The Rift

Chapter 45

The sky had an ominous feeling, thick with dark clouds that loomed over the mini garden park like a heavy shroud. Ethan and Katharine lay on the cool earth, their bodies pressed against the soft carpet of grass, hidden within the tall vegetation that encircled them like a protective barrier. The whispers of the wind rustled the leaves overhead, creating an eerie soundtrack that matched the turmoil brewing in their minds. Each breath they took felt laden with tension, the atmosphere charged with uncertainty, as if the weather itself sensed the gravity of their situation.

They had sought refuge in this secluded corner of the industrial district, a hidden gem tucked away from the outside , a place that normally provided solace and calm to those who live in the area. But today, it felt different—threatening, even. Ethan's heart raced as he thought of the reasons that had driven them to hide—the dangers lurking just beyond the reach of the swaying reeds. Katharine, with her hair sprawled in disarray around her, glanced at him with wide eyes, reflecting both fear and determination.

Together, they lay there, swallowed by the embracing greenery, longing for the world to right itself while acutely aware that their moment of peace could be shattered at any instant. The sky overhead began to rumble, a distant thunder echoing the unrest within them, stirring a sense of urgency in their hearts as they braced for whatever came next.

People looked up at the sky after hearing a thunderous sound and a cracking sound, and they all saw a crack slowly forming thousands of miles above them. The crack was estimated to be a mile long, and many of them saw small, semi-transparent light orbs descend into the earth and scatter everywhere, like watching dandelion flowers being blown away by the wind. Katarine saw this as she was also looking up into the sky.

The mysterious orbs seemed to be imbued with an otherworldly energy, leaving everyone in awe and wondering at the sight unfolding before them. It was clear that their world was on the brink of a monumental shift, and they could only watch and wait to see what would happen next.

Ethan pushed his body to move as he felt worn out and exhausted from their lovemaking. He took Katarine under garments and helped her wear them back on as they were still watching the phenomenon from above. He was having a hard time moving and even focusing on his movement, but he did not want Katarine to notice this small, trivial matter.

After a few minutes, the panic and fear that spread in the area suddenly stopped as the sky instantly returned to normal , as if nothing had happened. It was a weird event that many just couldn't explain, but they were grateful that it was over. Katarine looked at Ethan with a smile and a mix of relief and curiosity, wondering what had just occurred.

Katarine saw that Ethan looked tired and out of breath, again like Ethan, whom she assumed they both did a few moments ago. The two decided to casually crawl out of their secret hiding place and return with the rest of the people to the mini park garden. It was a very convenient place that Katarine enjoyed visiting, especially with Ethan by her side. As they walked back, people that saw the phenomenon were still talking about it. The mythological creatures that were slightly exposed during the surplus of un seen chaotic energy returned to being invisible, as no visible trace of these beings remained in the hidden park.

Ethan was walking while Katarine was holding his hand. He was still a bit sluggish, but he was slowly regaining his strength after their lustful and brief supernatural encounter concerning the sky fracture that they both saw while on the ground.

The semi translucent orbs were like bubbles that roamed every part of the country; their numbers were unconfirmed and the size of each orb was slightly different from each other; a rough estimate was around a hundred.

Some people believed they were spirits of the deceased, while others thought they were a completely different form of life altogether. Many saw these orbs floating above their city or in open areas, with the common theme that these orbs were a product of supernatural forces.

Many watched and documented this, and a community of orb enthusiasts took the liberty to lead investigations after it appeared the government's top scientists were unable to gain any concrete answers about their origin or purpose. Despite the skepticism from some, the fascination with these mysterious orbs only continued to grow within the community.

Soon, one by one, these orbs slowly faded and vanished, like any other evens, as people gradually lost interest as these things did nothing harmful toward humanity or nature itself.

As the rest of the city populace just went back to their daily lives within a day, these orbs were forgotten, and everybody gradually ignored them as they were all now more interested in entertainment scandals that overshadowed the brief fascination with the orbs. It was as if they had never been there at all, disappearing from memory as quickly as they had appeared.

While the days went by, Ethan and Katarine made sure to fulfill their daily tasks. Ethan finally decided to invest those days in asking Mr. Ross about his plan to study. Mr. Ross told Ethan that the warehouse logistics business he established was not that absorbing. Mr. Ross added that the tasks were really light and told Ethan that by now he would surely notice that he has a lot of free time on his hands. And pointed out that the warehouse is first a storage warehouse rather than a full time logistic center because the large containers at the previous warehouse before the fire were all gone anyway.

The only things that remained important were the memories left lingering in the very foundation.

Mr. Ross reminded Ethan that the basement was still intact and the only way to enter it was through the door under his office table. Ethan only entered Mr. Ross office when he needed to file documents that were left on his station table. Ethan still can't put his finger on the items inside Mr. Ross's office; out of respect, he never touches or claims these items as his own.

the fact that they were new but looked awfully similar to the items he saw after the entire place burned down to ash, Ethan was a very keen observer. His mind recalled the moment when he stepped foot into Mr. Ross's office, taking note of all the expensive leather chairs, the antique desk, and the collection of rare books on the shelves.

But after the fire, he was seeing similar but slightly different items inside Mr. Ross's office room. Mr. Ross was still the owner of the place, and Ethan was the only person who was now managing the warehouse. Ethan was smart enough not to ask too many questions surrounding the warehouse, as he seemed to find the place a bit peculiar from time to time.

He has already spent a month working and residing in the place. The employee's residential sleeping quarters were modified and upgraded to provide a more comfortable living space. Based on what Katarine had told him, Mr. Ross was known to be a private and mysterious man, which only added to the intrigue surrounding the warehouse. Despite his curiosity, Ethan knew better than to pry too deeply into Mr. Ross's affairs and focused instead on doing his job efficiently.

Despite the mysterious aura surrounding the warehouse, Ethan was content with his new responsibilities and the peaceful solitude it offered him. He just ignored his curiosity and shut his mouth. Katarine, like him, also went back to her office as the renovation of Siegert Mall department head director Monica office and floor renovation were finally done.

It is solely for the purpose of spending time together that Katarine and Ethan will be attending class together in two days. They both enjoyed each other's company and were looking forward to the opportunity to learn something new together. Their friendship continued to grow stronger as they navigated through their shared experiences at work and in their personal lives.

But soon these harmless orbs will change the course of humanities future, like a simple snap of a finger everybody will now be open and finally exposed to the realm of the unknown.