reaction from people


A Family Trip to the Movies

It was a chilly Saturday afternoon when Derek, a father of two, decided to take his family out to watch the much-talked-about movie Home Alone. His son, Timmy, had been begging him all week. "Dad, can we please go? Everyone at school is talking about it that they are going watch this movie!"

Derek wasn't usually one for going to the theater, but it had been a while since the whole family did something fun together. So, he bought four tickets for the early evening show and they all went—his wife Sarah, his two sons, Timmy and Jake, and himself.

The theater was packed. As the lights dimmed and the movie started, the audience quickly got hooked. People laughed out loud during the funny scenes—especially when Kevin, the little boy in the movie, set up all those clever traps for the burglars. Timmy and Jake were laughing so hard they could barely stay in their seats.

"Dad, this is the funniest movie ever!" Timmy whispered excitedly.

Derek smiled, enjoying seeing his kids so happy. Even Sarah, who usually didn't care much for kids' movies, was caught up in the fun. "This Kevin kid is brilliant," she said quietly to Derek.

When the credits rolled, the entire theater erupted in applause. Derek and his family left the theater buzzing with excitement. Everyone was talking about their favorite scenes.

"I loved when he used the paint cans to knock out the bad guys!" Jake said, mimicking the action with his hands.

"Yeah, but that tarantula part? That was the best!" Timmy added, shaking his head in disbelief.

As they walked back to the car, Derek made a slight detour to his favorite music DVD shop. "Let's just stop in here real quick," he said. It was a small store, but it always had the best selection of albums. Derek was hoping to pick up Michael Jackson's new release.

Inside the shop, Derek headed to the back where the DVDs were displayed. Timmy, who was still buzzing from the movie, wandered through the aisles, his eyes wide as he scanned the covers.

Suddenly, Timmy came running over, holding a CD in his hands. "Dad! Look at this!"

Derek turned around, surprised to see his son holding up an album. On the cover was a boy who looked almost exactly like Kevin from Home Alone.

"Dad, can I buy this album? It's made by Kevin from Home Alone!" Timmy exclaimed.

"What, really? Let me see that." Derek took the CD from Timmy and looked closely at the cover. The boy on the front did look a lot like Kevin. Derek was skeptical, so he called over the shopkeeper. "Hey, man, is this the kid from the Home Alone movie?"

The shopkeeper glanced at the album and smiled. "Oh, you mean this one? Yeah, that's the same kid! His name is Justin. The album just came in this morning. You can see here, it says 'Starring in Home Alone' on the cover. This is a limited edition too—only 10,000 copies. There's something special inside. I think this album's going to be a big hit because I watched Home Alone with my kids too, and it was great!"

Derek was convinced. He decided to buy the album for Timmy and grabbed the Michael Jackson album for himself. They paid and headed home.


Listening to Justin's Album

That night, after dinner, the family gathered around to listen to the albums. They started with Michael Jackson's latest. The familiar beats filled the room, and Derek couldn't help but groove along.

But after Michael's album finished, Timmy couldn't wait any longer. "Dad, can we listen to Justin's album now?"

Derek nodded, and they popped in the CD. As they opened the case, they found a letter inside. It was a thank-you note from Justin himself, personally signed on the album disc.there was three photo of justin in the side cover album was first edition printed."Wow, this kid really appreciates his fans," Derek thought.

The first track, "Angel," began with a gentle, ethereal melody. Justin's voice was soft and angelic, filling the room with a peaceful vibe. The lyrics told a story of dreams and chasing butterflies under a magical sky. Sarah, Derek's wife, was immediately captivated.

Justin's voice flowed through the speakers, delicate and otherworldly:

"I wish I had your pair of wings

Had them last night in my dreams

I was chasing butterflies

'Til the sunrise broke my eyes..."

The song quickly became Sarah her favorite. Timmy, too, was mesmerized, especially by the dreamy lyrics.

The track continued:

"Sometimes I wish I were an angel,

Sometimes I wish I were you..."

"It's so calming," Sarah said, closing her eyes as she listened. "His voice is just beautiful."

Then came the next few songs, all pleasant and catchy, but it was the song called "Bad Day" that instantly became Derek's favorite. It was upbeat yet relatable, talking about how sometimes things just don't go your way. Derek found himself nodding along to the lyrics:

"Because you had a bad day, you're taking one down

You sing a sad song just to turn it around..."

"Man, this song is perfect," Derek said, chuckling. "I've had plenty of days like that."

As they continued listening, another song caught their attention—this one was called "Happy." It was the exact opposite of "Bad Day," with its joyful, infectious beat that had everyone clapping along.

"Because I'm happy,

Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof..."

Even Jake, who was usually shy, got up and started dancing around the living room, laughing and clapping along to the beat.

Finally, the track that really made the kids go wild was called "Who Let the Dogs Out." It was a fun, silly song that told the story of a group of boys in Justin's community who accidentally let the neighborhood dogs loose. Justin described the chaos of being chased around by the dogs, adding humor to the track. The catchy chorus had everyone singing along:

"Who let the dogs out?

Who, who, who, who, who?"

Timmy and Jake couldn't stop laughing, especially at the part where Justin described getting chased by a pack of dogs and narrowly escaping by jumping over fences and hiding behind trees.

By the end of the album, Derek and his family were all smiling. The album was a hit, and Derek could tell Justin was going to be a big name in the music world. The fact that they discovered him through a movie made it even more special.

"You know, I think we got ourselves a real gem here," Derek said, looking at the album cover again. "This Justin kid—he's got something special."

Timmy beamed. "Yeah, Dad! I knew Kevin—I mean, Justin—was cool!"

The family ended the night with the songs from Justin's album still echoing in their heads, and they all agreed: Justin had a bright future ahead of him.


Author note

" An angel " by Declan Galbraith

"Bad Day " by Daniel Powter

" Happy " by pharrell williams

" Who Let the Dogs Out " Baha Men I change lyrics of this in the story.

Support the story with power stone. Any song recommendation for Justin to sing as kid.

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