Seeing the bigger picture

Chapter 16

Upon returning to his temporary residence in the warehouse employee's sleeping quarters, Ethan found that his situation had become so overwhelming that he had to take a step back and reconsider his choices. He also reevaluated his own position on the matter, realizing that nothing in his life was progressing along the path he had intended. As he reflected on his current circumstances, Ethan realized that he needed to make some significant changes in order to regain control of his life. This moment of clarity prompted him to start formulating a new plan for the future.

First of all, he never had to resort to violence very easily; instead, he always had the patience to hold firm until the very last moment when his life was in danger. He never imagined that moving to this demanding city would be so difficult.

 Ethan knew he needed to find a way to adapt to his new environment and learn how to navigate the challenges it presented. He resolved to seek out support and guidance from those who had successfully acclimated to city life before him, the question was who would that person be.

He had experience defending others, but mostly against the bullies who harassed and tormented the defenseless and helpless students at his school. Nevertheless, he was aware of the dangers of beating an armed person unconscious. Ethan understood that he needed to approach his new challenges with caution and strategy, avoiding unnecessary risks. He vowed to prioritize his safety while still standing up for what was right in his new urban environment.

Although the bullies' actions could be stopped with a few well-timed quick jabs, beating someone until they were covered in blood was actually too much; Ethan noticed that he was changing and that his self-control was crumbling.

 Ethan realized that resorting to extreme violence could have serious consequences, both for himself and for the victim. He decided to find alternative ways to protect his peers and maintain his own integrity in the face of adversity.

he sat down and deeply contemplated the factors that led him astray,

he needs to cover all angles and look for the main reason why this things were happening to him, even after his meaningful conversation with Mr. Ross Ethan still wish to gain answers based on the foundation he got growing up at his quiet rural farming home town, 

he closed his eyes and recall those days when he went home at bruised from fighting with a group of teens same age as him before, he was afraid to face his mother and feeling ashamed to disappoint his father,

but remember their reaction was the reason Ethan never back down from protecting those who needs protection 

"Son, when i was serving our country and saw so many unwanted death and killings from those who abuse power has kept me awake every night,"

" the situation I face was part of my job, but after seeing the faces of those i defended and save was the turning point in my life,"

" you don't need to be a soldier to protect those who needed protection,"

" We fight because, if we don't , who will?"

" All life are not not equally blessed and created in the same manner that they can change who they are,"

"meaning Son many were born helpless and weak,"

"its something they have no control over with,"

"so for those who can fight must ultimately decide which battles they need to enforce ,"

" but sacrificing might be the last choice , but its not but its not always the best one." 

"It is important to consider the consequences of our actions and weigh the cost of fighting for what we believe in."

"Ultimately, choosing to fight for our beliefs requires careful consideration of the potential outcomes and sacrifices that may need to be made. "

"It is crucial to assess whether the battle is worth fighting and if there are alternative solutions that may be more effective in achieving our goals."

Ethan was sitting patiently and quietly in a meditation sitting posture the the flor of the warehouse quarters , his eyes closed in deep concentration.

The stillness of the warehouse quarters provided the perfect environment for him to reflect on his beliefs and decide if he was willing to make the necessary sacrifices now based on the potential consequences of his actions. As he sat in silence, he knew that the decision to fight for his beliefs would not be an easy one, but it was a choice he had to make with full awareness of the possible outcomes.

Ethan recalls all those moment when his father and mother gave him the answers he needed whenever we face problems, providing him with guidance and wisdom that he would carry with him into adulthood. Their words echoed in his mind as he grappled with the weight of his decision, knowing that their support would always be there for him no matter what path he chose to take.

memories from his teen years up to his adult days came flooding back, the words from his father lingers in his mind, his father advice were based on the realization he gain while he was still in the marines, his words were all filled with rational and practical answers, it was simple and direct, like

" fight when you see and feel , your enemies will kill you,"

"never hesitate, because your enemies wont,"

"control you anger, and leave hate out of your fight,"

" their is no good and bad in fighting, their is only the winner and the defeated,"

" you fight because you have to, not because you need to,"

These principles have guided him through many battles, both on and off the battlefield. His mindset is a testament to the discipline instilled in him during his time in the Marines.

Though Ethan's mother is always telling him to follow his heart, if reason and logic fail him and he is unable to understand the situation, then do as his heart dictates. This advice has frequently provided Ethan with solace

and direction during uncertain times. 

both were the foundation of his strength and resilience. Despite facing numerous challenges, Ethan has remained steadfast in his beliefs and values, thanks to the wisdom passed down from his mother and the discipline learned from his father.

so after a few minutes Ethan regains the conviction he felt he lost, he knew the reason this so called scenario was affecting his life was the moment he became affiliated with Katarine, but this was something he can honestly accept so easily. because it was truly preposterous,

so just to clear his mind e decide to just focus on his delivery job and not get involve with anybody from the time being,

"just do my job, eat, work, out sharpen my art skill and take in easy."

as Ethan finally felt everything was fine he still doesn't have any clueless he was in as the detectives and news reporters were still digging into the identity and current where about of the man who was seen fighting inside the Club before the explosion occurred,

Meanwhile, Katarine, despite being equally affected by the incident, remained detached from the chaos. Unlike Ethan, she refused to dwell on the consuming details. As she watched the news on a Sunday morning, when most were home to witness the unfolding events, she recognized the fleeting nature of attention.

