Chapter 3: The weapon

Detective Alex Harper left the precinct, the cool morning air a stark contrast to the heated thoughts swirling in his mind. As he navigated the city streets, his thoughts drifted back to Sarah Thompson and the gruesome scene that awaited him. The chilling similarities to the Johnson case gnawed at him, each echo of the past deepening his resolve.

The scene at the corner of Elm and Fifth was cordoned off, yellow police tape fluttering in the slight breeze. The flashing lights of patrol cars painted the nearby buildings in alternating hues of red and blue. A small crowd had gathered, drawn by morbid curiosity, but uniformed officers kept them at bay.

Harper flashed his badge to the officer standing guard and ducked under the tape. The crime scene team was already at work, combing the area for clues, their faces set in grim determination. His partner, Detective Maria Lopez, stood near the chalkmark, her expression as serious as ever.

"Alex," Lopez greeted him, her tone betraying a hint of relief at his arrival.

"Maria," Harper replied, joining her. His gaze shifted to the covered body. "What have we got?"

Lopez led him to the crime scene. Harper's breath hitched for a moment. The scene was a near-perfect replica of the Johnson case. The same age, the same wounds, the same method.

"Jesus," Harper muttered, shaking his head. "It's like he's mocking us."


Lopez nodded, her eyes reflecting the same grim realization. "The killer knew exactly what they were doing. This wasn't random."

Harper and Lopez wore their gloves, started investigating, and searching for clues and anything that might be of help. Soon Harper found a cleaver under a dustbin.

"Dr. Patel's report was spot on," Harper said. "This guy's taunting us," while waving the cleaver.

Lopez handed him a small evidence bag. Inside was the bloodstained note they had found. Harper read it again, the words burning into his mind: "You failed once, Detective. Don't fail again."

Harper's jaw tightened. "He's not just targeting the victims. He's targeting us."

Lopez placed a hand on his shoulder, her grip firm. "We'll catch him, Alex. We just need to stay focused."

Harper nodded, drawing strength from her unwavering confidence. "Let's start with the surroundings. Maybe there's something here that links the two cases."

They moved methodically, scanning the area for anything out of place. Harper's gaze fell on a nearby alley, a narrow gap between two buildings that seemed to swallow the light.

"I'll check over there," Harper said, nodding towards the alley.

Lopez followed, her flashlight cutting through the shadows. The alley was littered with debris, old newspapers, and discarded bottles. The rain had left everything damp and muddy, but Harper's instincts told him this was worth investigating.

Halfway down the alley, Harper spotted something glinting in the dim light. He crouched down, carefully brushing away the mud to reveal a small, silver locket. He held it up, the delicate chain dangling between his fingers.

"Maria, look at this," he called.

Lopez joined him, her eyes widening at the sight of the locket. "Think it belongs to the victim?"

"Maybe," Harper said, opening the locket carefully. Inside was a small photograph of a young girl, no more than six years old, smiling brightly. Harper's heart clenched. The innocence captured in the photo was a stark contrast to the brutality of the crime scene.

"We need to get this to forensics," Harper said, slipping the locket into an evidence bag. "If it belongs to Sarah, it might help us piece together her life, find out who wanted to hurt her."

As they emerged from the alley, a uniformed officer approached them, his expression tense. "Detectives, we found something else you should see."

Harper and Lopez followed the officer to a nearby dumpster. Behind it, hidden from casual view, was a small bloodstained knife. Harper's pulse quickened. The weapon was the same type used in the Johnson case.

"Bag it and get it to the lab," Harper instructed. "I want every inch of this thing analyzed."

As the evidence team moved in, Harper and Lopez shared a look of determination. The pieces were starting to come together, but they still had a long way to go.

"We'll find him, Maria," Harper said quietly, the weight of the promise heavy on his shoulders. "We'll stop him before he can hurt anyone else."

Lopez nodded, her expression resolute. "One step at a time, Alex. We'll get there."

Harper glanced back at the scene, the image of Sarah Thompson's lifeless form etched into his memory. The past had returned with a vengeance, but this time, he was ready. The hunt had begun, and he wouldn't rest until justice was served.