Time to Work

Chapter 4

 9:05 a.m. in the morning same day.

Ethan reviewed all the parcels and inserted each envelope and box. Momo was still napping and taking her time as Ethan checked every item on the list he even wrote down his time on a log book that was already on top of the desk, right beside the old analog phone. The smell of warm coffee wafting outside the warehouse that was coming from nearby coffee shops was keeping Ethan energized as he diligently completed his tasks, even on an empty stomach. The sound of birds chirping outside the window signaled the start of a new day filled with productivity and focus.

His stomach was still grumbling, and Momo could hear it. Ethan was carrying the parcels near the warehouse exit when Momo the cat stood up and just went out of the small window that was partially open. Momo Slim and Size were able to squeeze between the rails protecting the window from possible burglars. Ethan saw this and left the cat alone to do its thing. He knew Momo would always find his way back inside safely, no matter where his adventures took him.

After a thorough and final check, he went out and proceeded to go to the van that was parked on the side. The warehouse wasn't that highly secured; the entire area was just surrounded by a 4-foot-tall wall and an ordinary sliding gate that was always halfway open so a person could easily enter. The distance of the warehouse from the gate was about 20 steps, or roughly 50 feet. And the district was particularly average but the warehouse was somehow out of place because the entire area was surrounded by shops and high end residential buildings, making the warehouse stand out. The lack of security measures in place made it an easy target for potential theft or vandalism.

But as he went out to open the van, he saw a paper bag on the passenger seat, and it had a note on it. "Have some breakfast first , from Momo."

Ethan smiled and was amused by Mr. Ross's humor, mentioning that the cat got him breakfast. Ethan chuckled at the thought of his boss having breakfast delivered by a cat, finding it to be a quirky and endearing gesture. He made a mental note to thank Mr. Ross for the unexpected meal when he saw him later that day.

When he was done he neatly crumpled paper bag but felt something else was inside it , so he took the time to inspect the paper bag again and saw a lace as he took it out it had his warehouse ID, as if just pulling out a rabbit out of a magician's hat, This was very puzzling to him. He wondered how Mr. Ross got his warehouse ID prepared that easily without him even realizing it. It was as if Mr. Ross had known he would be needing it, leaving him feeling both impressed and slightly unnerved by the mysterious gesture.

It also occurred to him to wonder why Mr. Ross had hidden the warehouse ID in the paper bag rather than telling him, and when he had given Mr. Ross his picture. The mystery surrounding the scenario was growing by the moment.

Anyway, he thought it was best to ask Mr. Ross and get to the bottom of the situation before jumping to any conclusions. Perhaps there was a logical explanation for the warehouse ID being in the paper bag that he had not yet considered. He proceeded to throw the paperbag away in the garbage bin that was right beside the warehouse door, but he didn't forget to leave a small piece of his breakfast that was neatly placed inside a torn-off piece of small parchment paper. When he saw Momo back on top of the desk, he took out a piece of wrapped ham and kindly placed it in front of her to eat, and he gently stroked Momo and said,

"Thank you for the breakfast."

Momo didn't expect he would thank her; she was just a cat after all, but she purred contently in response. The simple act of kindness made the man smile as he continued on with his day, grateful for the companionship of his furry friend.

With one lift Ethan easily carried two boxes, and on top of them were ten sealed envelopes. He used his elbow to wedge open the warehouse sliding door and went back to the van. As he placed the cargo at the back, he proceeded to lock the warehouse door, and with a swift movement he jumped into the van driver seat. He felt the stirring wheel and recalled the feeling he felt when he was back home driving his father's old Dodge pickup truck.

His license was still valid, but the memories of learning to drive in that truck were some of his fondest. Ethan revved the engine and pulled out of the warehouse, feeling a sense of nostalgia and freedom as he hit the open road.

As he drove out, the main warehouse sliding gate suddenly opened, much to his surprise. He never expected the gate to be automatic, and he couldn't help but chuckle at his own ignorance.

but he welcomed the convenience it provided. The cool breeze through the open windows added to the sense of liberation as he cruised down the unfamiliar streets of this opulent megacity.

This was the reason why he was near the luxury or high end district last night he was familiarizing himself with the streets and getting a feel for the area. As he continued his exploration, he couldn't help but admire the grandeur of the buildings and the hustle and bustle of the city's expensive establishments., so when the incident occurred with the young, lovely lady, he was actually walking along the opposite side of the street alley when he heard and saw the commotion. Curiosity piqued, and he quickly crossed the street to investigate further.

This was the explanation he would give the police if he were invited to question the police about what he did—beating up a person for the first time. Back home, nobody could hold a candle to Ethan when it came to fighting skills; he never backs down from any challenge. Especially when he saw people getting hurt., his own father taught him how to hunt. Fight and survive.

