Setting - In a world where society has advanced, the everyday necessities of people have also greatly enchanced. from self generating constructions, rapid transportations, and even bio-medical technologies, to new weaponry ideas. but you see, even if the world has advanced to this extent, it's not always the "safe and sound" environment. there has been a virus spreading all across the world known as "THE FRENZY FIEND" a virus capable of altering a human's anatomy into an extent that they may not be even regarded as humans. this highly dangerous virus had the capability to turn infected individuals into a "FIEND" creatures that feed upon human flesh, blood, and soul. once they are fully infected by the virus, they will be significantly stronger than normal humans, enhancing them both physically and mentally, allowing them to catch and devour their pray much faster, and hold the physical capabilities to move at mach speeds, and hurl sturctures. but of course humans aren't always a push over. The global defense system known as THE UNIVERSAL DEFENSE AGENCY (UDA) has developed the condition to combat against these fiends. being able to create a new weaponry concept known as "UNIONS" capable of providing the power to exterminate a fiend. and with quite a surprise, fiends also do not stay in their current strength. they evolve and evolve till they can be a global threat, capable of wiping out continents. Thus the UDA has set their goal on exterminating the virus and all fiends in existence, while working under the world goverment itself. (THE GLOBAL MINISTRY). Continuing the prolonged conflict between Fiends and humans.
Story - young girl named Ashika Nyx has always been a mysterious figure to everyone in her neighborhood. The people at the orphanage where she lived were also disturbed by her presence. Her mysterious and unsettling demeanor was something those around her could not comfortably bear. One day when she got lost wondering around the neighborhood, she encountered a creature that showed no humanity. It looked hungry, drooling all over—a FIEND. It tried to attack her, but she was saved by an individual named Zack Ainsley. He was able to notice the mystery behind the little girl and later learned something he never expected... thus, he adopted her in order to SAVE her.
Note: the cover came from pinterest, so whoever is the owner of it deserves all of the credits. if you'd prefer it to be removed, (for the owner) please inform me in the comments. please do Comment on the first chapter. Again all credits goes to them! Oh and Pinterest or not whever the cover came from and if you do recognize your work, again do inform me if ya want it removed! :DD TYSMMMMM