Anything else you want

"Xiao Zheng, why are you going?"

Downstairs, Zheng Qian met the director Li Tao.

"It's all right, Tao."

"How about a drink tonight?" Li Tao is Zheng Qian's master, is his guide, in the company a cover Zheng Qian, two people have a good relationship.

"Uh... I'm a little busy. I have an appointment." Zheng Qian pointed to Qin Xueli who had already stepped out of the door first.

Li Tao smiled, said nothing, just nodded: "OK, then you go."

After Zheng Qian went out, he wanted to try the system first, so he went to a nearby milk tea shop and bought two cups of Nai snow, a cup for Qin Xueli and a cup for her friend.

[ Cost 74 yuan, system cash back 740 yuan, has arrived. ]

Ding, Zheng Qian suddenly received such a message on his mobile phone.

Then there's no problem!

"Here, a drink for you." Zheng Qian handed the drink to Qin Xueli, "This cup is for your bestie to buy, and then give her when she comes."

"She won't be here for a while, you drink first."


The two took a taxi to Joy City.

After scanning the code to pay the fare, Zheng Qian received a reminder from the system [cost 40 yuan, system cash back 400 yuan, which has been received.]

What a ride!

His monthly salary is 6,000 yuan, and in such a short time, he earned 1,140 yuan.

After getting off the bus, Qin Xueli walked to the gate of Joy City, holding the cup of Nai snow, and first took a photo.

MMHHHMMM... Standard Aquaman routine, friendzone photos don't show any signs of the opposite sex.

But Zheng Qian dont care, he came here, just put Qin Xueli as the money tool people, only Qin Xueli thought this was a date.

This time, she is on the first floor, and Zheng Qian is standing on the fifth floor.

"Let's go."

Joy City's customer groups are people among the masses, such as traditional luxury LV, BV, Balenciaga, and high-end trend purple label North, Desante, White Mountain, as well as European and American high-end brands Archaeopteryx, Matchstick and other brands.

Like Nike, Artie, doesn't even fit in.

Pick a piece from any of the above brands, and it will cost you ten thousand dollars.

In the eyes of Qin Xueli, Zheng Qian does not have this kind of consumption power, can please her to eat a meal here, it has been very good.

"Let's just stroll around first." Zheng Qian put forward.

"Oh, good." Qin Xueli also did not refuse, it is only about three o 'clock, far from the meal point is still early.

But her heart is some disdain, look at the light does not buy, there is no good shopping.

Qin Xueli eyes Zheng Qian, with her is not a passer-by, the reason why he came out to shop today, because the licking dog around her recently ran out of collective, empty out a lot of positions.

If Zheng Qian is willing to lick the dog when she, she does not mind and Zheng Qian some ambiguous, but only ambiguous.

As a female sea king, she must control the scale, do not refuse, do not take the initiative, do not take responsibility, is the most basic principle of all sea Kings.

It has to give a person a feeling that he is almost able to get it, as long as he feels that a little bit more effort, he can be a boyfriend and girlfriend.

So this shopping today, it's a date.

Zheng Qian since dare to take her to this place, is obviously a little money in the pocket, so Qin Xueli ready to test him.

"I just ran out of lipstick. Let's go to this store."

The two walk into a lipstick shop.

This store is a Saint Laurent store, and a set of lipstick costs more than one thousand yuan.

A gift of one thousand yuan can only be considered a very ordinary gift for Qin Xueli.

She hasn't received a gift under $1,000 since college.

If Zheng Qian is not willing to spend even a thousand pieces on her, then there is no need to develop, eat a meal everyone first pick up and break up.

Qin Xueli picked out a set of lipstick and tried the color many times, conveying a clear signal to Zheng Qian.

Zheng Qian card is ready to pay the rent of two thousand yuan, plus the system has just returned more than one thousand, what is enough.

"Do you want to buy it? I'll take you."

"No, this year's colors are very ordinary, not as good as last year's."

Qin Xueli refused Zheng Qian, although she herself is a material girl, but if she first promised to come down, it also appears that she is too material.

Judging people by their appearance is not advisable, but who can avoid judging people by their appearance.

The sister of Saint Laurent counter, since two people entered the door, they noticed Zheng Qian, dressed in tattered, wearing a T-shirt without a brand, it is estimated that the online ten dollars to buy a small Nili or Hong Kong boy, this kind of people and Qin Xueli stand together, it is not good?

She has seen that Zheng Qian is just a licking dog boyfriend of others, or not very rich licking dog, so there is no hard to introduce in the side.

"Buy it if you like, how much can a lipstick cost?" Zheng Qian asked cabinet sister.

After Zheng Qian this sentence came out, cabinet sister is more sure of the idea in the heart, Zheng Qian not only no money, but also like to install force, what is a lipstick can have how much money? Don't you know what shop this is?

"Hello Sir, this is the new 1499 in our store this year."

"This color fits your girlfriend very well..." Bara Bara said a lot.

Like to pretend to be a bitch, then how to let you out a little blood, the cabinet sister is very recommended.

You can buy it, one set of more than 1,000 yuan, is not affordable.

If you don't buy it, you'll look stingy and lose face in front of your girlfriend.

Two roads. You pick one, boy.

Most people will choose the former, hit a swollen face filled with fat, can not lose face in front of a woman, but in this case, it is exactly in line with the cabinet sister's mind.

"Just over a thousand dollars? It's too cheap, Lily. This lipstick doesn't suit your temperament."

Too cheap?

Qin Xueli and cabinet sister are a little surprised.

In their view, Zheng Qian is trying to use too cheap as an excuse, and then do not buy.

Qin Xueli surprised because, she usually see Zheng Qian honest, how now put up?

It doesn't matter if she buys it or not, she doesn't lack this lipstick, she just wants to test Zheng Qian and herself.

"Sir, if you think it's too cheap, we have other models in our store, I'll show you..."

Cabinet sister with Zheng Qian more strength, she iron heart to let Zheng Qian down, lose face.

"You need no introduction."

"You, come and introduce me."

Zheng Qian pointed next to a look is the store's new, honest girl.

The girl pointed to herself: "Me?"

"Yes, that's you. Come here." "Zheng Qian shouted.

Like this counter, every set of things sold is counted as performance.

Zheng Qian now has some money in his hand, but he does not want to calculate the performance of the snob.

Xiao Liu is indeed a new person in the store, but because of the suppression of the old cabinet sister, only when the store is very busy, can receive a few guests.

"Xiao Liu, calling for you, introduce to our big customer." Cabinet sister naturally is not convinced, not her performance is not, with you can buy more expensive things like.

Xiao Liu went to Zheng Qian's side and introduced several sets of lipsticks in detail and patiently.

In the end, Zheng Qian chose a 3099.

"Lily, do you like this?"

"Not bad."

"Then I'll pay."

[ Cost 3099 yuan, system cash back 30990 yuan, has arrived. ]

After Zheng Qian received the system refund, he stood up and boldly asked:

"Lily, is there anything else you want?"