An unplanned but intended meeting.

Chapter 10

Another day, Katarine Horn Siegert was seen in the office unaffected by the news that circulated a few days ago, suggesting that she was not bothered by any negative news surrounding her, considering it was mild compared to those who were doing much worse. Her action was seen as just an impulsive action by the spoiled rich heiress of a huge company. However, her calm demeanor was a stark contrast to the chaos that ensued behind closed doors, where her team was frantically trying to contain the fallout from the recent scandal. Despite appearing unfazed, Katarine's actions were something beyond her control.

The fact within just a week news about the sudden departure of the Korean pop idol just went back home without any explanation added fuel to the fire. Rumors began to circulate about the true nature of their relationship, leaving fans and the media hungry for answers. The pressure was mounting for Katarine to address the situation before it spiraled out of control.

But she never gave out any answer as she always do, this was not the first time this happened and the news surround her hospitalization was seen as another public stunt that her lawyers created to defuse the issue that was going to happen, but the timing was off,

The warehouse fire didn't even come out, as it was the real reason why she got hurt in the first place. This was evident because Ethan was reading the news paper and saw nothing, thinking that the fire at the warehouse was worthy of being reported on. Ethan never expected this because, back when he grew up, everything that was happening in their small farming city was reported, even as small as a cow getting first place at the county fair. It was a stark contrast to the lack of coverage the warehouse fire received, leaving Ethan feeling disconnected from this large community and questioning the values of the city he now lived in. He wondered if perhaps small town values were more important than he had realized and if he would ever feel truly at home in this bustling metropolis.

Ethan was now busy handling dozens of new parcels to be sorted out and delivered to various locations throughout the city. Despite his feelings of disconnect, he knew he had a job to do and focused on completing his tasks efficiently. Mr. Ross entered the warehouse and greeted him. He was carrying a leather bag. Ethan saw his boss and offered to lend a helping hand. Mr. Ross smiled and told him that more stuff would be delivered, delivered especially items designated for the main office where he was located. located, Mr. Ross told him that he didn't need to worry because this wasn't part of his job;

"Ethan, let them handle this, ok?"

"Here, because I know you lost most of your stuff in the fire. It's not much but you might as well use this."

Ethan wanted to ask Mr. Ross how he knew he lost everything on the fire. The time he came back, the warehouse employee quarter was unannounced because Ethan had no choice but to stay there when he accidentally encountered Katarine. At the same time, he didn't know who she was or her name until Mr. Ross told him she was an important client. Ethan has no idea who she was, but small hints were already dropped by Mr. Ross, indicating that she was someone of significance. Despite not knowing her identity, Ethan couldn't shake the feeling that meeting Katarine was more than just a coincidence. It was as if some unseen force was driving them to cross paths for a reason.

Ethan was not superstitious; he was born and raised in a rural farming city with less than 2 thousand people. He was raised to be a gentleman, but he never ignored his basic instinct. He had casual intimate encounters with those he found interesting, but as for getting committed to a relationship, Ethan was always cautious and hesitant. Knowing that it was not fair to him and to the woman that they would hinder their dreams just because of their relationship, he wanted to see what life could have been if he just made an effort.

Ethan hated the idea that the woman he would marry might blame him for her failure to achieve his own dreams. Ethan believed in supporting each other's ambitions and didn't want to be a reason for someone's unhappiness. He hoped to find a partner who shared his values and understood the importance of personal growth within a relationship. This is what was lacking in his home town; many single females there were focused solely on settling down and starting a family rather than pursuing their own goals and aspirations.

Ethan longed for a partner who would challenge him intellectually and push him to be the best version of himself. And what happened between him and Katarine took him by surprise. He already knew that city girls have a different perspective on life and relationships, so casual relationships were mostly based on carnal desires; this was common in a city like the one he had moved to.

So even though it happened that it wouldn't be that hard to forget the fact the warehouse he was working on burned down, that alone was enough to make him question his decision to act impulsively toward a person he just met. He couldn't help but wonder if he had made a mistake in getting involved with someone so different from him. The burning memories of the warehouse served as a stark reminder of the consequences of his impulsive actions.

Ethan wanted to refuse Mr. Ross's help, thinking that this was too much kindness even for somebody like him, but he insisted on seeing and even pointing out that wearing the same clothes and pants was not helping his case. Ethan reluctantly accepted Mr. Ross's help, grateful for the assistance despite his initial hesitation. As Mr. Ross went inside his office, Ethan opened a medium-sized bag. It had three polo shirts, a pair of new undergarments, and even some hygiene products for him to use. What made that day special was a small, 12 inch laptop. With a note posted on it saying

"This was my old laptop."

" I am too old to use these gadgets anyway."

"hope you can use this to fulfill your dreams."

Ethan was more enthusiastic about getting the laptop than having a new shirt; it was a blessing he couldn't ignore, as he recalled the moment when he told the nice female receptionist that he was an artist and even told her he could help fill in the vacant artist position at their company. Ethan's heart swelled with gratitude as he realized the laptop was not just a gift, but a stepping stone towards his dreams of becoming a professional artist.

