Chapter 20, Insecurity?

The sleek Rolls Royce finally came to a stop in front of a towering apartment building. The mirrored building reflects elegance, almost overwhelming to Sora.

He stared up barely seeing the peak. After hearing Ayame's family was well off, Sora had expected something grand, perhaps a high-end condo. But this? Nope, never!

It was like a titan amongst buildings, the area was filled with apartment buildings but this one took the cake. No, no, this one took the whole bakery!

The behemoth beautifully glittered with the golden evening light. Sora was wondering what it would look like in the day, wouldn't it be borderline blinding?

His stomach twisted in nervousness, Ayame stayed in a place like this? This wasn't just normal wealth, it screamed out something unimaginable. A world so above him that even its shadows couldn't be touched by him.

Compared to his previous cramped room at his uncle's place... This felt like another dimension. Did he even belong here?

He glanced at Ayame, her face unfazed, simply smiling at him.

"Everything alright, Sora-kun? I know this might be a bit overwhelming for you, but please bear with me," she gently stated. Sora wondered if she had some mind-reading ability or something, how could she always read his thoughts so easily? It was so unfair!

"Please don't feel like you belong here, think of this place as your own, because at the end of the day...." She paused for a moment, her eyes glinted uncertainty, "this whole area is owned by my family. Specifically my mother," Ayame's last words startled Sora, his mouth agape.

"Y-your mother o-owns this area?" The revelation hit him like a truck, he had thought they owned an apartment or two here, but this building? It seems like he was still underestimating their wealth.

"Ayame... Why are you dating me? I am just... I am not even average," Sora didn't have to explain why.

"Right. You're not even average," Ayame agreeing with him slightly hurt Sora, but he knew it was the truth, "But does it matter? I mean, should I choose who I love based on some arbitrary social standard? Do you think my love is so shallow, Sora-kun?" Ayame tilted her head, staring straight into his eyes, searching for answers.

Her sudden change in words caught Sora off guard, his face got flustered. He hadn't considered it that way, the sudden revelation of Ayame's wealth made him insecure, his lack of everything, that he even disrespected Ayame's genuine feelings.

"No, I...." He stuttered, trying to search for the right words, "I am sorry... I just didn't think someone like you would find interest in me."

Ayame's expression softened, "No, it's fine, Sora-kun. I understand. But there's a lot more to you than you think. You will understand when I explain my reasoning for loving you," She slightly paused, "At least I hope so...." Ayame mumbled in a voice only audible to her.


"Let's not discuss everything here."

"Oh yeah, my bad," Sora said with an awkward smile.


We went inside the towering building, which was still a bit overwhelming to me but Ayame's words had calmed me down.

"For your information, I live on the top floor. When I turned eighteen a couple of months ago, my parents gave me an apartment here as a..... Let's say coming of age ceremony. Each floor has one unit," She calmly explained. Which also reminded me that she was slightly older than me.

The inside of the building was just as expected, otherworldly. Marble floors gleamed softly against the recessed lights. Lush potted plants against the wall, and some artificial moss in some of the walls, add to the elegance of this place.

The staff were impeccably dressed with a professional posture. They greeted Ayame with respect as she passed them, making her position in this place as clear as day. Here, wealth wasn't displayed, it shone in the very atmosphere.

We reached the elevator, fortunately, it was already on the ground floor, so we did not have to wait.

The door slid open as soon as Ayame clicked the button. Both of us stepped in, the mirrored walls reflecting my curious face.

Ayame pressed the button for the 99th floor, and the elevator silently started gliding upwards. It was undoubtedly very fast.

Soon enough, they reached their destination. As the elevator door slid open it revealed an elegantly decorated hallway leading to an imposing metal door.

"Those metallic doors are for safety, in the unlikely case of an intruder getting this far, that door is there for our protection. You need a keycard and a fingerprint to get in. Don't worry, I'll give you one card and register your fingerprint here," she smiled, her face full of excitement as she said her last words.


For advanced chapters, check out the novel in Zetro.