Be full of jealousy

"Hey, I'm talking to you."

Then the crowd came to their senses.

"Yes, Sister Jin can use it as she pleases. Few students come in the afternoon. Our classes are mostly in the evening."

They understood in their hearts that Jin Lu had really quit her gym job for this boy.

Jin Lu nodded with satisfaction when she heard this.

Zheng Qian looked silly on the side.

Jin Lu talked to them just like a big sister explaining things to her younger brother, and no one dared to contradict and interrupt.

"Are you Sister Jin's boyfriend? I'm Duan Qiran. Nice to meet you."

A male coach named Duan Qiran reached out to Zheng Qian.

His size is not as big as others, in this group of male coaches is a medium size, but Duan Qiran in the gym mainly takes students not for the purpose of fat reduction and muscle gain, free combat course is his business scope.

Duan Qiran had trained and played in the provincial Sanda team, winning the second place twice and the third place, but later left the team because of conflicts with the coach.

Just jumped to this small gym, in terms of treatment, salary, are not as good as the previous boxing gym.

I just want to know Jin Lu and see if I can develop with her. It would be best if we could become boyfriend and girlfriend.

Are you happy?

Zheng Qian may be a little clumsy, from Duan Qiran's face, he can not see the slightest happiness, and even a little hostile eyes.

He got it.

These people are all Jin Lu's suitors, they regard him as a rival in love.

"Zheng Qian." Zheng Qian also reached out to shake his hand.

This handshake, is Duan Qiran for Zheng Qian a test, found Zheng Qian palm light, but also touched Zheng Qian palm cocoon.

Cocoon is not often out of weight, but often knock out the keyboard.

Duan Qiran knew in his heart that this man was just a weak scholar, with no body size and no fighting experience.

"How sorry to take up your place, since you have no class in the afternoon, I will pack you all, and watch me practice beside me to avoid my injury."

Everyone looked at each other.

What the fuck is going on?

Private lessons are 300 hours, and those like Duan Qiran are 500 hours.

For the seven of them, it's about $3,000 an hour, not more in the afternoon, even if it's three hours, that's $10,000.

The fucking key, and they don't have to do anything, just watching Cheong Chien Lien?

Everyone immediately understood.

This boy looks ordinary, but with such money, he must be a rich second generation!

And not just the ordinary rich second generation, but the rich second generation who can win Jin Lu, how rich it must be.

Zheng Qian's strength has fully explained this problem.

"You... No need." Jin Lu looked slightly sideways. She knew Zheng Qian wanted to put down these people, but how many meals of meat could she buy for Zheng Qian to eat with the ten thousand yuan?

With her, who dares to bully Zheng Qian?

"It's okay, you can't just use someone's private parish and swipe your credit card." Zheng Qian took out a bank card.

His behavior seems to tell everyone: little master never take advantage, little master has plenty of money.

It's only $10,000. It's nothing.

Not even a fraction of his bank account.

A male coach took the bank card, ran to the front desk to brush for three hours, almost ten thousand dollars, and then the card back to Zheng Qian.

"Brother Qian, you stretch with Sister Jin first and do some warm-up exercises. I'll prepare towels for you."

"Brother Qian, I'll get you some water, do you want ice water or room temperature?"

"Brother Qian, I'll make you a cup of protein powder, quickly restore energy."

"You will practice what project, let me know, I will go ahead to help you clear people."

"Brother Qian..."

Several people became Zheng Qian's lapdogs in an instant.

Only Duan Qiran frowned.

What the fuck, you're so big. Are they all soft bones?

To act like a dog in front of a goddess and lose your face?

The crowd is not shameless, it is unnecessary.

He is Jin Lu's boyfriend now. They had little chance to get close to Jin Lu before, and now they have no chance.

Zheng Qian rich and bold package them an afternoon, what they do not need to do, must be good to serve ah!

If Zheng Qian looks on, think people are good, may not be able to make a fortune on this, do things under Zheng Qian.

Do harm to Jin Lu wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't.

Next, Zheng Qian began to do stretching exercises, Jin Lu personally helped him correct the movement, pull the ligament.

After stretching, start working on some simple machines.

Jin Lu's knowledge in this area is very strong, very professional guidance Zheng Qian.

Zheng Qian thought that Jin Lu was really strong. No wonder she could put her legs on her shoulders so easily.

As for the other male private coaches, the task is to hand towels and water to the side.

What is more, take the initiative to help Zheng Qian wipe sweat.

"Uh... I'll do it myself, and you can rest and stop following me."

Zheng Qian is a little sorry to have contracted them.

Because these people are so attentive...

Every change of equipment, they are like to follow behind him, constantly help him to cheer up, in the gym Jane is a beautiful scenery.

And now he offers to wipe his sweat.

Zheng Qian in this half a minute, has received do not know how many strange eyes, make him very embarrassed.

"Go, go, go and rest." Jin Lu also spoke.

At that moment, Duan Qiran came over.

He just watched, Jin Lu close to Zheng Qian in various poses, very patient, very gentle guide Zheng Qian to use the equipment.

No man has ever been treated like Jin Lu.

Duan Qiran's heart is not a taste, full of jealousy.

He had chased Jin Lu for so long, he had not even touched Jin Lu's hand, and he had never even heard of Zheng Qian before. It was too sad for him to bring him here today with such a close posture at first.

"Brother, are you interested in learning Sanda from me?" Mr. Duan asked.

He wanted to learn the name of Sanda, a good lesson to Zheng Qian.

"Uh... No, I'm only interested in Muay Thai. I don't think so." Zheng Qian explicitly rejected Duan Qiran, he really has no interest in Sanda.

"Sanda and Muay Thai actually have a lot of similarities, why don't I take my brother to experience it first?"

"Duan Qiran, what do you want?"

Jin Lu saw Duan Qiran's real intention at a glance.

"Nothing... Just now, they handed me towels, handed me water, and wiped the sweat, and I let them do everything. I took his money, so I had to do something."

"If you have anything to say, don't be so funny." Jin Lu was too lazy to deal with him.

"Shuangshuang, I don't think he deserves you, why did you choose him as your boyfriend?" Is it because he's rich?"

"Don't call me Shuangshuang, you don't deserve to."

When Jin Lu heard Duan Qiran's words, her whole body was filled with murder. She pulled Duan Qiran's clothes and shoved him into the octagon cage.

In front of so many people, saying such things, not to her embarrassment, but also to Zheng Qian embarrassment?

If she simply said that she was for money or something, Jin Lu would not bother to quarrel with him.

Today is she brought Zheng Qian to the gym, Zheng Qian fell face here, she must help Zheng Qian find the field.

"Do you want to fight? Then come and fight me."