Chapter 6: Confronting the Suspect

Detective Alex Harper and Detective Maria Lopez moved swiftly through the precinct, the urgency of their mission palpable. With the evidence mounting against Joseph Allen, the senior manager at Sarah Thompson's firm, they had enough to bring him in for questioning. The prints on the knife, the suspected embezzlement, and Sarah's connection to him painted a damning picture.

As they headed to their unmarked car, Harper briefed Lopez on their approach. "We need to be careful. If Allen knows we're onto him, he might try to run or destroy evidence."

Lopez nodded, her face set in determination. "We've got this, Alex. Let's bring him in and get some answers."

They drove in silence to the sleek, modern office building where Joseph Allen worked. The building's glass façade reflected the afternoon sun, an ironic symbol of transparency in light of the corruption they suspected within. Harper and Lopez parked and made their way inside, flashing their badges to the security personnel.

The elevator ride to the tenth floor was tense, both detectives mentally preparing for the confrontation. As they exited the elevator, they were met by a receptionist who looked up with a polite smile.

"Can I help you?" she asked.

Harper stepped forward, his badge in hand. "Detectives Harper and Lopez. We need to speak withJoseph Allen."

The receptionist's smile faltered slightly. "One moment, please." She picked up the phone and dialed an extension, her voice low and professional. After a brief conversation, she hung up and directed them to Allen's office at the end of the corridor.

The office was spacious and tastefully decorated, with a large window offering a panoramic view of the city. Joseph Allen was seated behind a sleek mahogany desk, his expression one of mild curiosity as the detectives entered.

"Detectives," Allen greeted them, standing to shake their hands. "What can I do for you?"

Harper got straight to the point. "Mr. Allen , we have some questions regarding Sarah Thompson. We need you to come with us to the precinct for further questioning."

Allenr's demeanor shifted, a flicker of something unreadable crossing his face. "Sarah Thompson? What's this about?"

Lopez stepped in, her voice firm. "Sarah Thompson was found murdered two nights ago. We have reason to believe you may have information pertinent to our investigation."

Allen's eyes widened in genuine surprise, or so it seemed. "Murdered? I had no idea. This is… shocking. Of course, I'll cooperate. But I assure you, I had nothing to do with it."

Harper nodded, his tone measured. "We appreciate your cooperation. Let's head to the precinct and clear things up."


Back at the precinct, Carter was led to an interrogation room. Harper and Lopez stood outside the room, observing him through the one-way glass. Carter sat calmly, his hands folded on the table, a picture of composed confidence.

"Think he's hiding something?" Lopez asked.

Harper nodded. "He's too calm. Let's see if we can shake him."

They entered the room, taking seats across fromAllen. Harper began the questioning, his tone professional yet probing. "Mr.Allen, can you tell us about your relationship with Sarah Thompson?"

Allen sighed, leaning back in his chair. "Sarah was a valued employee. She was diligent and hardworking. I was her manager, but we didn't have much interaction beyond work-related matters."

Harper exchanged a glance with Lopez before continuing. "Did you know Sarah suspected someone at the firm of embezzling funds?"

Allen's composure wavered slightly. "Embezzling? No, I wasn't aware of any such suspicions. That's quite a serious accusation."

Lopez leaned forward, her eyes fixed on Allen. "Sarah confided in a friend that she suspected you, Mr.Allen. She was gathering evidence."

Allen's face hardened, a flicker of defensiveness in his eyes. "That's preposterous. I've been with the company for years. I've never done anything illegal."

Harper pushed a file across the table, opening it to reveal the forensic report and lied straight through his teeth. "Your fingerprints were found on the murder weapon, Mr. Carter. How do you explain that?"

Allen's face went pale, his composure cracking. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. Harper and Lopez watched as the realization of his predicament sank in.

"I… I don't know how that's possible," Allen Stammered. "I've never seen that knife before in my life."

Lopez's voice was cold and steady. "The evidence suggests otherwise. We need you to tell us everything you know about Sarah's investigation and your involvement."

Allen's eyes darted between the detectives, panic setting in. "Okay, okay. I admit, there were some financial discrepancies. But I had nothing to do with her murder. I swear!"

Harper's eyes narrowed. "Tell us about the discrepancies."

Allen took a deep breath, his hands trembling. "There were some irregularities in the accounts. I noticed them a few months ago. I didn't report them because… well, I thought I could handle it internally. Maybe get a bonus for saving the company money."

"And Sarah found out?" Harper pressed.

Allen nodded miserably. "Yes. She was smart, figured it out pretty quickly. She confronted me about it. I told her I'd look into it, but she didn't trust me. I didn't kill her, Detective. I didn't."

Harper and Lopez exchanged a look. The pieces were falling into place, but there were still gaps to fill.

"Who else knew about the discrepancies?" Lopez asked.

Allen hesitated. "There was one other person—Michael Larson. He's a journalist. Sarah might have told him about it."

Lopez stood, signaling the end of the interrogation. "Thank you, Mr. Allen. We'll verify your story."

As they left the room, Harper's phone buzzed. It was a message from Marcus asking them to meet him.

Harper showed the message to Lopez. "Looks like we're dealing with more than just one suspect."

Lopez nodded, her eyes darkening with resolve. "Let's dig deeper. Someone wanted Sarah silenced, and they're still out there."

As they prepared to follow up on the new lead, the stakes felt higher than ever. The web of deception was growing more complex, but Harper was determined to untangle it and bring Sarah's killer to justice.