After the fall

Chapter 33

Katarine acted she just woke up, and even though her body ached, she forced herself to get out of bed. And somewhat unaware that Ethan was finally awake, she did not want him and her grandmother to know she had been listening to their conversation. She had to make up an excuse to leave the room and give herself a moment to process everything that had just happened. She quickly grabbed her phone and pretended to receive an urgent message, excusing herself from the room with a forced smile on her face.

Ethan was able to gently hold Katarine's hand as she stood up and pretended she was talking to somebody. While her grandmother was holding her laughter, her awkward action was too much to handle. As she walked out of the room, Ethan was able to whisper words of reassurance to Katarine, letting her know he was there for her no matter what.

She quickly freshened up, as her cheeks were blushing red, and made her way downstairs, trying to act as normal as possible. Katarine knew she needed to keep her eavesdropping a secret in order to protect herself and her own interests. She greeted her family with a smile, hoping they hadn't overheard anything. she was determined to maintain her composure and not let on that she knew more than she should.

"My guest is awake. Please mind your manner and do not pester him with your annoying questions, ok?"

Katarine's heart raced as she tried to act casual, hoping her family wouldn't suspect anything. She made a mental note to keep her guard up and continue playing the role of the ice queen that everyone knew her to be.

The family members were not concerned about the person who came with Katarine they were more concerned about the news than the facts. The Grand Matriarch Helena Felicie Siegert

was staying at Leonhardt Mansion; the other relatives were Katarine older uncles and aunts; they were unlike her father who was civil and calm. These people were known for their fiery tempers and quick judgments. Katarine knew they should tread carefully in her territory.

Katarine has always seen his father calm and not affected by their rude and sometimes disrespectful attitude around him. Even when she was still young, she never saw her father lose his temper; she even asked him about this when she was a teenager.

His father would just answer her that, when he met her mother they started out as rivals, serving two equally powerful bosses. They both climbed the ranks and instituted a long power struggle of dominance, until he found himself falling for her mother as well.

She has fallen for him. The two swore to never let the misunderstanding and animosity of their boss get in the way of their happiness. That is how he, being their clans leader, decided to venture out and seek their own fate. Sadly, the Katarine family wasn't as understanding and supportive of their relationship, leading to a heartbreaking decision that would change their lives forever. Despite the challenges ahead, they were determined to fight for their love and create a future together that defied all odds.

That is how the Siegert clan rose as one of the richest and most influential families in their chosen country to live in , but losing Katarine's mother was a burden to her father so the aggressive and strict clan leader started to calm down, seek solitude in the arms of peace, and just enjoy the fruits of their hard work. However, the memory of Katarine's mother remained a constant presence, guiding them in their decisions and reminding them of the importance of family and love.

But Katarine uncles and aunts from her father side were different; they were still aggressive and held a deep rooted grunge over the fact that their clan was no longer part of the military weapons trade, and other matters that far deeper and older than her personal knowledge ,leading to tension within the family.

Two of her uncles were in technology development with 40 percent shares, while Leonhardt Maier Siegert holds 60 percent. The other aunts were into food manufacturing. Leonhardt also holds a larger share; these corporations are based elsewhere. And Katarine never saw her father even bother to exercise his authority over these companies and just let them do it as they saw fit.

Leonhardt Maier Siegert was once a fierce businessman who had a reputation for being ruthless in negotiations and expanding his empire through strategic acquisitions. But now, after losing her mother, he just wants to focus on preserving her legacy and ensuring the success of the family business. Despite his previous reputation, Leonhardt now values a simple and meaningful life within the company to honor his mother's memory.

He got tired of all the noise, chaos, and endless battle for dominance and realized that true success lies in maintaining the values and principles instilled by his wife. By relinquishing control and trusting in the capabilities of destiny , Leonhardt found a sense of peace and fulfillment in carrying on his wife Eurielle vision for their family.

Katarine stood their as they all argue to one another , giving their personal reasons and perspectives. On why the grand Matriach Helena Felicie Siegert should syat at their place and not remain her in this location, as they saw the news about the constant issues surrounding the city social decline,

Katarine father listened intently as each family member made their case, It was in these moments of conflict that Leonhardt realized they were just being disrespectful because they came in without prior notice, causing unnecessary tension within the family. Leonhardt knew that communication and respect were key to resolving their differences, but the restless bickering was now annoying him, and felt they were veering off track from the main issue at hand.

He took a deep breath and shouted "Everybody stop talking and sit down."

This was the first time Katarine had heard her father speak like that; his aura was different. As everyone fell silent and took their seats, Katarine noticed a sense of authority in her father that she had never seen before. The tension in the room seemed to dissipate as Leonhardt began to address the situation with authority..

