Everything appeared to be running smoothly.

Chapter 6

May 27, 2020. 3:45 p.m.

Ethan was still a civilized guy after all that happened, As soon as he reached the warehouse, he carefully parked the van and took out the warehouse key to check if he had more cargo to deliver. As soon as he slid open the metal door, the boxes in the receiving area were half gone. Ethan estimated that there were roughly thirty boxes total, three of them stacked on top of one another in roughly ten rows. Not even including a push cart filled with brown, sealed envelopes, Ethan quickly realized that a significant portion of the cargo had already been delivered. He grabbed the push cart filled with brown, sealed envelopes and began to sort out those that were marked for delivery.

It was a simple task; those with red stickers were for delivery, and those who did not have the red sticker were left idle until further instructions were given. Ethan efficiently organized the envelopes, making the delivery process much smoother and quicker. He was nearing the end of his sorting when the phone rang, and it was coming from the inner office, the same place where Mr. Ross was working on important documents. Ethan quickly answered the phone, anticipating that it could be Mr. Ross needing assistance with something urgent.

The path going to the office was still the same; stacks of boxes were placed on both sides, and they were secured and nearly wrapped in plastic to ensure rats wouldn't be able to damage whatever was inside. The office was peculiar at first because it seemed as if the room was not part of the main warehouse structure , as if it was created inside for personal reasons and not for business purposes. The dim lighting and mismatched furniture gave it a cozy, lived-in feel that was unexpected in such a sterile environment.

Unlike what Ethan typically says at any kind of warehouse, the reception desk and chair he was using were out of place. Maybe it was Mr. Ross's personal items that he brought to the warehouse. It was clear that someone had put effort into making the space feel more welcoming and comfortable. The presence of personal items added a touch of humanity to an otherwise industrial setting.

But it was a different story when he entered Mr. Ross's office for the first time, which was yesterday morning. Etan was amazed to see that the office was like part of his home, everything had his personal touch, from the sofa to the family photos on the desk. It was evident that Mr. Ross spent a significant amount of time in this office, making it his own sanctuary within the warehouse. And the most impressive thing inside the office was the cabinet filled with jars of high quality tea and delicate porcelain tea cups, showcasing Mr. Ross's refined taste and attention to detail. The inviting aroma of the tea added a sense of warmth and hospitality to the otherwise professional atmosphere of the office.

Ethan just took a peek as he politely knocked on the door and called for Mr. Ross, but when nobody answered and the phone was still ringing , he decided to step inside and answer the call, and just explain explain to Mr. Ross the reason he went inside. The phone call seemed to be really important because it was still ringing nonstop.

As Ethen twisted the door knob, hoping it was locked, to give him a reasonable excuse not to enter without permission, but sadly, it was unlocked, so he cautiously entered the office. Ethan quickly scanned the room for Mr. Ross, noticing papers neatly filed on the desk and a sense of urgency in the air. He knew he had to handle the situation delicately to avoid any misunderstandings with his boss. The phone that was ringing was on his table.,

Ethan just realized this was the only time he got the opportunity to actually view the entire room without feeling overwhelmed by Mr. Ross's and Mr. Leonhardt Maier Siegert's presence. As he picked up the phone, Ethan, with a soft, rough, and manly tone, one Ethan aske who was on the other line and quickly assessed the situation before responding. He made sure to maintain his composure and professionalism, knowing that any misstep could have serious consequences.

While scanning Mr. Ross Desk looking for a pen and paper to write down any details the caller might give, Ethan saw a peculiar fountain pen. He knew this because he only wanted to buy this pen because the way it was designed. It was the Black Snake Fountain Pen. He didn't want to use it but the female voice on the other side was really impatient and insistent, so he decided to use the pen to quickly jot down the information. As he began writing, Ethan couldn't help but admire the intricate design of the pen.

"Yes, ma'am, you may proceed with the information," he said, feeling a sense of satisfaction using the unique pen. The smooth flow of ink and the snake-like pattern on the pen made the task more enjoyable for Ethan."

After every detail was written down, , felt grateful for its efficiency. With the information securely noted, Ethan thanked the woman and hung up the phone, glad he had the pen on hand for such a quick and important task.

When Mr. Ross finally came in and saw Ethan beside his table , while placing the snake pen back on the pen holder that was on the vintage hand carved table, Mr. Ross wanted to ask Ethan something, but Ethan was the first one to say something. He greeted Mr. Ross and quickly explained explained that his office phone had been ringing nonstop since he got back from his delivery task. and after being handed the piece of paper, Mr. Ross was relieved to hear that Ethan had taken care of the phone calls. He then proceeded to ask Ethan about the progress of the delivery task.

And on a side question asking him if he was feeling fine, Ethan was required to answer his boss's inquiry. But I find the second question to be a bit unexpected. Ethan assured Mr. Ross that he was feeling fine and updated him on the successful completion of the delivery task.