His father was a former Marine and served in multiple combat tours overseas until his retirement, when he went back to his real passion, which was farming. Along with his family, Ethan was the eldest of the five siblings, three sisters and the youngest was his brother , who was keen on upholding his older brother's reputation.

Ethan had a nickname and it was the Guardian.

Ethan's father instilled in his children especially Ethan, the importance of being able to protect themselves and others, which is why he felt compelled to step in when he saw someone in danger. Ethan's actions may have been fueled by his father's teachings, but deep down, he knew that violence was never the answer and hoped to find a peaceful resolution.

But he had never been in a situation where he started the fight; even during his teen days he was withdrawn and reserved, and he never liked to join parties or social activities. He was seen talking with other students when it came to books, art, and music, but he preferred to avoid conflict whenever possible. Ethan's calm demeanor and intellectual interests often set him apart from his peers, but he found solace in his own company and in the world of creativity.

He even constructed his own small art studio beside their barn, where he would spend hours painting and sculpting, finding peace in the solitude of his creative process. Despite his introverted nature, Ethan's artistic talents and unique perspective on the world eventually caught the attention of his classmates and teachers, earning him a reputation as a talented and enigmatic young artist.

Those who see him would think he was a tough and rough figure because of his lean and well-toned physique and the fact he could easily disarm a person in a fair fight, but those who took the time to get to know him discovered a kind and thoughtful soul beneath his quiet exterior.

Many young ladies admire him back home, but he never took advantage of them and always treated them with respect and kindness, earning him a reputation as a true gentleman among his peers. His mysterious aura only added to his charm, making him even more intriguing to those around him.

As he drove around the city, recalling the street signs and casually asking police officers for directions, he was able to reach the largest and most luxurious hotel and mega shopping center in the city, with nearly 10 million people living there. The hotel's grandeur and the shopping center's vast land area made it bigger than their hometown lumber and steel factory combined.

The street leading toward the hotel was wide enough to fit four cars. While waiting for his turn to enter the area, he was concerned that he might accidentally brush those expensive cars entering the hotel slash mall entrance, so he made sure to move in a slow phase.

Until he reached the first gate, the old well-mannered guard greeted him. Ethan smiled and responded to the old guard, as he pointed and informed Ethan to turn right and told him that this was the location where delivery trucks go. With a hand gesture, the old guard tipped his hat and again greeted Ethan with a smile.

As he continued to drive he encountered a second gate, but this time the two guards were rude and arrogant. They they greeted him with a grunt and demanded to see his identification before allowing him to pass through. Ethan felt a sense of unease as he handed over his ID, wondering what could have caused the stark difference in treatment between the two gates.

After waiting for a few seconds, more delivery trucks were lined up behind him, honking impatiently. Ethan couldn't shake the feeling that something was off as he finally passed through the gate and continued on his way. As he looked back through his side view mirror, the other trucks didn't even bother to stop at the gate, driving straight through without any interference. Ethan's unease grew as he realized he was the only one who had been stopped for identification.

As annoying as it might be, this was something to be expected from a new face, but the lack of security measures for the other trucks was concerning. Ethan made a mental note to bring this up with their supervisor if given a chance, as he was near the cargo delivery docks, and conveniently, the parking floor was marked with signs for individual and different types of cargo. Unfortunately, as he was about to park another delivery vehicle, it rudely took his spot.

Ethan honked at the other truck but the diver just ignored him and even gave Ethan the middle finger, so he had no choice but to do what was right, which was to park on the other side of the dock, which was sadly further away from the entrance. Ethan was frustrated by the situation but knew that maintaining professionalism was important in his line of work. He made a mental note to address the issue with management later on, but not just leave without teaching the other driver a small lesson in curtesy in the future. Ethan was very observant and noticed the huge ten wheeler truck was blocking the delivery truck that took his spot.

It wasn't that hard to spot, as the concrete floor had a paint mark stating delivery van parking only. So he took out the two boxes and ten stacks of envelopes, and without effort he walked to the entrance near the cargo truck that stole his rightful spot. Seeing that he was right about the blind spot Ethan quickly took the opportunity to teach the rude driver a lesson, and went on his, way. He entered the dock entrance and told the receptionist about the box and parcel he needed to deliver. The female receptionist smiled and even took a moment to stare at his confident demeanor before directing him to the correct location for his delivery. Ethan couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction as he made his way through the busy dock, knowing he had handled the situation with grace and assertiveness.

