Here's the update plan for The Whispers of a Yandere!Starting from Chapter 11, the story will be continuing on Zetro Translations. The first ten chapters will remain freely available here and in the future when the chapters get unlocked, it will also get uploaded here.On Zetro Translations:

Chapters will be gradually unlocked for free over time. You can also unlock chapters with a small fee to support me. (Price will be 1-2 coins, each coin is 1 USD)


*All explicit content will be uploaded here, just like the earlier chapters.*All the unlocked chapters from Zetro will also be uploaded here. So you guys don't have to switch to Zetro to read, just wait until the chapters are slowly unlocked and I will upload them here.

Stay connected!

Join my Discord server for updates on the release schedule and to connect with other fans:

Feel Free to Ask if you have any questions.

I apologize if you don't like my decision, but I sincerely hope you can understand.