act as if they were regular passengers on a transatlantic flight. This not only added authenticity to the scene but also helped create a comfortable and familial atmosphere on set.

"Mom, this is so cool," one of the children extras said, tugging at his mother's sleeve. "We're in a movie!"

"Just remember to stay quiet during the takes," his mother replied, smiling. "But yes, it's very cool."

The presence of family members contributed to a lively and genuine ambiance, with natural interactions and a sense of familiarity that can sometimes be difficult to achieve with professional extras.

"Cut! That was perfect," Chris called out after a take. "Great job, everyone!"

The decision to include family members also made for a fun and memorable experience for everyone involved. For many, it was a chance to see firsthand how a movie is made and to be part of a film that would become a cultural phenomenon.

"Thanks for including us, Chris," one of the extras said as they wrapped up for the day. "This has been an unforgettable experience for our family."

"You guys did great," Chris replied. "We couldn't have done it without you."

This behind-the-scenes detail added a personal touch to the production. It showcased the collaborative spirit of the "Home Alone" team and their ability to creatively solve logistical challenges. The inclusion of family members not only enriched the film's production process but also provided a unique and cherished experience for those who participated.

For fans of "Home Alone," knowing that the airplane scene included real family members adds an extra layer of charm and makes re-watching the film even more enjoyable. This small but meaningful detail is part of the broader tapestry of stories that contribute to the enduring legacy of "Home Alone" as a beloved holiday classic.