After a little while, the obnoxious driver emerged and continued to complain about the wait. Upon approaching his vehicle and observing that numerous individuals were gathered around it, he became irritated and raised his voice, insisting on knowing the reason for the delay. As soon as the crowd moved on, the motorist was left alone with his thoughts and the unsettling suspicion that he had overreacted. Upon inspecting the side of his truck, he was shocked to find a two-foot-long gash in the panel. It appeared as though a large, sharp metal object had punctured the side of the truck, leaving a gaping side hole. The driver's heart fell upon realizing the magnitude of the damage. and the potential consequences of the mysterious incident.

His frustration was justified, as he now had to deal with potential repairs and insurance claims. The driver's annoyance quickly turned to concern as he assessed the damage and began to piece together what may have caused it. But nobody saw anything; even the CCTV camera saw nothing. The driver knew he would have to report the damage to his employer and explain the situation, adding another layer of stress to an already frustrating situation. As he pondered the mysterious incident further, he couldn't shake the feeling that someone may have intentionally caused the damage.

Ethan was casually walking toward the shopping malls. Administrative offices and took the liberty to ask around and get directions for those who were going to receive the ten address envelopes. The people who received these documents were shocked to see Ethan as they were not expecting a good-looking man to be delivering them. Ethan quickly realized that his casual stroll had inadvertently turned into the surprising and unexpected task of distributing important documents.

Many women who saw him were impressed by his appearance and charm, making the task a bit more enjoyable for Ethan. Despite the unexpected turn of events, Ethan handled the situation with grace and professionalism, leaving a positive impression on those he encountered. Until he was left to deliver the two boxes, the name written on the box was familiar to him, but the title under the name made him reflect on his current situation and wonder if he had stumbled upon a new opportunity. As he made his way through the crowd,

"Arthur Lush Coco Siegert, Visual Head Merchandizer."

As soon as he got into the elevator to go up the admissions floor that was managing the shopping mall that was directly connected to the 5 star hotel, many staff members who were also inside the service elevator were casually looking at Ethan and were talking among themselves about how manly and good looking he was. As soon as the elevator opened, the female staff members started giggling and whispering to each other as they exited the elevator.

The fifteenth floor was the address on the box. He was about to deliver the package to the front desk reception when a flamboyant, slender gay man emerged from the office to rapturous applause. The man was immaculately attired in tailored pieces with branded accessories, projecting a sophisticated, theatrical demeanor. Everyone in his vicinity became aware of his presence.

Arthur (Lush Coco) Siegert was prancing and moving as if he were on stage, twirling like a ballerina and singing as if he were having a concert, singing the most melodious tunes. His charisma was undeniable, drawing people in with his magnetic personality and captivating performance.

" Lush Coco is in the house, maker of dreams ,fun, and…"

Lush Coco suddenly stopped, and with a smooth dancing motion he twirled toward Ethan, who was standing in front of the reception desk with a mischievous grin on his face.

"Sweetheart, what's your plan for tonight?" he asked, his eyes sparkling with excitement. Ethan chuckled and replied,

"Good morning, ma'am,"

" oh! How kind of you to address me that way, you are such a darling,"

Lush Coco suddenly place both of his hand on his waist and turned around and scream at the top of his lungs and shouted

"this is how you great a woman,!"

and turn around again and like a cat Lush Coco purred, "So, what's the plan for tonight?"

Ethan raised an eyebrow and said,

"I am here to deliver this box to you."

"Forget about the box and just make me feel like a true woman."

"Ma'am, I would like to to but , I have responsibilities to finish, and I cannot stay long. Perhaps we can plan something for another time?"

Lush Coco pouted, "Well, don't keep me waiting too long, Ethan." Ethan nodded and quickly left the hall way and walk toward the service elevator , leaving Lush Coco disappointed but intrigued.

"What a man.!

Arthur Lush Coco Siegert, Visual Head Merchandiser,, was left alone with his thoughts, wondering when he would see Ethan again. When a woman came toward coco and grab his right ear lobe and dragged him toward his office,

"Coco stop pestering the people who are working,"

Coco laughed and playfully resisted the woman's efforts, "I was just having a friendly conversation, no need to be so serious!" The woman rolled her eyes and replied, "Save it for after work, Coco."

Coco just gave out a small purring sound when Monica ( Momo ) Siegert, head Marketing Director of the shopping complex was assisting Coco back into his office as he was carrying the box given to him. Monica smiled and shook her head, "You're lucky I caught you before you got yourself into trouble again." Coco chuckled and nodded in agreement, grateful for Monica's intervention.

" Meh! In trouble?"

" Sigh. Just be aware of your actions. If Katarine sees you acting like a total fool again, you know what she can do to you,"

"Okay, fine, your such a party pooper!"

As they entered the office, the director raised an eyebrow at Coco's nonchalant attitude. Monica playfully nudged Coco and whispered,

"Just remember, discretion is key in this workplace."