Ethan saw Momo the cat enter the newly installed warehouse window; his station was still naked as the old chair and desk were gone, and the only thing in the receiving area were the boxes and more parcels he was gathering outside the parking area as if they just magically appeared out of thin air while he was sound asleep last night.

Everything that was happening was like a surreal dream that Ethan couldn't quite grasp, but he couldn't shake the feeling that Momo's presence was a sign of good luck. As he continued to place the boxes and parcels inside his work station, he had a ton of questions but decided to focus on the task at hand.

Meanwhile, Katarine was walking with a slight limp; her daily work routine made her task more challenging than usual. Despite the discomfort, she pushed through, determined to finish her work efficiently. Monica was not to be seen this way wasn't unusual for her because she was the director managing the mall that was connected with the hotel, while Katarine was the overall president of both establishments.,

Katarine was still doing her part but she wasn't really that hurt anymore. It was another busy day for her, conducting her daily tasks, monitoring and inspecting the mall and all the facilities, and making sure her employees were working diligently and efficiently. Despite her busy schedule, Katarine always made time to ensure that everything was running smoothly in both establishments. She was an absolute scandal maker when it came to her social life , but when it came to her job and management skills, she was seen as a fair and dedicated leader by her employees. Katarine's attention to detail and commitment to excellence set her apart in the business world.

She would even address her staff if they were lacking in certain things, even helping them adjust and improve their working attire. And giving them ample time to rest and take short breaks, but she always mentions that these small gestures must be repaid by working hard and seeing to it that they meet their deadlines and deliver high-quality work. Everything was met with positive results. results , all her working employees see her as a cold and demanding boss, but deep down they know she truly cares about their well-being and success. Her dedication to both the professional and personal growth of her team members sets her apart.

Many new employees will mention her cold, hard, and demanding exterior, but those who have worked with her for a while understand the depth of her care and commitment to their success. Her leadership style may be tough, but it ultimately fosters growth and excellence in her team.

Some could never understand or accept her way of interacting with her staff.

She would just walk up toward the employee and tell them some hard but meaningful words like

"How long have you been working here?"

"You do understand you are required to follow certain rules about how to wear your work uniform."

"Look at how you dress; it's sloppy and looks unprofessional. "

"If you can't change the way you dress, how can you fulfill your task effectively?"

"Don't come back until you have made the necessary changes."

This direct approach may not be appreciated by all, but it does effectively communicate expectations and standards to her team members. Her focus on professionalism and adherence to rules is what drives her leadership style.

She just wanted to ensure that her team members understood the importance of presenting themselves in a professional manner while at work, even though it made her look like a cold and unapproachable leader. She was about to go back up to her office when she came across the area that supposed to have a particular design look that she was still hoping could attract more customers.

It's an open lobby connecting the mall toward the hotel, and she couldn't help but stop to assess why the improvements to this location were still not there. As she observed the flow of foot traffic and the overall ambiance, the people behind her were all department heads, and this particular particulate area is under the management of Arthur Lush Coco Siegert , Visual Head Merchandiser. She never liked to turn around and called Lush Coco to explain the reason she was looking at an area naked as a newborn baby.

The other department heads could not utter a single word when Sonia, Lush Coco's secretary, approached her and politely told her that Lush Coco was at his office having a meeting with his staff concerning the same issue she was observing. Sonia reassured her that Lush Coco would be happy to discuss any concerns she had once the meeting was over.

"This is unacceptable; he just wasted his time in that meeting, and I will not stand for it."

She exclaimed before storming out of the area and heading directly toward the elevator going up. The other department heads exchanged nervous glances, unsure of how to handle the situation. Sonia just got reappointed back to her original job, and she was about to get demoted as Katarine faces Lush Coco with no reasonable answer, so as she stood there as the president went up , Sonia had no choice but to message the only artist she knew who was still unknown to their mall.

She quickly emailed the artist and asked if he could make a rough design for an open lobby that was 500 square meters. She took pictures of the area and just sent them to her online social media portfolio toward the man who offered his help, as he told her he was an artist. Sonia hoped that the artist would respond quickly and provide a unique design that would impress the president. She anxiously waited for his reply, knowing that time was of the essence in this situation.

"I hope he got my message."

"Hello, don't worry, I got you. Here is an old design I made before. You can use this."

Sonia could not believe he actually answered quickly; she opened the attached image and was impressed with the design.

"Wow, this is amazing. This is an old design, but it's perfect for this particular area."

Lucky for her, Ethan had already opened the laptop Mr. Ross gave him earlier. As soon as he opened his online portfolio to check if he had received any email , he saw the email from Ms. Sonia Santos, the dock receptionist at the Siegert shopping mall. He just sent a few old rough sketches. He made it while he was looking for a job, and that particular place was the location where he coincidentally sat down and waited after his rejected interview. Lucky for him, he was able to take a picture of this artwork with his old phone before he was forced to sell it just to lessen his room rent debt.