In a world saturated with technology, news of disaster, war, and famine had become commonplace. People from all walks of life were weary of constant distractions and chose to swipe away or change the channel. With hundreds of options at their fingertips, moving on was effortless.

While Katarine's family members debated how to handle the situation and protect her reputation, she sat at the dining table, sipping tea and scrolling through the massive smart TV. As she absorbed the updates, a sense of unease crept over her. She wondered if the turmoil could somehow affect her own identity.

A palpable tension hung in the air. Katarine tried to maintain a sense of calm, but her heart raced slightly as she realized the possibility that her connection to the explosion might not be as easily dismissed as she hoped.

Suddenly, the news anchor's voice boomed through the room. 'No suspects have been identified.' A collective sigh of relief followed. Katarine's heart rate slowed as she acknowledged that she may not be directly implicated in the ongoing investigation.

Katherine tried not to worry too much as she sipped her tea and hoped for the best. the a few more minute of watching , when

" no suspects has been identified," the news anchor announced, causing a collective sigh of relief in the room. Katherine's heart rate slowed slightly as she realized the storm was finally going to pass her , when Allison called and asked about her current status, Katarine was a bit distraught the question, but she knew that she really had to memory that night after Ethan her driver slash bodyguard wreak havoc the club and showed he was more than capable of protecting her,

at the same she finally recalled how did she had returned home and why was she naked in her bed, and felt sore all over her body, meanwhile the Grand Matriach Helena Felicie Siegert was silently just observing Katarine reaction as she was further away from the main family group , analyzing her every move with a keen eye. The realization that she may have done something far more huge than burning down another establishment by accident.

Katarine was still wearing her expensive Egyptian silk robe, Helena was also drinking tea when she slowly pointed at the eldest lawyer in the living and told him to gather his best men and clear this mess with Victor Yuli Romanov and pointed out 

 " that young man is a cunning one, he wont leave this matter alone and investigate the young man who was hiding inside her grand daughter bath a few hours ago,"

"what do you mean a young man,"

" you are all blind , i saw male foot marks the carpet going inside the bathroom while my granddaughter was still asleep ,"

" that little vixen, had no idea about the young man she was with last night,"

"the fact , here reaction was still the same,"

" I raised that sly fox, and I know she mated with that young man,"

"should we press changes?"

"Are you stupid, we are talking about a young man who was able to get near Katarine and come out un affected ."

" you have dealt with so many cases were these foolish rascals filed a lawsuit against her."

"who ever ran into the bath room was fair tall, based on the marks he left and really athletic, because he was able to climb down the bath room window,"

" and remember this place is filled with CCTV cameras and enough security to protect a bank,"

" that young man was able to elude everybody , as if he was being protected"

" and i think my presumption is a bit right,"

" Butler Kraus,"

"yes madam,"" please join the lawyer on this matter , i just want to know what kind of a person the young man is,"

" from i could sense , i think my son also knows this person,"

" help me up i wish to talk to Katarine,"

" Katarine, come here child."

" yes grandma,"

"you should be doing this, have you forgotten that you agreed not to get involve with this type of nuisance."

" my lawyer are getting paid to handle this , and as you could see, I am not implicated in the incident,"

"hush child this is not about that,"

"a club that small would even compare to the massive damage you did to ur ancestral home,"

" the cost of rebuilding that crummy place wont even dent my pocket," 

Katarine walked toward her grandmother and gave her a hug and told her she was not longer a weak child that needs protection, she can manage on her own , the Grand Matriarch pinch the cheeks of Katarine and told her to be weary of the things that might hurt her,

" I know you are a strong and bright young woman you are like your mother, "

"and don't forget, i raised you since you were ten years old,"

" so i know what kind of nasty temperament you have,"

" but i also know , i didn't raised a spoiled brat,"

" come her child let you grandmother hear your heart beat as we always do when you were a young las."

Grand Matriarch Helena soft held Katarine arm and feel her pulse and listened to heart heart beat,"

" see grandma, i m perfectly fine, "

"oh dear! this is very interesting, "

"what's wrong grandmother?"

" oh! would you look at that, you heart, is beating irregularly."

" what do you mean by that granny?"

Helena sighed, "It means your heart is not beating at a consistent pace. Sometimes it races too fast, and sometimes it skips a beat or two."

Grand Matriarch Helena hug Katarine and whispered in her ear, what ever she mention made Katarine eyes grew wide and nearly scream but she held on to her composure,

the sentence that her grandmother said was causing her to freak out.

as she recall it again,

" you are no longer a virgin my sweet little vixen."