Coco rolled his eyes but nodded, knowing that Monica was right.

"Sorry, I just don't want you to get in trouble with Katarine again,"

Monica said, trying to reason with Coco. Coco gave her a sheepish smile and promised to be more careful in the future.

"Girl, don't worry; I have everything under control."

"So what's inside the box?"

"Oh, these are mine to consume and enjoy!"

"Don't tell me, you ordered those delicious cookies from that bakery down the street," Monica guessed, knowing Coco's weakness for sweets.

"You know me too well,"

Coco laughed, opening the box to reveal the mouth-watering treats inside.

"By the way, why are you here Monica?"

" I forgot to mention Katarine saw your design layout for the monthly hotel marketing campaign collateral and wanted to discuss it with yo.,"

Monica explained.

"She's really not happy with what your staff actually made, she was hoping to see something new based on the budget you requested from her."

" you need a new artist,"

"Monica suggested, concern evident in her voice. "Katarine is considering hiring someone else if the designs don't improve soon."

"And if worst comes to worst, you might end up in the kitchen pealing potatoes."

Monica's tone was serious as she emphasized the importance of delivering high-quality designs to Katarine. "It's crucial that we meet her expectations to secure this project," she added, hinting at the consequences of not meeting her standards.

Coco felt a sudden chill on his spine, knowing Katarines personality. She will truly demote him to peel potatoes for life, which was a fate he definitely wanted to avoid. The pressure was on Coco to step up his design game and impress Katarine before it was too late.

He then gulped the cookie and bolted outside once more, yelling at the top of his lungs for the employees working on setting up the conference room and getting ready for a fresh marketing campaign. When the word reached the dock's receptionist, Ethan was still on the cargo loading docks. They were enjoying a cigarette break at the open dock when the girl frantically waved her arms to get the artist's attention.

She hurried out to tell the artist about the emergency meeting about the marketing designs they had already executed being scrapped because of a sudden change in direction from upper management, and that someone was Katarine, the president of the hotel and connected shopping mall.

The urgency of the situation was evident as the receptionist relayed the message, causing the artist to quickly extinguish their cigarette and walked toward the stairs up the dock ramp when they stop just stood their with annoyed, reactions on their faces, as they never liked last-minute changes; they were tired and nearing the limit of their patience; and the requirements set by Katarine were unbelievably demanding and unreasonable.

They had to find a way to meet her expectations while also maintaining their sanity. It took them days of lack of sleep and constant stress, but they finally managed to pull off the impossible and deliver what they thought was a masterpiece that exceeded even Katarine's high standards.

But now this experience has left them exhausted, as has their resilience and ability to overcome challenges in the face of adversity, but everything they have done their blood sweat and tears for the past moths were all torn to shreds in an instant.

they just decided to quit . They realized that sacrificing their well-being for someone else's approval was not worth it in the end. It was a hard lesson learned, but one that ultimately led them to prioritize their own mental and physical health above all else.

The female dock receptionist was left to break the sad news to Lush Coco that their three artists had quit on them. She was shaking, knowing what Lush Coco would do to her. The female receptionist had a sneaking suspicion that the three artists would simply walk out without even saying anything. She could not bear to let Coco down. The receptionist hoped that Lush Coco would comprehend the circumstances behind the artists' departure and knew she had to break the news carefully.

Ethan saw everything, and based on the statements of the three staff , he had a rough idea of what just happened and asked the receptionist. He could offer his help and mention he is artist himself, hoping to bridge the gap between Lush Coco and the departing artists. Ethan's offer to mediate between the two parties could potentially salvage the situation and prevent any further misunderstandings. and knowing that Lush Coco's reputation was on the line. The receptionist gratefully accepted Ethan's offer, and asked if he has any document online that could verify his claim,

Ethan asked the female cargo dock receptionist if she could use her desk computer to access his social media account. She was disappointed because she was the one who introduced one of the artists who quit a few moments ago. After seeing Ethan's designs she was relieved to see that he was indeed an artist.

Ethan was now part of the problem, not the solution, as he was now responsible for creating a marketing theme that would replace the old one. The receptionist was hopeful that Ethan's artistic skills could help bring a fresh perspective to the marketing campaign.

She eagerly shared her ideas with him and told him she was actually a Lush Coco former assistant. She got demoted for making a mistake in the past that cost the company millions, but she was determined to prove herself again. Ethan listened intently, recognizing the opportunity to not only showcase his talent but also help a possible colleague redeem herself in the eyes of the company.

Ethan told the female receptionist to discreetly talk to Lush Coco, mention just what happened, and afterwards show him his portfolio of successful projects. He believed that showcasing his work would demonstrate his value to the company and potentially provide a solution to what just occurred.