WebNovelSun City33.33%

Chapter 1

It was a quiet night in downtown El Paso, Texas. The streets were mostly empty, save for the occasional car passing by under the glow of the streetlights. A solitary figure strode down the sidewalk - the mysterious Pink Bandit, recognizable by a sleek outfit made purely of pink ribbons covering all but her eyes over the opening created for her eyes she sports black sunglasses In one hand, she gripped a crowbar.

Her target this evening was a small coffee shop nestled in the heart of the city. The Pink Bandit approached the shop's windows, crowbar at the ready. She quickly glanced left and right, ensuring no one was watching. Seeing the coast was clear, she reared back and smashed the crowbar through the window's glass.

Shards scattered everywhere as an alarm began blaring. Without hesitation, the Pink Bandit leapt through the shattered opening and into the shop's interior.

The piercing alarm caught the attention of nearby security guard Scott Plumlee, a middle age white man with brown hair and a goatee to match, he just so happened to be patrolling the area. Gun in hand, he cautiously approached the coffee shop, peering through the fresh hole in the window. Inside, he saw signs of a struggle - furniture overturned, the cash register lying open and empty.

"Come out from where you're hiding! I don't want to use force!" the guard yelled sternly as he climbed through the broken window.

Once inside, he swept his gun back and forth, scanning for any sign of the perpetrator. The Pink Bandit was nowhere to be seen. He crept up to the front counter, checking behind it with his weapon raised. But there was no one there - only a gaping hole in the floor with a matching chunk of tile missing beside it.

Perplexed, the guard pulled out his flashlight and shone it into the darkness of the hole. To his surprise, it appeared to be some kind of tunnel, burrowing underground.

"Shit," he muttered. Without a second thought, the determined guard lowered himself into the hole, dropping into the dimly lit passage below.

As his eyes adjusted, he moved his flashlight around slowly realizing the tunnel seemed to branch off into multiple directions, like a maze. Picking a path, the guard advanced slowly, high alert for any ambush.

Little did he know, the Pink Bandit lurked just ahead. Creeping up silently behind him, crowbar in hand, she waited for the perfect moment to strike. As the guard passed by, completely unaware, she swung the steel bar down towards the back of his head.


To be continued..