You can try without money

"Oh, well, no wonder."

"You're such a good person to buy Lily so many gifts and not even buy yourself a dress."

"Lily, meet such a man, you should cherish it!"

Although these words seem to be in let Qin Xueli cherish, but Xin Xin and Angela said very strange, said all ironic.

Qin Xueli is in a hurry.

You're here to help her drink, and now you're gonna kill her?

Do you have a best friend like that?

Sure enough, my girlfriends are made of plastic.

If you see a good man, you don't care about girlfriends.

It's not an open robbery now, but it's no different.

Qin Xueli in shopping, also said to Zheng Qian, bought so many things for her, she is very embarrassed, ready to buy a decent clothes for Zheng Qian, but Zheng Qian dont, very firmly refused her, how can she do?

Not on the pole. That wouldn't be good.

And now, they're using it against her army.

"Gee, I don't have any dress code."

"Besides, Lily said she was going to buy me a suit, and though they're shabby, they're very comfortable."

"Lily, would you like to jump up with me for a while?"

Zheng Qian can not see, this Xin Xin and Angela is how an idea.

However, Zheng Qian did not have any good impression on these two people, and took the initiative to help Qin Xueli rescue.

[ Favorability +10]

Qin Xueli's affection for him, immediately jumped up 10 points.

"Good," said Hermione. The two got up and hit the dance floor.

Qin Xueli although not often come, but to bars, nightclubs such as the number of times are also a lot, all kinds of bungee dance posture can not say skilled, but basically will.

But in front of Zheng Qian, she had to pretend to be a rare disco, not very skilled appearance.

"Well, is it still drinkable?" Zheng Qian, while learning to swing like others, asked.

If Qin Xueli can still drink, then let the sales on a set of big dragon.

"Well... If you don't enjoy yourself, I'll drink with you."

"Good," said Hermione.

Zheng Qian dare not dream, Qin Xueli will say such words to him.

In normal times, Qin Xueli is extremely high and cold girls, only rich and handsome, can thaw the frost on her face, such a diaosi like him, although not ignore it, but it is a passer-by level, in addition to work has no intersection.

Now she's like a nice little cat, saying that if she doesn't enjoy her drink, she'll drink it with her.

What does that mean?

Even if she can't drink enough, but in order to accompany themselves, also want to drink.

Is this the happiness of the rich?

If you were Zheng Qian before, you could not imagine it!

"I'm sweating. Go down and rest for a while."


When the two went back, Zheng Qian saw that there was a strange man sitting in the booth.

His eyebrows were neatly trimmed, his face was made up, and his cheekbones were raised to look a little handsome.

The man sat about the same distance from his original position, wine glass in hand, whispering to Angela, eyes blurred, if only they had been closer to the first kiss.

This made Zheng Qian very unhappy.

You're paralyzed, you don't even say hello, you drink my wine, you sit in my seat, you even hit on my girl, what do you mean?

Zheng Qian was a little angry.

Although he has no feelings for Angela, Angela is not his girl, but Zheng Qian ordered the booth, Zheng Qian bought the wine, Zheng Qian brought in the people.

That's a total disregard for him.

If a person doesn't take you seriously, they will do all kinds of offensive things to you.

In addition to that man, in fact, Zheng Qian himself also has a small part of the reason.

Even if he is rich now, he does not have the kind of momentum that can dominate his own arena.

So he decided to come on strong.

Qin Xueli also noticed the situation of Angela and the man in the booth.

She stole a look at Zheng Qian's face, wondering what he would do.

See, Zheng Qian just squinted eyes, face calm as water.

This surprised Qin.

On the booth, Xin Xin and Zheng Qian looked at each other and quickly pinched Angela's waist.

Angela also realized that something was wrong and quickly separated from the man.

At this time, Zheng Qian took Qin Xueli walked back.

"Who is this?" Zheng Qian asked.

"Ah, this is my friend, Chen Feiyu. I didn't expect to meet him here, so I pulled him over for a drink." Angela introduced Zheng Qian, and also defended a wave.

"This must be Zheng Shao. My name is Chen Feiyu." Chen Feiyu hurriedly got up from the booth, took the initiative to reduce posture and introduced himself to Zheng Qian.

After all, what he has just done is really something wrong, just do not know whether it has been seen by Zheng Qian, or a little humility is good.

"Then sit down, my friend." Zheng Qian returned to the head seat.

He called the salesman over: "Give me another set of small dragon."

After the card is swiped, there is no system cash back, after all, it is not for women to spend money.

Little dragon came up, no dry ice smoke, the music did not stop, only play three seconds of spotlight.

Qin Xueli is actually a bit surprised.

Anyone else would have cursed the man, cleaned him up, or sent him away.

Before in the company, Zheng Qian is an honest person, said to be submissive is not too much.

How can he have such courage and magnanimity?

Did not drive people, did not beat people, but returned to Chen Feiyu point a set of 38888 small Shenlong set.

Zheng Qian's performance in her view, particularly bright.

"Oh, I didn't expect Zheng Shao to think so highly of me, I must respect Zheng Shao."

Chen Feiyu raised a glass to Zheng Qian wine, even dry three cups.

'Did you come alone?

"Well, alone, just arrived."

"That's good. Sit down and drink with us."

"Zheng Shaowei ah! The younger brother will obey your order and rub shoulders with you."

Chen Feiyu is not next to anyone, sitting in the most marginal position.

He does not know what Zheng Qian is, how dare to offend.

But one thing Chen Feiyu knows, Zheng Qian must be richer than him.

Next, play dice.

After a few drinks, Zheng Qian asked: "Feiyu."


"What's your relationship with Angela?"

Chen Feiyu heart a tight, face slightly changed.

Angela frowned, too.

This question, more or less related to privacy, is a little offensive to ask such a question for the first time.

But Chen Feiyu did not dare not answer.

"Well... I used to work in short video operations, so I was kind of Angela's boss, and I hired her."

"Well..." Zheng Qian nodded thoughtfully.

Then Zheng Qian asked again.

"Did you ever cheat on Angela?"

If this sentence is equal, nine times out of ten, you will be beaten, or maybe you will be thrown a glass of wine in the face.

Everyone frowned, but no one dared get angry.

"No, Angela and I are just ordinary superiors and subordinates, although she is no longer under me, we are also normal friends, definitely not what Zheng Shaoyou imagined." Chen Feiyu quickly waved his hand and explained.

Zheng Qian can see from his expression that he is obviously lying, otherwise how can he answer for such a long time and still stutter.

"What about the other girls?"

"Neither..." Chen Feiyu was sweating heavily.

"Oh," he said.

Zheng Qian felt very happy.

This is so much better than having the security guard beat up Chen Feiyu.

At the wine table, there are men who do not drink, I let you drink, you have to drink.

At the dinner, I let my sister dance for me to help you, even if you are helpless and reluctant, you have to go hard to dance for me.

Offending others is also a manifestation of power.

If you don't have money, try it. You meet a grumpy guy, you turn on him, you pop a bottle in the head, it's normal.

These two people, now should be very hate Zheng Qian, but the face still have to smile on Zheng Qian, Zheng Qian held the glass, Chen Feiyu and Angela also have to smile with.

You don't have any money?