Red rose

"Em, we're here."

Qin Xueli to her boudoir Ai Qingyue waved, but also take the opportunity to break away from Zheng Qian hands.

After saying hello, there was no retracting.

Zheng Qian smiled and said nothing.

After introducing each other, Zheng Qian learned the girl's name.

Her name is Ai Qingyue, with Qin Xueli is a college classmate, is also a good friend.

He's not bad looking. He's not too low.

But on the side of Qin Xueli, it seems a little ordinary, there is no bright spot.

This is the secret of Sea King dating, always find a green leaf, to set off her red flower.

It's past six, almost seven, and it's getting dark.

Qin Xueli naturally is to find a bestie with, beware of Zheng Qian want to go further, what is wrong with her ideas.

Just in time for dinner.

Zheng Qian has not been to Joy City, from the mobile phone to see the business, and finally picked a store with a relatively high per capita consumption.

"Zheng Qian, this store is relatively expensive, are you sure?" Qin Xueli kindly remind a word.

She only came to this store once, and it cost $5,000 for two people, paid for by a licker before her, and she hasn't been back since.

"Yeah, it's okay."

After sitting down, Zheng Qian gave the menu to Qin Xueli, let her just point.

Make yourself at home?

Okay, well, since you have that, I'll just make it random.

Qin Xueli and Ai Qingyue pick and choose, on the menu to hit the right hook.

Of course, Qin Xueli or for Zheng Qian thought about it, the Ai Qingyue hook that several more expensive dishes to delete, roughly calculate, the price control in about nine thousand, no more than ten thousand.

Zheng Qian in the mall has spent more than 30,000 for her, do not know how much money in hand, also dare not point too expensive.

"We've chosen. Is there anything you want to eat?" Qin Xueli returned the menu to Zheng Qian.

Zheng Qian took a look at the menu and deleted the hook, which is to save money for themselves?

Price control is good, too. No more than 10,000, 9,000.

"Not drinking?" He took a look at the wine section, and casually a bottle would cost more than a thousand dollars.

"Well, no, just a couple of Cokes." Of course, Qin wouldn't order wine.

If Zheng Qian insisted on the point of wine, it does not matter, Ai Qingyue is to stop the knife for her.

"Ok, that's it. We'll order it later."

Common sense is that her best friend would never date someone like that.

Unless Zheng Qian has a lot of money.

Ai Qingyue noticed that Zheng Qian was carrying a lot of things in his hand.

What are these, more than 20 grand?

Now for a meal, another 10,000.

With that kind of money, I could order takeout a few times.

Looks like Qin Xueli got another one.

"Lily, how do you two know each other?" Ai Qingyue was curious.


Ai Qingyue a little envy, how Qin Xueli like a magnet, all around rich people? You're willing to spend that kind of money on her?

A good file man like Zheng Qian, she also wants.

But Ai Qingyue is very self-aware, know that he is just a Qin Xueli guard, usually she did not participate in such a bureau, so did not dare to Zheng Qian move what thoughts.

Zheng Qian also noticed that Ai Qingyue had changed his favorability.

From 10 o 'clock when we first met, it went up to 30, then down to 20.

After the food, Qin Xueli and Ai Qingyue click a clap, three people move chopsticks.

At the dinner table, we talked about some family stuff.

After dinner, Zheng Qian went to check out.

Ai Qingyue took this opportunity to ask Qin Xueli: "Lily, what is your relationship with him?" How come I've never seen it before?"

"Well, just as a friend, don't take it personally."

In Qin Xueli heart, Zheng Qian is just after breaking up the retaliatory consumption behavior, so she did not put it in mind.

Qin Xueli said ordinary friends, Ai Qingyue immediately understood, she received a licking dog.

[ Cost 9657 yuan, system cash back 96570 yuan, has arrived. ]

Another $100,000 in the bank.

This feels so good.

Zheng Qian finished the account, returned to his seat, looked at the time.

"It's only nine o 'clock."

Zheng Qian naturally will not easily let Qin Xueli go, not because he wants to do something, mainly the feeling of spending money to make money is too cool.

After thinking about it, he suddenly remembered a place of high consumption.


You know, in a bar, you order a drink, you know, tens of thousands of dollars.

"Shall we go to the bar?"

As a rule of thumb, you eat, you send home, and the day is over.