Momo was seen entering the office because the door was slightly open. He excused himself and asked if theres anything else he could do, Mr Ross smiled and just told him to keep up the good work. Ethan felt relieved and grateful for his boss's acknowledgment of his hard work. As he exited ththe room, Mr.oom facial expression change from happy to deep concern, When the office door dlose Momo the cat was sittingf at the sofa looking at Mr Ross expression,

Mr ROSS stood arounf five foot four and has a white hair and beard. He was maybe around 70 year old but he was still fit and able , he moves with a certain agility that belied his age. The concern on his face was quickly replaced by a mischievous grin as he noticed Momo watching him intently, knowing that the cat always seemed to have a sixth sense about people's emotions.

Momo's ears perked up as she sensed the shift in Mr. Ross's mood, prompting her to approach him with caution. Despite his small stature, Mr. Ross commanded a presence that demanded respect from everyone.

"Meow! What's wrong, Mr. Ross?"

"Why the sudden change of demeanor?" Momo thought to herself, her tail swishing back and forth in curiosity.

"Ethan used the snake pen."

Momo's eyes widened in alarm as she saw the snake pen emitting a dark energy that only special special beings can see. She quickly meowed loudly to alert Mr. Ross before it was too late, her instincts kicking into high gear to protect their new employee.

"Wait, Momo, look carefully at the snake pen. It is not affecting Ethan's behavior,"

Mr. Ross spoke, his voice tinged with concern. Momo's eyes narrowed as she observed the strange aura surrounding the pen, realizing that they were dealing with something far more dangerous than they had initially thought.

"A normal person would have already lost consciousness just touching his curse pen.,"

Momo whispered to Mr. Ross, her fur bristling with unease.

"We need to find a way to contain it before it causes any more harm."

"Yes, I think this pen is too much of a nuisance now, and it's clear that we really need to clean this place."

" I used to like this pen; I made a lot of deals with it; I held it for a thousand years, and now it nearly causes me a lot of trouble. It's time to get rid of it for good.""

Mr. Ross took the pen and asked Momo to stand guard at the door and make sure hee was not disturbed while he disposed of the pen properly. Momo nodded in agreement and stood watch diligently.

Ethan was at the warehouse parking lot cleaning the van when a bright light came out from the warehouse window. It was brief and short; it was like a flash of lightning. Ethan dropped the sponge and rushed towards the warehouse, curious to find out what caused the sudden burst of light. As he approached, Mr. Ross was petting Momo. He asked if they were okay. Mr. Ross, with a concerned look on his face, asked Ethen if he had seen the light too. Ethan nodded, feeling a sense of unease in the air.

Mr. Ross told Ethan that the area was prone to electrical eletrical surge, and they should be cautious. He suggested he investigate further to ensure there was no damage to the warehouse or surrounding area. Mr. Ross smiled and told him it was not his job to fix these things; it was the job of the electrical companies, but it was important to be aware of any potential hazards. Ethan thanked Mr. Ross for the information and made a mental note to keep an eye out for any unusual occurrences in the future.

Mr. Ross thanked him, and for no reason at all he told Ethan that there are sleeping quarters at the back of the warehouse, on the left wing, in its small extended place facing the parking area. This was built in case employees ever needed a place to rest during their shifts. Ethan was grateful for the offer and appreciated Mr. Ross looking out for his well-being.

Then Mr. Ross told him if everything is fine, he may go home and just come back tomorrow and remind him.

"Keep in mind that work-life balance is our top priority, Ethan."

"As soon as you have accomplished your delivery task, you can pursue other interests, take on other jobs, and take care of yourself."

Ethan smiled, feeling fortunate to work for a company that valued his well-being as much as his productivity.

He took out the log book, wrote his time, and signed it. And place it back on the desk including the delivery van keys, and just take and hide the warehouse key and his identification warehouse card. He said his good-bye and went back to his rented room. Ethan was happy to get an easy and stress-free job that allowed him to prioritize his dream of being a well known artist or designer

" I am glad I was able to get 'this part time job."

He thought to himself as he closed the door behind him. With a sense of relief, Ethan knew that this job would provide him with the flexibility he needed to focus on his passion for art and design. As he walked toward his place he recalled the recent incident and totally forgot about what he just did, so with this, he just wanted to get back to his small rented room and unwind with his sketchbook The job was a stepping stone towards achieving his dreams, and he was eager to see where it would take him.

The distance was about half a mile; taking a bus would set him back a few dollars, and because he just started work today , he decided to save money and walk home instead. As if he had a choice, Ethan just looked at his current predicament as a chance to enjoy the fresh air and clear his mind after a long day. He welcomed the opportunity to reflect on his new job and the possibilities it could bring.