Despite the circumstances, the sketches still showcase his talent and creativity. It was a perfect fit for the location; the timing and location were perfect, as if fate had made him stumble upon them. At the right moment when they needed it most, Sonia was trilled to see this and rushed toward the Arthur Lush Coco Siegert office, hoping that Katarine would stop by at Director Monica's office first, as she is Arthur Lush Coco Siegert's immediate supervisor.

Sonia was already calling Lush Coco, but he wasn't picking up, which was causing her to feel anxious about the situation. She knew that Katarine's approval was crucial for the success of their project. And not having any backup plans was a recipe for disaster. With each passing minute, Sonia's anxiety grew as she awaited her call to be answered.

As soon as Sonia reached the floor where Lush Coco was located, she could sense the tension in the air and knew that a resolution needed to be reached quickly. Time was of the essence, and Sonia, hoping that Katarine was detained in the Ms. Monicas room, entered the Lush Coco office and saw the one thing she was afraid of: a heated argument between Katarine and Lush Coco. The flamboyant boss of hers was trembling in fear as Katarine was angrily pointing her finger at him and was stopping her feet on the floor. She was annoyed and irritated knowing this project was on his lap months ago.

She was expecting, even if she decided to change the design theme to Lush Coco. A highly paid artist would have come up with a design based on how high her expectations were , but instead, he dropped the ball that those 3 artists decided to quit, and now he was left to clean up the mess. Katarine's frustration was palpable as she demanded answers from Lush Coco, who could only stammer in response. .

Sonia knew she had to step in and diffuse the situation before it escalated further. She took a deep breath and prepared herself to address the issue head-on, determined to salvage the project and avoid any further setbacks. She rushed toward Katarine and told her that Lush Coco had already hired a temporary contract artist and he was just waiting for the artist to deliver his proposal design. Sonia just saved his flamboyant boss from getting fired, hoping to smooth things over and prevent any unnecessary drama. She reassured Katarine that everything was under control and that they would meet the project deadline with the help of the temporary artist.

Sonia handed Katarine the tablet and showed her the designs that the temporary artist had already submitted. Katarine was relieved and impressed by the quality of the designs. She went to Lush Coco, extended her hand while apologizing for her sudden outburst, and told him

"It's really not that hard to inform me!"

"So next time, maybe you guys can tell me in advance."

Katarine's gesture of apology was met with a nod of understanding from Lush Coco, who acknowledged the importance of clear communication. Katarine asked Sonia to proceed with the design, pay the artist for his idea, and sign him a contract. contract and to ensure everything is on par with her standards she wants the artist to directly report to her if everything is not meeting her expectations. This way, Katarine can closely monitor the progress and ensure that any issues are addressed promptly to avoid any misunderstandings in the future.

Meanwhile, Ethan was finishing up with all the parcels and was about to deliver, leaving the laptop on top of a two-stack pile of boxes. As he placed the last box on the floor , an email notification just popped up on his screen that came directly from Katarine. Seeing her name and title made Ethan pause and quickly click on the email to see what she had to say.

"She's the President of the Siegert Hotel and Shopping Mall."

"What the heck is going on?"

Ethan believed that he was genuinely to blame for this, and things were not looking well for him. Seeing what Katarine had to say about the project he was working on, he instantly opened the email. Ethan believes that the miscommunication may have resulted from his recent move to the city and his country's upbringing. He has come to terms with the idea that he has no other option. He was still perplexed, though. Being the president of Siegert Hotel and Shopping Mall is not the same as being a special client.

Given that there were no images of her or even mentions of her complete name in the daily publications, he is unable to hold the newspapers accountable. The majority of the time, all that's visible is a blurry picture of the young Heirest, Ms. Siegert. This was a problematic circumstance. How can he look at the same person he almost went to bed with? Given that she is now the president of the hotel and retail center, this is the reason the warehouse caught fire. He was aware that he needed to own up to his mistakes and take responsibility for them.

"I'm a nobody; she won't remember a pitiful man like me."

But deep down, he knew he couldn't live with the idea he had a casual intimate moment with her; he was hoping this person wouldn't hold a grudge against what happened and just move on from the incident. He needed to apologize and take responsibility for his role in his inappropriate action toward her , even if it meant facing potential legal consequences. It was a difficult situation, but he knew it was the right thing to do in order to make amends and move forward.

Ethan was just staring at the email he received when Mr. Ross came out of his empty, unfurnished room, and out of nowhere, he spoke. "Is everything okay, Ethan?" Mr. Ross asked, his voice filled with concern. Ethan quickly composed himself and replied,

"I received an email that I need to address."

When Mr. Ross gave him a simple answer,

"Each of us must confront our own fears and come face to face with them. How we handle our fears will determine where we go with the rest of our lives."

No matter what it may be , Mr. Ross always seemed to have a wise and comforting response to Ethan's worries. Ethan felt grateful for his boss's guidance in times of uncertainty. As he typed his reply toward the email,.

"Working with you would be my pleasure."