Her relatives, who came like lions, were now mice in front of her father, who was casually sipping his favorite green tea, completely unfazed by the sudden shift in atmosphere. Katarine couldn't help but continue what she was about to do when her father stood up from his chair and placed the tea cup and plate on the center table and asked Katarine to continue what she was saying.

"Please, Katarine , continue what you were saying earlier."

"Don't mind your uncles and aunts, as they will shut their mouths, as they now know who's house they are at."

Katarine took a deep breath and gathered her thoughts before speaking, grateful for her father's support. She knew she had his full attention and could finally express herself without interruption.

"The young man is finally ok."

"Yes, father but I think he still needs a few more days to fully recover from his wounds."

Katarine's father nodded in understanding, his eyes filled with concern for the young man's well-being. "I agree, we must ensure he receives the proper care and time to heal completely," he replied, showing his compassion and support for Katarine's thoughtful observation.

"Please excuse me, father, but I need to tend to other matters before the day is over."

Katarine spoke respectfully before excusing herself from the conversation. Her father nodded in approval, knowing that she was responsible and had important duties to attend to.

As soon as Katarine left the large living room and proceeded toward the kitchen, Leonhardt snapped his fingers and created a barrier that engulfed the entire living room. Those who were inside trembled in fear as one of the seven kings showed his true form.

"How dare you all interrupt my daughter?" he growled menacingly. The room fell silent as the others watched on, their eyes glowing with power and authority. Leonhardt knew he had made a grave mistake by letting these fools assume they were in control.

"Let me remind you all that I am still the king and ruler of this clan; you all assumed that your stupid antics were never going to go unnoticed or unpunished."

" I am tired of all the fighting; we all agreed to come to this plain, to live in peace and free from the chain that binds many of our brethren."

"Now, when you all thought that your complacent attitude was enough to rule over me,"

"You all were gravely mistaken. It is time to restore order and unity within our clan."

"I will not hesitate to take action against those who continue to disrupt the peace we have worked so hard to achieve."

"You are all constantly at odds with one another."

Leonhardt declared it firmly. The room remained quiet, the tension thick with uncertainty as they awaited his next move.

" you wish to forfeit your lives here?"

He declared it with a voice that echoed throughout the room. The air grew heavy with tension as the others bowed their heads and reminded them that he never asked them to follow him and Eurielle in leaving Gehenna and the firmament at the same time. And live her in the middle sphere and live a normal life.

"You all wanted to go back home out of boredom; I have accepted this request, and you all know Katarine is the only being that could make this happen."

"Her fire is directly connected to the eternal flame. And she does not have any clue why this is happening to her, but she is the only person who can fulfill all of your selfish desires."

"So, be grateful for her sacrifice and make the most of your second chance at a normal life outside of Gehenna."

"You guys, if the burning amber is touching your pahetic life, then so be it, but while I am the ruler of this clan by power and authority , do not disrespect me in front of my daughter."

"Leave at once, and shut your mouths."

Meanwhile, Katarine was oblivious to what was happening in the living room, as it was being blocked by a powerful spell. Katarine was focused on preparing a light snack for Ethan , unaware of the chaos unfolding in the living room. The spell was so strong that even the commotion and raised voices couldn't penetrate its barrier. As she set the table, Katarine couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, but she brushed it off as her imagination. Little did she know, the confrontation in the living room had reached a boiling point. As soon as she came out, her father was alone, and all her relatives were gone.

At the same time, the four kitchen staff were shocked to see Katarine enter the kitchen and prepare a light snack. This was new to all of them; Katarine wasn't a harsh person, nor did she make their maids feel uncomfortable. She never once did anything except eat what the head maid had prepared for her. The kitchen staff exchanged puzzled glances, wondering what had prompted this sudden change in behavior from their usually reserved employer.

And even wondering what had transpired inside the guest room that led to this sudden shift in Katarine's attitude.

Leonhardt saw Katarine holding a tray with a sandwitch and a glass of fresh orange juice. He smiled and just continued on his way to the library, grateful for the serene atmosphere that had descended upon the manor. After all the chaos that occurred a few days ago, he hoped that this newfound nurturing gesture from Katarine would last, as it made everyone's lives much more pleasant. The ice queen was slowly melting, revealing a softer side that had been hidden for so long. Leonhardt couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope, perhaps.

Somewhere, many of Victor's men were scouring the industrial district looking for any clues to the person who has a name with the initials EAH that was itched on the 4-inch hunting handle that the forensic investigator picked up at the burned down textile factory a week ago. The mysterious initials on the hunting handle left a trail of intrigue that led Victor's men to the industrial district. As they combed through the area for clues, Victor couldn't shake the feeling that they were getting closer to uncovering the truth behind the inferno that took his cousin's life.