He was nearing the district where he was renting; it was on the opposite side of the city where the most rich stayed; that was the eastern part going up north, while on the west side was the residential area. Most buildings here were filled with families, and a few remained with actual owned houses. The city government copied the Asian housing plan and just converted the old housing system to build highrise buildings. This was done in order to accommodate the growing population and maximize land use efficiency. The district's transformation from traditional housing to modern highrises reflected the city's rapid urban development and changing demographics.

This was the west district; this area was divided into 12 zones, and from zones 1 to 8, they were already redeveloped to meet the needs of a more urbanized population. The shift from traditional housing to high-rise buildings symbolized the city's progress towards a more modern and efficient living environment. The majority of the city's older buildings and apartment complexes are still located in zones nine through ten, but plans are in place to redevelop them soon to the only affordable place left for his to get a room, as in zone ten, this was near the main road, dividing the city into your classic three social classes: the common working class , the middle class, and the upper class.

Ethan was never troubled by these because the place he was raised in, his hometown, provided for all of their needs and provided every luxury imaginable, regardless of social status. But Ethan soon saw the value of social standing and how it affected his day-to-day existence in this new city. Though at first he was uninterested, he quickly discovered that he had to navigate the intricate workings of this hierarchical society in order to obtain a place to live. As he saw all of his stuff was out of the room he was renting, and the landlord just wrote the reason on a piece of paper and pinned it to his only remaining bag, knowing well that his other bag had already been stolen and what was left was his old backpack, two pairs of shirts, two pants, and a few undergarments. All of his equipment and supplies were gone.

Desperate and with nowhere else to turn, he decided to seek refuge in the warehouse. Employer quarters for the time being, Ethan was already tired and hungry, seeing that this was a huge blow to his plans. He hoped that by staying in the warehouse, he could at least find some temporary shelter and safety until he figured out his next steps. So without further ado, he just took what was left of his belongings and made his way back to the warehouse,

Hoping for a stroke of luck, Ethan just walked back , dragging his tires and weary body through the dimly lit streets. As he approached the warehouse, he felt a sense of relief wash over him, knowing that, at least for now, he had a place to rest. He stood in front of the gate as it slowly opened for him , seeing that this was a sign that perhaps his luck was starting to turn around. Ethan couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope as he stepped inside. He was too tired to even think anymore as he tried his best to walk toward the warehouse extension. Mr. Ross mentioned just a while ago that he was getting dizzy from the long walk, and as soon as he saw the door that had a sign of an employee's quarter, he just opened it and saw the warm, soft bed he just collapsed onto, finally being able to rest his weary body. The comfort of the bed enveloped him, providing a sense of relief he hadn't felt in a long time.

It was just after midnight when Ethen heard a noise coming from the warehouse. Ethan was able to get some rest but was still a bit weak from lack of nourishment, so hearing noises coming from inside the warehouse was unsettling and made him feel on edge. Despite his exhaustion, he cautiously approached the source of the noise. And I saw a silhouette of a woman heading toward Mr. Ross's office.,

"A burglar maybe?"

he tried his best to get up, and entered the warehouse, without alerting the intruder, as he crept closer, Ethan noticed the woman was holding a flashlight and appeared to be searching for something among the stacks of boxes that were lined up outside Mr. Ross office . The woman removed the safe line of the boxes so it wouldn't fall, and in doing so, she just created a scenario that would endanger her life. Ethan debated whether to confront her or call the police, but ultimately decided to quietly observe from a safe distance. He knew that intervening could escalate the situation and put both of their lives at risk.

Ethan's eyes were a bit blurry, and the lack of light was making it difficult to see clearly. He hoped that the woman would realize the danger she was in before it was too late. Her silhouette continued to move, and one by one she opened boxes that were wrapped. After removing the rope tied around them, she began to carefully examine the contents.

Ethan was careful not to make any sudden movements that could startle her. He knew that any wrong move could potentially trigger a dangerous reaction from the woman that could put them both in harm's way. As he noticed the boxes, she touched them, but they were not placed back in an orderly and safe manner , so as she climbed up the stack of boxes without care , he had to do something. The moment the female silhouette grabbed a box that was above her and suddenly toppled because of her weight , Ethan just ran forward as she fell five feet below. He reached out just in time and tried to catch her before she hit the ground, but

Ethan was the one who accidentally got hurt, as the item inside the box toppled over and hit his head. He thought this was the reason he was losing consciousness, but Ethan was far from correct. As he struggled to stay awake, he realized that the female silhouette was actually someone he knew. As he saw her floating above him and her left hand right above his face as illuminating gust particles were dancing right in front of his eyes, this was actually the reason why he was losing consciousness.,

Before going to sleep, he was able to utter a few words.

"Oh, it's you, are you?"

Katarine was surprised to see him again, especially in this state. She answered back and a bewildered tone,

"Huh? Who are you?"

May 28, 2020. 1:45 a.m.