But Zheng Qian suddenly proposed to go to the bar, let Qin Xueli increased the preparedness of Zheng Qian.

[ Favorability rating - 5]

Ai Qingyue took a look at Qin Xueli, seemingly did not want to go, and said: "No, I have to work tomorrow."

Qin Xueli called her to do this.

"Isn't tomorrow Sunday, and I have to work overtime?"

"Well, you have to."

"Mainly, I've been under a lot of stress recently, so I wanted to vent."

"I can't."

"You can ask some of your friends to come with you. It won't be too late."

Shopping to eat what, two people can still cope, but went to the bar, a few glasses of liquor, can not say, so Qin Xueli refused to go to the bar.

Before Zheng Qian said that he just broke up today, and it is normal to want to vent, not like a fake.

Also, if you can call a few people together, it will be a completely different nature.

"Then I'll ask if anyone's with me."

A few minutes later, Qin Xueli said she had an appointment with her two younger sisters: "Which bar to go to, they said the first to pick up and wait."

Zheng Qian thought for a moment: "Red rose."

"Good," said Hermione.

Three people came to the red rose by taxi.

[ Cost 60 yuan, system cash back 600 yuan, has arrived. ]

At the door of the red rose, there were already two hot, cool girls waiting.

Shin Shin and Angela, respectively.

When I introduced myself, I did not say my full name, and there was an English name.

Shin Shin is the kind with thinner legs and whiter, but average looking.

Angela's features are more delicate, wearing black silk, very sexy, but the face makeup is very thick, a look is often mixed in nightclubs, bars such night.

West girl standing together, Qin Xueli appears more pure.

The two greeted Zheng Qian very politely and warmly.

"Lily, your boyfriend is so handsome!"

"Yeah, a standard handsome guy."


Dressed like this, even Lao Wu they can't think handsome.

What hypocrisy.

Two people mistakenly think that Zheng Qian is Qin Xueli's boyfriend.

In this regard, Qin Xueli a non-committable attitude, neither admit nor deny.

However, Xin Xin and Angela did not expect that Zheng Qian could have a high consumption in the red rose, and how expensive the wine was.

I mean, I don't have a lot of money because I'm dressed in rags.

Otherwise, Qin Xueli can also call them to introduce them?

Zheng Qian was already hidden away.

If the previous Zheng Qian, did not dare to come to such a place, to participate in this kind of wine.

The Red Rose is one of the most expensive bars in Ye North, and with a beautiful woman in the West, it is impossible to end without draining his wallet.

But now there is a system of blessings, Zheng Qian is not afraid of anything, anyway, spend more, earn more.

You may have gained, but I definitely didn't lose.

With this in mind, Zheng Qian entered the bar.

Loud blasting music, colorful lights overhead, a classic bar atmosphere.

Soon a sales manager came up: "Good evening, please locate the child?"

Zheng Qian shook his head.

"Are you five? Do you want a booth or a table?"

He rarely encountered such a combination of guests.

Is this a rich man's game, or a rich woman's game?

Either way, it's not normal. West girl and boy...

Open the booth is more expensive than Santai, Zheng Qian natural selection booth.

Hear Zheng Qian answer, sales will understand, this is his bureau.

"Ok, you come with me, there is the lowest cost."

When you sit down, you naturally order wine.

"Brother, what would you like us to drink?" Sales of other girls naturally will not ask, and not their money, the first to ask Zheng Qian.

"Any recommendations?"

Sales can see that Zheng Qian should be the first time to come, but from his dress, definitely not what rich handsome, should be these women as a Kaizi.

As a male compatriot, sales naturally have to take care of Zheng Qian.

"If I may recommend, Sunrise, Whiskey Sour, Margarita..."

Sales are a little conscientious, recommended are relatively cheap wine, in case Zheng Qian will not be killed too much.

"And the ace of spades?"

The Westerners looked at each other, and Zheng Qian really came to the bar for the first time.

The salesman patiently explained to Zheng Qian in detail what the ace of Spades is and the dragon Suit.

"A of spades gold, pink gold, violet, white gold, green gold."

"88888 with black gold, 78888 without black gold."

"Three bottles of ace of spades are called the Little Dragon, and five or six bottles are called the Great Dragon."

"Let's start with a big dragon, with black and gold."

"Swipe your card."